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Questions from a New Hero

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Re: Questions from a New Hero


OK. I'm trying to figure out how to make a special arrow for Allura.


I want it to be a 3d6 Body / 3 DEF Entangle (A net envelopes the target hex). I would also like it to be Linked to a 2d6 DRAIN (STR) Delayed Return Rate (1 Hour). Maybe make it one of the slots in the new and improved Multipower.


Any ideas? (I can't make heads or tails out of The Book).

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Re: Questions from a New Hero


If you want it as a slot in the Multipower then both Powers are placed together in the same slot and the combined total Active Points cannot exceed the AP Total of the Slot.


If you don't need them in the MultiPower, just build them normally and add the Linked Limitation to the Drain and list them together.

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Re: Questions from a New Hero


Keep in mind that Active points are unaffected by any Limitations on a power.


You would be better off completely dedicating an arrow slot to a Drain and have a separate Entangle arrow slot. Might even make for a good one-two combo with Rapid Fire.

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  • 3 months later...

Re: Questions from a New Hero


Sorry for the delay in posting, but I've gotten caught up in reading the "Quote of the Week from my gaming group" thread. It's an excellent read.


Now then, let's shelve Allura for a moment.


I'm thinking (uh-oh!) that a brick is probably the easiest toon to create (Am I wrong?), so instead of building Allura, I should start small and then work my way up.


If all a brick does is smash things with his fists (which is what my toon will do), do I just buy a HTH attack, say 4d6 . . . or do I need to buy a 1d6, a 2d6, a 3d6, etc . . .


One of the punches will be Armor Piercing (probably the biggest one).


Thoughts? Again, I apologize for the lengthy delay, but that thread is hysterical! :lol:

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Re: Questions from a New Hero


"Brick" being the easiest - yes and no. They can be the most straight forward as a Vanilla Type : STR + Defenses.


Just buy the largest HtH Attack you want to perform - you can always use it at less than full power.


If you want to buy a variety of Punches purchase each one with the appropriate Advantage. Placing them in a Multipower Pool may be appropriate.

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Re: Questions from a New Hero


In the proposed character for Allura (see previous page), she had a MP. Here are a couple of the slots:


e. Foot Stomp: HA +3d6, Personal Immunity, Explosion, Selective Target, HTH Attack

f. Thunderclap: Flash Attack 4d6, AOE Non-selective (3" Cone), Gestures (Requires Both Hands), Does not work against Desolids.



Are these built properly? If they are, I will definitely include Foot Stomp, and will probably include Thunderclap with my practice toon. (With the Thunderclap, I would probably have to state 'vs. Hearing'.)

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Re: Questions from a New Hero


I know for a fact that I want at least one level of Hardened rPD and rED for Allura. Even in real life, street punks are armed with AP bullets. The question is how many levels do I really need for a starting toon? I mean, even the most heartless GM wouldn't throw a brand new toon against Doc Destroyer!


Or would he . . . ? :sneaky:


If you're doing "Toon Hero" - a game centered around Toons, like the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit - you probably won't meet Dr. Destroyer in any case.


If you want to play that, and you can get a role playing game called "Toon" I highly recommend it. That is one style of play where I might suggest a different rules set than Hero, because I think Toon does toons very well. At the least, it should be good for some inspiration.


If you're playing in a more "normal" game - like a straight super hero, comic book type game of Champions - and want your character to be a toon, you should look for powers that simulate the abilities of a "toon." For example, some serious Regeneration with Resurrection, to simulate a toon's ability to be crushed, burned, or otherwise totally destroyed and still come back. Technically there should be something that stops Resurrection from working; that can be "dip" if you're playing in the Roger Rabbit universe, otherwise talk it over with whoever's running the game. Also, consider putting a Limitation on many of your powers: Only If It's Funny.


Lucius Alexander


Riding a palindromedary to Toontown and back

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Re: Questions from a New Hero


10 Points Life Support: Immunity All Toxins/Poisons


Physical Limitation: Fruit Juice Gets Her Drunk (Infrequently, Slightly) 5pts


Sorry I'm late.


*dusts off bits of goblinoid* Yech. Anyway. You titled this wrong, g-a; clearly, this physical limitation is called Cheap Date. :D

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Re: Questions from a New Hero


Sorry I'm late.


*dusts off bits of goblinoid* Yech. Anyway. You titled this wrong, g-a; clearly, this physical limitation is called Cheap Date. :D


That's cute, Thia. Welcome to the thread! :thumbup: (But you have to remember that Allura is of another species. Her naughty bits might not be where you expect them to be, and therefore, might send some poor slob home with a royal case of his testicles turning color to a purplish-blue.)



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  • 3 months later...

Re: Questions from a New Hero


Whoops! Has it been that long since I posted? Yikes! Sorry about that!


The Brick that I'm creating (just defenses and attacks) is progressing along at a snail's pace. It's about as vanilla as it gets. I'd like to top my vanilla with a few chocolate sprinkles, and have my Brick have a car.


Question: Would having to fill the gas tank and perform regular maintenance on the vehicle from time to time be a Limitation or a Vehicle's Disadvantage?

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Re: Questions from a New Hero


Are there any other 'Standard' Disads that all Vehicles have?


i.e. 'Only on Appropriate terrain', etc . . .


CBM (Clumsy but mobile-1/2) used to be a fav for equipment installed....for a "super" vehicle Distinc looks, for comedy Unluck ("To the snailmobile!" "Um...where are the tires?")


Only on roads/smooth surfaces, Rep: The Snailcar!....you know, whatever....but it has to make sense for a car/vehicle....if you have the books a very nice supercar can be had for around 26 pts....

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