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Delayed Missile Reflection

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I would like to make a character who can Missile Reflect an attack in a phase after he was hit with it. How would you build this? Can it be done with Missile Deflection and Reflection? Would the Delayed Effect or Trigger Advantages be relevant here?


The special effect is that the character can absorb a ranged attack into his body and re-direct it at a target later. I am trying to avoid a Framework monstrosity whereby I get hit with an attack and have to build an equivalent attack so that I can use it. I simply want to store attacks that hit me for later. Thanks in advance for advice.

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Re: Delayed Missile Reflection


I've generally done this as Reflect with Delayed Effect, as you proprose. It can be quite nasty when you save them all up.


Phase 3: Reflect, Delayed until 12.

Phase 6: Reflect again, still Delayed until 12.

Phase 9: Once again

Phase 12: Unleash all the attacks I've absorbed, all at once, at THAT GUY!

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Re: Delayed Missile Reflection


Thanks for the input. Delayed Effect would certainly be easiest. :thumbup:

As far as unleashing multiple stored powers at once, I'm sure my GM would count that as a Multiple Power Attack, which he frowns upon (frown = imposes the sweep/ rapid fire rules option in the book). :ugly:

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Re: Delayed Missile Reflection


What are the sfx? Absorb the attack and release it later, something like that?


Personally I would not be happy with a delayed missile reflection although it might fit the bill. It just feels like stretching the power all out of shape. Normally you have limits on how useful the reflection is: you might be standing in a place where you can't see the enemy you'd REALLY like to hit with it, and allowing this construct therefore circumvents many of the problems that limit the utility of reflection. Whilst an advantaged power should eb more useful than a non-advantaged oneI'm really not sure that this is what delayed effect is for - it seems to do far more (potentially) than setting a fuse on the power.


Maybe absorbtion to an END Reserve powering a variable sfx EB? Actually that is another bugbear of mine - why should I pay for an END Reserve to limit a power? Buy a variable sfx EB and limit it that it can only be used to simulate the last (8) attacks that hit the character, to limit the sfx and the maximum effect:


Absorb, hold and release Energy Blast 12d6, Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; Last 8 attacks that hit character; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Maximum effect = DCs of attack that is being duplicated; -1/4)

75 Active 60 Real

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Re: Delayed Missile Reflection


What are the sfx? Absorb the attack and release it later' date=' something like that?[/quote']

Spot on.

Personally I would not be happy with a delayed missile reflection although it might fit the bill. It just feels like stretching the power all out of shape. Normally you have limits on how useful the reflection is: you might be standing in a place where you can't see the enemy you'd REALLY like to hit with it' date=' and allowing this construct therefore circumvents many of the problems that limit the utility of reflection. Whilst an advantaged power should eb more useful than a non-advantaged oneI'm really not sure that this is what delayed effect is for - it seems to do far more (potentially) than setting a fuse on the power.[/quote']

Unfortunatley, I agree which is what brought me here.

Maybe absorbtion to an END Reserve powering a variable sfx EB? Actually that is another bugbear of mine - why should I pay for an END Reserve to limit a power? Buy a variable sfx EB and limit it that it can only be used to simulate the last (8) attacks that hit the character' date=' to limit the sfx and the maximum effect:[/quote']

I was hoping to avoid the extra steps.

Absorb' date=' hold and release [/b']Energy Blast 12d6, Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; Last 8 attacks that hit character; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Maximum effect = DCs of attack that is being duplicated; -1/4)

75 Active 60 Real

It's a great build, and I thank you for your time.


A few other tidbits (I probably should have mentioned up front) regarding house rules and such. We use strict AP caps in our game so, unfortunately, a variable SFX attack will likely not be as stong as the one I was hit with. Not game breaking, but I was hoping for the counter attack to be equal in power. Also, if the GM throws more powerful attacks at me (say an 18 dice attack in our 15 dice game) then my counter attack becomes even less powerful compared to the original. Again, not game breaking but I would rather spend a valuable action on a full strength attack. Thanks again for the input. Is there another Advantage that might allow me to use Reflection in this manner, Trigger perhaps?

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Re: Delayed Missile Reflection


You don't NEED variable sfx as such. I'd allow your 'delay reflected' attacks to LOOK different without actually having any sfx results if you like (so it might LOOK like a fire attack but it does not trigger vulnerabilities etc), or even, given that you have no real control over the sfx, give you variable sfx for free. But that has to be a call for your GM, obviously.


The problem with missile reflection is that you are inserting an advantage (be it trigger or delay) part way through the power, but the problem with my build is that it only works with damaging attacks (I'd allow you to 'reflect' a killing attack, only it would come out like a normal attack) but not drains, flashes and such.


The only other way to do it would be a VPP, and that depends whether you include control cost in your strict AP limits.

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Re: Delayed Missile Reflection


Absorb' date=' hold and release [/b']Energy Blast 12d6, Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; Last 8 attacks that hit character; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Maximum effect = DCs of attack that is being duplicated; -1/4)

75 Active 60 Real


The problem with this build (as well as the limited AP DocSamson indicated) is that it provides no defence.


I would think more of a system where the character effectively has missile deflection and a secondary attack in a multipower (i would buy this as an AP attack rather than dictate powers or advantages or anything else). The player has no control over the multipower - it is missile deflection until an attack has been deflected and is then the attack power until it is used. I would charge the player END every phase that he holds the power, whether or not he uses it.


The player would be able to use the deflected power (up to its maximum AP) either as a single power or as an MPA with his main attack. At that point the multipower flicks back to missile deflection.


I'm at work so dont have the time to properly write this up but I think it would be an interesting construct even if it is not rules as written....




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Re: Delayed Missile Reflection


The problem with this build (as well as the limited AP DocSamson indicated) is that it provides no defence.


I would think more of a system where the character effectively has missile deflection and a secondary attack in a multipower (i would buy this as an AP attack rather than dictate powers or advantages or anything else). The player has no control over the multipower - it is missile deflection until an attack has been deflected and is then the attack power until it is used. I would charge the player END every phase that he holds the power, whether or not he uses it.


The player would be able to use the deflected power (up to its maximum AP) either as a single power or as an MPA with his main attack. At that point the multipower flicks back to missile deflection.


I'm at work so dont have the time to properly write this up but I think it would be an interesting construct even if it is not rules as written....





Good thinking (although it is actually going to cost moe buying it in a MP than buying it as seperate powers. Grr. So not worth putting it an MP unless you want to buy other slots too.



Multipower, 60-point reserve


1) Energy Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only to simulate the last 8 energy attacks deflected; -1/2)



2) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +1) (40 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Energy attacks only; -1)


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Re: Delayed Missile Reflection


Good thinking (although it is actually going to cost moe buying it in a MP than buying it as seperate powers. Grr. So not worth putting it an MP unless you want to buy other slots too.



Multipower, 60-point reserve


1) Energy Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only to simulate the last 8 energy attacks deflected; -1/2)



2) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +1) (40 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Energy attacks only; -1)



Well, I might allow the MP to be limited in that you cannot choose which slot to use - you have to alternate. So perhaps -1/4 or -1/2.


Makes a difference when the reserve is limited.




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