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Heroes from All Fifty States


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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Has anyone done anything for Pennsylvania yet? Being a son of the Keystone State, I've often thought about what sort of heroes we might get, though my ideas seem to fall rather short of many of the ones suggested here:


Keystone -- either an earth/stone powered brick or an earth manipulator. He should certainly be unmoveable when he puts his foot down, and personality-wise should be the glue holding a team together.


Furnace -- an old idea, another brick. He can transform himself into metal, is hard to hurt, and absorbs fire to make himself stronger (but cold hurts him). Basically an updated version of Joe Magarac.


Liberty Belle -- oh, come on now. Either sonic powers or 'Liberty/Freedom' powers courtesy of the Spirit of Liberty (which would make for another good thread, since I ran out of ideas very early on...).


Someone should have gotten empowered from the Kecksburg 'UFO' Crash AKA Pennsylvania's Roswell. Hey, aren't space aliens always leaving some of their uber-tech behind with random individuals in the comics?


The Experiment -- one of the sailors on the Eldridge during the infamous 'Philadelphia Experiment', now he can manipulate dimensional energies in a multitude of ways. His powers aren't always reliable, though, and there's always at least a piece of his body occupying another dimension (leaving him with a see-through look -- ugh!), though he personally thinks that the last 60+ years worth of changes are more startling than anything that's happened to him.


Does anyone have any better ideas?


Liberty Belle has been done by DC comics already, though I did a picture of her:



I like the idea of Joe Magarac., so even though Pennsylvania's post has been filled, I'll just do him for This Other Thread (Specific Post).

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Perhaps the people of Nebraska scared the politicians into taking him despite the fact his colors don't match the official state flag ;)


Given that one of those politicians was legendary Huskers coach Tom Osborne (US House of Representatives, 2001-2007), I doubt there would be much 'scaring' to be done.


As for my contributions to this whole thing, I have the following:


Captain Colorado Centennial (Colorado) - No real ideas for powers when I created the pic, though he sure has the look of a Superman knock-off. So, flying brick it is.


The Mountaineer (West Virginia) - A highly-trained normal (probably a veteran of the armed forces) with combat and outdoors skills.


Honeybee (Utah) - Shrinking energy projector who can also use her powers to heal.


Ms. Wyoming Bison (Wyoming) - Speedster/Mini-Brick. The first wingnut that calls her "Buffalo Gal" is going to get a mouthful of knuckles, delivered at high velocity.


Big Sky (Montana) - Superhuman strength, weather control, and wind powers. A thunderstorm on the Montana prairie is not a thing to be taken lightly.


Rushmore (South Dakota) - The strength of will of George Washington, the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson, the vigor of Theodore Roosevelt, and the courage of Abraham Lincoln, as well as the strength and swiftness of four men.


So that's six, and I feel pretty good about them. I don't know that I have enough of a connection to do any others. South Dakota was a stretch—I've never even been to the state, truthfully—but the story idea came to me, and I had to do it.


My fellow board members, I am amazed at everyone's contributions. This is some group we've got here.

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Hey' date=' I riffed off University of Wisconsin colors myself, cuz the state flag is uuuuggggly! Blue with an overly ornate seal? Bleech. :idjit:[/quote']





And I like cardinal & white over the other "official" colors of Wisconsin: green & gold. Not bad colors, perhaps, but I can only stand so much of them per year.



Maybe I can stay awake late enough tonight to write up Alison Gruenwald's/Miss Forward's background.



Love to hear it. I'd try something, but I'm much better at numbers than proper character backgrounds.

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Ms. Wyoming Bison (Wyoming) - Speedster/Mini-Brick. The first wingnut that calls her "Buffalo Gal" is going to get a mouthful of knuckles, delivered at high velocity.


Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight,

Come out tonight, come out tonight.

Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight

And dance by the light of the moon.


As I was walking down the street,

Down the street, down the street,

A pretty little gal I chanced to meet,

Oh, she was fair to see.


Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight,

Come out tonight, come out tonight.

Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight

And dance by the light of the moon.


I stopped her and we had a talk,

Had a talk, had a talk,

Her feet took up the whole sidewalk

And left no room for me.


Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight,

Come out tonight, come out tonight.

Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight

And dance by the light of the moon.


I asked her if she'd have a dance,

Have a dance, have a dance,

I thought that I might have a chance

To shake a foot with her.


Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight,

Come out tonight, come out tonight.

Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight

And dance by the light of the moon.


I danced with a gal with a hole in her stockin',

And her heel kept a-knockin', and her toes kept a-rockin'

I danced with a gal with a hole in her stockin'

And we danced by the light of the moon.


Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight,

Come out tonight, come out tonight.

Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight

And dance by the light of the moon.


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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


thanks for laughin at the joke, hermit, you never know around here.


I'm working on the Twins for OH and PA.


will post GA in a moment...


although its a bit sick, I had the burning spirit of Centralia. (click here)

maybe he could be the Dark Champion for PA.



Very cool!


And for some reason I love the idea of a mystic Pennsylvania-based villain called "King Coal", the living incarnation of rapacious and all-consuming greed.

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Liberty Belle has been done by DC comics already, though I did a picture of her:



I like the idea of Joe Magarac., so even though Pennsylvania's post has been filled, I'll just do him for This Other Thread (Specific Post).


Love the picture of Liberty Belle; she looks very much like a Dini/Timm version of the character.


And thanks for the Joe Magarac/Furnace picture too!



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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Oh what the heck, we could use a mentalist so...


From the "Empire State of the South" comes..well, the man known as Empire


Xix Klin Torvan sighed. Being able to use his powers after all this time was wonderful. Ever since he had arrived on this far flung planet, it had been like being gagged and blindfolded. Now, with this deal with the governor, he had finally gotten a legal (and as the human saw it, even ethical) way to use his powers upon those who were abusing the rights, freedom, and properties of others, at least in preventing the same.


What he did not like was the posing, posturing, and pretense he was going through to do it. He had a legal identity as a human, Zoltan Klein (He had picked the name himself only to discover it was NOT typical), created for him. Very well , that was probably for the best. He was hiding his alienness even in costume because the Governor wanted the people to think a 'native Georgian' (as if such a thing in Atlanta were now the norm) was their superhero. He had ended up dubbed 'Empire' after the state's nickname as 'Empire of the South' (Peach, he had assured them, was right out) and it did hint at his ability to read, influence, and even control minds.




But being forced to go to these social functions were he was put on display, pestered and bothered by self important people with delusions of grandeur and the luck to have fooled the rest of their species into going along with that delusion? Really, it was...annoying.


"So you really have MIND powers, eh?" Harvey Brinkerman, an odious little man with a bald head and an over priced suit continued to pump his arm up and down in the ritual human hand shake. "How about showing us something?"

By her husband's side, Harvey's wife fidgeted with embarrassment. A lovely being aesthetically, Torvan knew the criminals of his race would surely take advantage of her comparatively weak will.


Torvan, however, was not a criminal. Nor was he a bad guest, even if his host was an entire state in a balkanized world with conflicting political bodies. So despite how she caught his eye, he respected their custom of exclusive pairing and did not flirt.


Insults from her mate, however, was another matter, "You doubt me?" He arched a brow.


Harvey shrugged, "Oh, I'm sure you have some sort of hypnosis or something, but you must admit, at least the other heroes fly, or lift tanks, or something." the man patted him on the shoulder as if joshing, but Torvan knew a social power play when he saw one, "I mean, no one SEES your power. Seems kind of impotent to me."




"Bad Alien! Impolitic Alien!" The purple faced Assistant Governor ranted while Empire stood still and let him. The AG continued, "We do not, repeat NOT, have one of our major campaign contributers strip in the middle of a gala and sing 'I'm a little Tea Pot short and stout' while you inform his wife that he had an affair..."


"Point of order, I did more than inform, I let her share his memory of his last encounter with his mistress as evidence," Empire corrected.


"That's not any better!" The Assistant Governor put palm to his own face. An interesting gesture that, very human. "He was a contributer!"


"He's an ass. An insecure little man with entirely too much power and too little compassion for anything beyond his own needs. A hypocrite of the highest order, and he was using this administration as if it were an object to barter for rather than the people's chosen leaders," Torvan replied coolly. "Stand strong against him, and the governor can be appropriately offended by the scandals and corruption in the man's company."


"What, what scandals in the company?" The AG paused.


"I was in his mind, remember? I'm thorough. Brinkerman has been cheating on his tribute...excuse me, taxes, for over a decade, and his company is violating numerous safety codes. Begin an investigation, I'll tell you the best places to start. The governor will easily twist this into how no one, not even his contributers, are above the law, and how this administration values ethics and law over wealth. By the time you are done, Brinkerman will no longer have the power to hurt your own powerbase, and re-elections will be assured," the aliens words were matter of factly stated, almost pedantic, as if he were speaking to a student.


"That...that might work," The Assistant Governor realized."We'd need the information..."


"I'll have it 'Emailed' to you," Empire said, and straightened his outfit, "Now, excuse me. I have been invited to tea by the soon to be Ex Mrs Brinkerman."


"You.. you have?" The bureaucrat started.


"Yes, she appears to be grateful for my telling her, informs me she is in need of 'comfort', of my company, of course, I don't presume, " Empire answered before walking for the door with a smile, "Despite the fact I used no mental commands on her, somehow it seems she does have 'Georgia on her mind'" The door closed behind him, leaving the A.G. to get started on the many layered intrigues of rule.


Such intrigues were once common to the ex prince, but for now, he'd leave them to others when he could...even if they were less suited to it.



Oh that is awesome.

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


although its a bit sick' date=' I had the burning spirit of Centralia. (click here)

maybe he could be the Dark Champion for PA.



Well, as I mentioned in the Dark Champions from the 50 states thread, I'm thinking about putting up a page of all the pictures people come up with. Do you want this guy added to the menagerie? :)

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Did I miss the Texas hero? Granted' date=' I read through the posts fairly quick, but I didn't see him/her.[/quote']


The Texas Hero, Plasma Ranger, was posted bach in the A DC Animated-style HeroMachine thread before the current thread even existed. There are a couple of others who originated over there too, but I'm too lazy to look up the links at the moment. :D

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Here's an idea I had a long, long time ago, back when I was living in Missouri.


The murky water at the base of the Bagnell Dam (a dam on the Osage River, which creates the Lake of the Ozarks) is reputedly home to at least one monster catfish, said to have eyes the size of a man's head. With that Missouri tall-tale in mind, I present one of the stranger 'Heroes of the 50 States,' the piscine-human hybrid and Missouri hero, "Bagnell Catfish"!


QUOTE: The name's Catfish. Bagnell Catfish. Maybe I AM a Missouri monster, but don't call me MoMo!

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Well, here's a state no-one's done. I've never lived there, but the word-play was too obvious to ignore...



Trude Olafsson loved the water. Perhaps it was inherited from her fjord-side dwelling ancestors; perhaps not. Whichever---you couldn't keep her out of any of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes.


Which was too bad; she shouldn't have snuck past the yellow police tape and into the lake (pond, really) that lay beside Dr. Menace's abandoned secret headquarters.


What exactly had leaked out of the HQ no-one was ever sure. The effect on Trude was spectacular. She turned into water. She can hold a human shape if she wants, or just "flow". She can turn almost anything into water. She can teleport between any two open bodies of water. She doesn't mind cold (she hardly feels it). Lastly, she is much, much stronger, faster, and tougher than human.


She's happy; she's got a perfect excuse to stay in the lakes she loves, and the state of Minnesota is paying her to! Sure, there's crime fighting and supervillain stopping to be done, but she's cool with that.


Since she doesn't notice the cold, and has to do a lot of fast swimming, she naturally wears a tiny bikini. The fact she's gorgeous just means that fact is widely appreciated.


As a nod to Minnesota's nickname, and her own teleportation ability, she's taken on the name of:


Lady of the Lakes

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Georgia' date=' Ohio, and Pennsylvania are up. (HERE)


I tried to follow the description for OH and PA.

I took liberties with their masks and hats :D


So I see. Captain Buckeye isn't quite what I had in mind, but it works. As for Captain Keystone, lose the gold flares on his mask, and trade out the pentagon emblem for a proper keystone shape--




and you've got him perfect. Thank You. :thumbup:

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


I notice there is not yet a superhero for Illinois, so here's a humble suggestion--


As some of you may know, at the southernmost tip of the state, just across the river from Paducah, Kentucky, is the city of Metropolis.


And guess which hero lives in Metropolis? Why the bestest one of all, that's which hero!


You know the tune--now sing along with me--


"He Is The One--Krypton's Son--

"All Give Him A Hand--






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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Well, here's a state no-one's done. I've never lived there, but the word-play was too obvious to ignore...



Trude Olafsson loved the water. Perhaps it was inherited from her fjord-side dwelling ancestors; perhaps not. Whichever---you couldn't keep her out of any of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes.


Which was too bad; she shouldn't have snuck past the yellow police tape and into the lake (pond, really) that lay beside Dr. Menace's abandoned secret headquarters.


What exactly had leaked out of the HQ no-one was ever sure. The effect on Trude was spectacular. She turned into water. She can hold a human shape if she wants, or just "flow". She can turn almost anything into water. She can teleport between any two open bodies of water. She doesn't mind cold (she hardly feels it). Lastly, she is much, much stronger, faster, and tougher than human.


She's happy; she's got a perfect excuse to stay in the lakes she loves, and the state of Minnesota is paying her to! Sure, there's crime fighting and supervillain stopping to be done, but she's cool with that.


Since she doesn't notice the cold, and has to do a lot of fast swimming, she naturally wears a tiny bikini. The fact she's gorgeous just means that fact is widely appreciated.


As a nod to Minnesota's nickname, and her own teleportation ability, she's taken on the name of:


Lady of the Lakes

As I posted before why not call her:


Minnesota (concept)

How about a water-based heroine called Minnehaha ("waterfall"), Minneiska ("white water") or Minnetonka ("big water")?


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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


I notice there is not yet a superhero for Illinois, so here's a humble suggestion--


As some of you may know, at the southernmost tip of the state, just across the river from Paducah, Kentucky, is the city of Metropolis.


And guess which hero lives in Metropolis? Why the bestest one of all, that's which hero!


You know the tune--now sing along with me--


"He Is The One--Krypton's Son--

"All Give Him A Hand--






nice but since h'es trademarked by another company i don't think we can use him

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Here's an idea I had a long, long time ago, back when I was living in Missouri.


The murky water at the base of the Bagnell Dam (a dam on the Osage River, which creates the Lake of the Ozarks) is reputedly home to at least one monster catfish, said to have eyes the size of a man's head. With that Missouri tall-tale in mind, I present one of the stranger 'Heroes of the 50 States,' the piscine-human hybrid and Missouri hero, "Bagnell Catfish"!


QUOTE: The name's Catfish. Bagnell Catfish. Maybe I AM a Missouri monster, but don't call me MoMo!


MoMo? I love it! Obscure Cryptid Rep for you!


Hmm, I wonder if West Virginia's hero will be either Mothman or the Creature of Flatwoods?

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