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Super Transportation

SSgt Baloo

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Re: Super Transportation




This is pretty close to what Tex Jones (the Character) flew during the first couple of years of his adventuring career. The powerplants were an extremely compact form of internal combustion motor driving ducted fans. The flaps were an "Upper Surface Blown" system whereby the exhaust from the fans was directed over the top of the wings, and the flaps would direct the airflow in such a way as to convert a lot of the engine power into lift.


A modern example of this type was the XC-16 (of which I will post pictures when I can find some. No luck thus far,:P)

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Re: Super Transportation


One more today:




I always thought the XP-67 would make a nice-looking jet. The outer wing segments (outboard of the engine nacelles) always struck me as looking smallish, so I made them bigger and gave them the same leading edge as the Batplane (above) and large leading edge extensible slats.

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Re: Super Transportation


Inspired by the Nazi Flying Saucer thread, I decided to crank out my own WWII-era flying disk. This one's powered by two jet engines which provide some of the thrust but also power the [insert crazy-sounding antigravity device name here]. I usually do most of the work with MS Paint, then do the "heavy lifting" with GIMP.


Here's the base version if anyone wants to try adding appropriate insignia.



Here's the "Camouflage" version.



The camouflage I used:



I used an aerial view of German forest to make the camo by blurring it several different ways then "posterizing" it. I have no clear idea how I did this, so if anyone is familiar with GIMP any advice is welcome.

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Re: Super Transportation


Here's a couple more:






The Nazi Notjäger (Emergency "Hunter") program was a response to the possibility that the Allies might field large numbers of fast jets and ducted fan aircraft should the Americans enter the war. Several proposals were submitted for approval, with two reaching limited production. The high priority given to the development and production of jet-propelled aircraft by all sides in the war is thought to have originated with Tex Jone's advanced projects and their increasing acceptance in the otherwise conservative American aviation industry.

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Re: Super Transportation


Three more:




The above plane is a "rewrite" of the pencil-and-paper AE-24 (KP-44 Gladius, XA-37 Mace). The one below is the Jet-propelled version I was going to draw, but never did till now.




The AE-29 is a fictional competitor to Howard Hughes' H-4 flying boat. Originally, I started out with a stretched Martin Mars with made-up dimensions, but when I calculated wingspan at over 640 feet I scaled back to about half that big, and still wound up inches larger than the H-4 in every dimension except height. It's powered by eight ducted fans in the wing roots.



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Re: Super Transportation


Taking SSgt Baloo's new design from here http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1644513&postcount=17


and combining it with the flying pig that I had imagined here http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1652946&postcount=40


has yielded the final design for the Hippogriff...



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Re: Super Transportation


On December 7, 1941, an ad hoc team of superheroes united to defend the U.S. from Fifth Columnists, axis agents, and the like. The Team inventor created the Aquaplane, an Amphibious air vehicle capable of operating underwater for several hours at a time.


Propulsion is provided by Magnetohydrodynamic coils buried in the wing, powered by a compact but powerful Van de Graaff generator.



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