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I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)

SSgt Baloo

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I think the most frequently recurring theme in my dreams is that I'm always surrounded by idiots.


I got in the pickup and reversed it out of the loading dock. It was so huge, and the suspension and transmission were so soft, that it felt very much like driving a large boat. I headed back up the road to meet up with my friend. As the road ran out, turning into a faint dirt track through the scrub, I noticed a tornado off to my right. I sped to where my friend was waiting--out in the middle of nowhere, no idea what he was doing there--and yelled at him to get in the truck, which he eventually did. The tornado was closing on us pretty fast, kicking up plenty of orange dust on the way, but it was small enough that we'd probably be safe in the truck. Just then I noticed a young woman outside the truck carrying a small toddler. There wasn't even time to roll the window down; all I could do was pound on the window and point. She saw the tornado, which was about fifty yards away, and turned and ran--without watching the tornado. Naturally it moved on an intercept course and ran right over her and the kid, who disappeared in the dust. As the tornado passed I leapt out of the truck to find them. The tornado had knocked them down, and the kid was crying, but they were all right.

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I remember very few of my dreams... years, maybe a decade passes between such. I think I developed that because when young (under age 11) I had recurrent nightmares, almost always ending up with me dead. (Sometimes the death was merely implied; other times I wasn't dead but everyone else but the monster that killed them was, and it was on its way to get me.) I don't remember ever having an unambiguously pleasant dream; even the strange have a nasty edge to them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dreamed last night that I was part of the Order of the Stick, and, yes, we were all stick figures just like in the comic. We were fighting a bunch of low-level monsters. They were small, green, and attacked in mass, but I don't know precisely what they were. Roy and I were fighting side-by-side while Elan sang to build up our courage. Haley was deadly with a bow. I didn't see any of the others.

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Several years ago, I had a dream about watching an episode of ST:TNG. The main characters were there, except for Picard. They weren't on the Enterprise; they were testing a new type of shuttle or Defiant-type ship. Notably, Geordie was in command; Riker was there as an observer. There was some kind of crisis, and everyone was crowded around the command chair, where Geordie was sitting. All they did was bicker. Riker would at times critique Geordie's decisions (not too kindly), and Geordie would shoot back a response, addressing Riker as "Captain." Eventually, Geordie was able to assert his position as the commander of the mission. I woke up before anything actually got resolved.

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  • 1 month later...

I had slain my enemy. Killed him, not murdered - he had it coming. He was a villain, a monster among men, and my revenge was overdue. My revenge was not a dish served cold, however. I cooked substantial portion of him into a meatloaf and ate him. This is unsettling as dreams go. The worst part: He was delicious. Best meatloaf I ever had.

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I had slain my enemy. Killed him, not murdered - he had it coming. He was a villain, a monster among men, and my revenge was overdue. My revenge was not a dish served cold, however. I cooked substantial portion of him into a meatloaf and ate him. This is unsettling as dreams go. The worst part: He was delicious. Best meatloaf I ever had.
Don't think I've ever eaten a meatloaf I liked.
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I had slain my enemy. Killed him, not murdered - he had it coming. He was a villain, a monster among men, and my revenge was overdue. My revenge was not a dish served cold, however. I cooked substantial portion of him into a meatloaf and ate him. This is unsettling as dreams go. The worst part: He was delicious. Best meatloaf I ever had.
Sometimes revenge is best served with a side-order of green beans and mashed potatoes.
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Just woke up and wanted to get this down before I forgot it.

i was reading a comic book from the inside. Lois Lane and Johnny Blaze were exlovers. They were talking after Lois had been rescued from a bad situation because she had read a letter to Johnny while he was in a coma. Johnny was gearing up to fight a bad guy named Smith. There was a blast and Lois fell off the building they were meeting on. Johnny goes ghost rider rides down the side of the building and catches her. They have a minute to survey the damage from the wheels before Johnny starts to ride off. The Hulk shows up to stop him. Lois talks the Hulk down and Johnny heads off to the fight.


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  • 2 months later...

There was a noise, someone in the house. I got up, went downstairs, and found the sliding glass door open a couple inches. I woke my wife, checked the kids, and searched the house. We couldn't find anything missing, the TV was there, the laptops, everything. There was one strange thing, though. My 7 year old had a drawer full of clothes, and my 2 year old had a drawer full of clothes, but why was there a drawer full of clothes for a five year old? And where did this bed come from?


I woke up sick to my stomach, and had to check that there wasn't a mysterious drawer of clothes or surplus bed, just to prove that I hadn't, somehow, had all memory of one of my kids wiped from my mind.


It probably came from this story, though I read it months ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dreamed I was with a group of people, all of whom were younger than me. Orcs were going to break into the room, and we were prepared to fight. Some people just weren't fighters, however, so we were going to put them in a smaller room with a large window. I was assigned to guard them and was given a few rifles and a grenade just in case I needed it. I made all the civilians lie on the floor to hide. The last thing I saw before the battle was the leader cocking his assault rifle and and saying he was ready for a fight. I thought it would be an easy battle since we had modern weapons and the orcs had swords and axes.


We heard the noise of the battle, including the orcs' grunts. At one point a redhead came to the window and handed me her weapon, telling me it was the Apocalypse. I knew my friends outside were dead, so I took aim with the assault rifle and shot the orc leader in the chest. It wounded him, but he was still up. I threw the grenade at the orcs, but the blast didn't kill them. I realized we were screwed.

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I had a couple of weird ones last night. In one of them, I was part of both GI Joe and COBRA. I was either playing both sides or acting as a spy. Hawk seemed to be suspicious of me, even though I was 3rd in command of the Joes, although I was ultimately on their side. I was worried about being discovered as a double agent. I was also 2nd in command in COBRA. Even Destro (whom I briefly saw in a gray pinstripe suit) admitted I outranked him, and he even called my mom to confirm it.


The other was pretty disturbing. In this one, I was part of Robin Hood's band of outlaws. We were captured by the Sheriff, who was going to throw us down a cliff. It wasn't a very high cliff, but it ended in a body of water. This punishment was really bad because there were flocks of birds and bats that would attack anyone who was thrown off the cliff while they were falling. Once the victim hit the water, swarms of eels would devour the victim. I was trying to figure out a way to escape when I woke up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Five minutes to impact. The sirens wailed in the background, an oppressive blare that heralded the end of the world. I strode into the living room, stuffing the last of my emergency supplies into a backpack. Not that it would matter, but it gave me something to do with the last few minutes of my life. A few people wandered around outside the front window, strangely unhurried, though undoubtedly they, like me, had nowhere to go anyway.


Time was up. I crouched between the sofa and the heavy wooden coffee table--the best I could do in this wooden house--and waited. I held a map in my hand that plotted the impacts. There was one, far away from where I was at. A moment of hope--maybe all the warheads would miss me, somehow. Another one on the map, closer. A pause, then a low rumbling outside as the shock from that one reached us. A concerned murmur from the people outside. My whole chest pounded; full adrenaline deployment. I wanted to run, or scream, or something, but all I could do was curl here fetally by the sofa and wait. A long pause. The cat walked up to me; stupid animal, I thought, aren't you supposed to know where the good hiding places are? I grabbed her and pulled her under myself, thinking that maybe she might survive this, if no one else.


A bright light outside the window--white flaring into an incomprehensible intensity. I felt the heat on my neck as I curled over the cat and yelled in terror. The damn siren was suddenly, eerily silent, replaced by the faint screaming of the people outside. The heat. The heat--

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  • 3 months later...

I had a dream about a vampire as well, and his friend was a woman who lived for generations, continually aging, dying, and being reborn. There was another woman, a Highlander-style immortal, who had a ghost contact (a man) only she could see and hear. They were all on a moving train, but not much occurred except for some dialogue.

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I had a dream about a vampire as well, and his friend was a woman who lived for generations, continually aging, dying, and being reborn. There was another woman, a Highlander-style immortal, who had a ghost contact (a man) only she could see and hear. They were all on a moving train, but not much occurred except for some dialogue.


I got you beat: Arthur showed up :winkgrin: .


Seriously, though? I lament the day we become creatively sterile.

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I dreamed last night that I was working at a job similar to what I do now, Only either I was utterly incompetent or nobody was willing to tell me anything about the very weird set of documents they wanted scanned. I asked people all over my large and very odd office but could never get anybody's attention. I woke up before my failure was punished.


I'd missed the previous day's work because my shoulder is giving me a lot of trouble (hopefully I'll get injections Monday and they will help) and maybe my subconscious was reminding me what I'd done to the functioning of the office. I hesitate to think what will happen to them when I go to Gamestorm in a couple of months.

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