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Can this be done legally?


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I want to build a character who has persistent Shape Shift except that she has to use End to change shape. The idea is that she uses an End Battery to change and can't change again until the End Battery is recharged. She doesn't change back, even if she's knocked unconscious. In addition, she can remain in a shape until she chooses to change her shape.


According to the book, you can't buy Persistent unless the power doesn't cost End. I was wondering if I missed something before I go 'illegal'.


Assuming I have to do it 'illegally', I'm thinking of using: Shape Shift, 0 End, Persistent, Cost End to activate (-1/4). Would this be correct?



MistWing SilverTail

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Re: Can this be done legally?


Some GMs and rules lawyers might have a problem with it. But by and large I think you can get away with this one based on special effect.


Talk to the GM. If he doesn't like this solution, ask him how he would like you to do it.

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Re: Can this be done legally?


One "completly legal" method would be to use 0 End with Persistent and take a Side Effect: Drain vs. END.


The main drawback to this method is that it would have a higher Active Cost than the other suggested methods (which I like and agree with).




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Re: Can this be done legally?


I'd go with 0 end persistant

then give it a 1/4 limitation on how long it needs to rechargefor up to a day

the a 1/2 for longer periods

unless the character's secret Id comes into play where they need to be seen often

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