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I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)

SSgt Baloo

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


Last night I dreamt I was on a Star Trek starship preparing for battle with the Borg. I didn't have any crew, so I transferred all control to a console near the center of the ship so if I was hit I might have that much extra protection. Just as the battle was about to begin, Lore transported aboard the ship intending to destroy it. I pointed out that if Lore was captured, the Borg would use him for parts, so he agreed to assist me in fighting against them. I was just waiting for the moment Lore would betray me, and I planned to eject (use my ejection seat) if things started to go wrong.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


Giant spaceships were landing all over the world and large godzilla-like (but much more slender) creatures came out of them. They were here to subjugate the Earth. By their thinking, their huge size would overawe us humans into capitulation.


They seemed to have conscious control over their size, such that officers grew larger than their subordinates before issuing commands, and a subordinate shrank when being disciplined by a superior to demonstrate submission.


They were so huge they didn't notice when I snuck aboard one of their vessels. I was looking for something that would help fight against them. I found a "thing" (I don't remember if it was a device or a potion of some sort) that would grant size-change powers to an Earth creature. I stole it and when I returned to base (by this time I was back in the military again) and administered some of the stuff to myself, and some to Garfield the cat. We went outside and grew larger than the aliens. They attempted to grow larger than us, but when they did, we surprised them by attacking them. Apparently, their idea of combat was posturing until someone was bigger than the other guy could get. Then the littler guy would capitulate.


Huge as they were, the giant creatures were terrified of us violent Earthlings, especially Garfield with his fangs and claws. They surrendered to us and the rest of the Aliens fled.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I dreamt I was in a grocery store, and there were sleeping crocodiles EVERYWHERE.

All the people had to be very careful not to wake them because we would be eaten. And not all of them were alseep...Some crocs would open their eyes check to see how close their victims were and pretend to be asleep. D*&% crocs!


The crocs were all over the aisles and you had to step over them on tiptoe. Some were in the shelves.


I could hear some lady being messily devoured one aisle over. And then a crocodile opened its eyes and lunged at me!

I woke up with a start!

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I dreamt I was looking in the mirror when I realized that my nose hair was actually growing back up into my head and was much longer than I thought it was. I grabbed some tweezers and carefully pulled it all back out until it was hanging freely from my nostrils and reached down to my collarbone. This was the real reason I'd been living with sinus problems for so long. I got a pair of scissors and trimmed it off. It was hard to cut through such a thick bundle of nose hair, but I managed. When I was done, I found I could breathe far easier than I had thought possible.



I guess they can't all be softcore porn.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


Over the weekend, I had a dream in which someone politely suggested that I should visit a barber.


So on monday I did.


I figure if my subconscious mind is telling me I need a haircut, who am I to argue?


Lucius Alexander


Now when the palindromedaries think I need a haricut, I sometimes ignore them.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I figure if my subconscious mind is telling me I need a haircut, who am I to argue?


My subconscious mind tells me lots of really creepy and bizarre things, so I tend to shove it back under the bed where it belongs and try to pretend it isn't there.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


my weird dreams usually involve floating perception/perspecive, I'll alternately be "in" the situation or watching it like on Television.


This one dealt with young shapechangers, a black teen and a pretty brunette white teen and we (I was mostly involved in this one and also a shapeshifter - plastic man like not mystique)


We went to a church where her mother and his grandmother attended and I played the piano...which is odd cause I don't know how.


We were followed by "government" agents who were lead by a guy (obviously a shape shifter himself) and we ran

turns out the mother, grandmother, and a few of others were shapeshifters and we had a big fight, where I punched out the agent's eyes but he laughed and informed me he didn't need them to see.


We ended up fooling him by all assuming the same forms (there were like seven of us) and eventually formed a combined form and defeated him...


before I woke up, we ended up on a beach .... doing quests (world of warcraft style) for fishmen called Oracles.

I need to slow down on the wow :)

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I discovered I had the ability to leap great distances, like 10-15 feet without even trying. So I'm hopping along, just having fun with my power, when I ran into some dogs who could talk. They told me (reluctantly) that they keep their talking completely secret, because they're afraid of being picked up for experimentation. I promised I would keep their secret, and they told me that there was an organization that could train people like me to use our powers. They said there was even a branch office nearby, disguised as a simple recruiting firm.


I thanked them and headed off, trying to discover more about what I could do. I learned that I could "sort of" fly -- if I jumped really far, I could slow my descent down considerably, almost like gliding, so my leaps would take me further and further. So I hopped my way to the office building where I was pretty sure the "recruiting office" was. It was a large, multi-national bank building, so I guessed the place I was looking for was in one of the upper floors -- but I didn't know the name of it! So I headed up to the second floor and was peering into office doors to see if I could guess. I saw a guy in the hall who looked like he worked there, so I stopped him and asked if he had worked here long. He said yes, 14 years. I asked if he knew of a company in this building that was a recruiting office, and he said no. But another fellow was walking up the hall and he stopped. "I know what you're looking for," he said. "It's on the third floor. I'm going up there myself, I'll take you."


Turns out, he worked there. His name was Matthew Schram, and he was one of the "recruiters". The first thing I noticed when I went into the office was that one of the people behind the receptionist's desk had little tiny devil horns, so I knew I was in the right place.


Matthew sat me down in his office and pulled out some paperwork. He started asking questions and filling it out. One of the questions was, "Did you notice what it is we do here when you came in?" I said yes, the receptionist pretty much gave it away. He told me that I'd be surprised at how many people don't notice things like that. I apologized for showing up for a job interview dressed in a t-shirt and sweat pants, but since I had just gotten the powers I didn't really have time to go home and get dressed. He laughed and said it was no big deal. "People in this line of work have some odd dress codes. Your clothes wouldn't even raise an eyebrow." I asked if he wanted to know what I could do, and he said, "Yes, but first I want to tell you what we do."


"Our company sponsors super-teams across the nation. You might think of us as sort of a professional sports league, with each city taking great civic pride in its team, and the smaller cities playing host to "farm teams." Our team here is one of those farm teams, but even so we're very proud of our people.


"Our teams don't compete against each other -- they "compete" against supervillains and natural disasters. Each member of our organization represents the best that humanity has to offer, so we're very selective about who we recruit. There's plenty of people with superpowers, but very few of them make the cut.


"Will you provide training?" I asked. "Because I only just got my powers, so I'm not completely sure how they work or what they do."


"Yes, of course, that's part of our mandate. Everyone who joins us goes through rigorous training so there's never any surprises in the field."


Just then, two people came in, looking rather the worse for wear. "Oh, you're back already," Matthew asked. "What happened?"


"It was a cluster-f***," one of them said. "We weren't expecting much resistance, but Doctor Satannus was there!"


"That's not good!" Matthew said. "Bill, follow me and watch. You might not still want to join after this."


He rushed out of the office and said to the receptionists, "Call everybody we've got, this is a grade-one emergency. Everyone, follow me."


One of the guys who had gotten beat asked, "Shouldn't we call one of the big teams?"


"No, we can handle this ourselves," he replied. I could see what he meant when he said that they take a lot of pride in their local team.


A bunch of people assembled and we all headed down the stairs to the basement. I was just effortlessly jumping down each flight of stairs. Matthew looked at me and said, "So that's what you do?"


I said, "That's one of the things I do. BUt if you want me to stop, I'll stop."


"No," he said. "It's fine. Gives me some idea of what you're capable of."


Down in the basement was a super childcare center (for superpowered children), a monitor room, and a teleport chamber. There was one child in the childcare room; he had sonic powers. We went past this area and into the monitor room. Matthew began explaining what was going on to the assembled heroes. "Doctor Satannus is back," he said. "We thought we had a fairly run-of-the-mill mad scientist in the area, but it turns out he's being backed by the Doctor."


"Why would Satannus do that?" Someone asked.


"Why does he do anything?" Matthew said. "Because he's pure evil. He isn't interested in money or fame or any of the other things that motivate normal people. He's Satan in human form. He does things because they're sure to cause widescale death, destruction, and misery. That's why it's crucial we get back in there and stop him, as soon as possible. He already knows we know he's here, so he'll be ready for us next time."


Matthew then assembled a team of the most experienced supers they had. He himself was going to lead the team (which was unusual because he said he was retired from the field). A handful of us were left behind to keep an eye on things here. We headed back up to the office, and one of the other supers (named "Supreme") told me, "Don't talk about your powers or the office when we're out in the halls. It's secret."


We were taking one of those little electric "mall cars" back up, but on our way, a group of us decided to stop at a little kiosk and get some ice cream. The rest of the group, in their own mall car, started bumping against the back of our car, trying to get us to move. They were just joking around, laughing and teasing us while pushing the little car forward. I grinned and put my foot on the ground to hold our car in place (and revealing another power -- great strength). Now no matter how hard they tried to push our car, I held it back with one foot.


Then it dawned on me that I shouldn't be showing off my powers in public. I apologized to Supreme, who shrugged it off. "Lots of people have powers," he said. "You'd be surprised at how many. It's just that we don't talk about the office in public. Still, it shows good judgement that you thought of that without anyone telling you."


And that's when I woke up.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


EMDR is tough, and it leads to a tough nights sleep, so I usually stay up until three or four on those nights. This week I went to sleep at ten.


The dream open with me waking up at the scene of messy car accident - at least three cars, at least four bodies, some subdivided into parts. The crash took place on a half completed bridge. My car is there, although I do not remember driving it, and there is no one else there who seems to me could have been driving my car. My car is at the epicenter of this disaster, unharmed. I call the police, and confess to around five or so counts of vehicular manslaughter. The police are baffled by my candor, but arrest me all the same. Later, at home, I am having second thoughts. Things aren't adding up. A grieving relative of one of the crash victims comes by with a gun and tries to kill me, while I explain that I'm not sure if I did it. I'm not sure if I'm to blame.


An obvious, uncomfortable dream. Next week I'm just staying up late.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I'm standing on the street talking to a friend. About gaming I think. A truck laden with chemicals comes by and douses me. Honestly, I think the tiny boxes say Whizkids or some miniature company. Anyway it's weird and I am then talking to my wife. When I notice my left arm is melting. Doesn't hurt but it looks very disturbing. Her mother tells me about warnings of a new contact poison being dumped nearby the town and suggests I go to her doctors (ex's mother is a psychologist) so Jenny is driving me. And I notice bright green splashes on my clothes all over. This is apparently where the poison splashed me. Now there's a hole in my left leg. And my right forearm. My flesh is kind of pink(on the inside) and I call the hospital telling them to expect me. Just as I notice HUGE patches of sickly green on my chest and legs.


No pain (but my arm and leg feel very weird right now) but I'm freaking out and telling the receptionist I'm afraid I'm going to die.

Then I wake up. It's 6 am and I am too weirded out to sleep. Gonna try again.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I was watching a documentary, like a movie playing in my mind. The documentary was about how humanity recovered from "the disaster" some sort of combination of nuclear and biological warfare. The first to recover were some Mormon colonies in Venezuela, so this part of the documentary was about how they grew food and fended off attacks, and managed to barely eke out a living until the weather improved and people started working together again and forming larger groups and more stable governments.


And the entire thing was in Spanish.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


was in an old film it seemed. Helping a young woman (we were dressed in 50's clothes) get her start. There was an older gentleman that she harbored feelings for but after helping her set up shop (she was a fashion designer of some sort) he kind of disappeared and I was helping her. Time was passing pretty quickly, it was very much like an older movie. We grew close and before I woke we were (along with a few of the other 'locals' at our favorite watering hole and, oddly enough my mom and step-father) remodeling our home. I was messing things up and getting more and more frustrated and finally I ran off, just as I left the building my alarm went off.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I have a dream about a haircut, and I'm happy enough to go to the barber.


But I have a dream about psychotherapy and I'm much more reluctant to think my subconscious knows what it's talking about.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says don't listen to your subconscious if it's suggesting you need therapy - that's just crazy talk

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I have a dream about a haircut, and I'm happy enough to go to the barber.


But I have a dream about psychotherapy and I'm much more reluctant to think my subconscious knows what it's talking about.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says don't listen to your subconscious if it's suggesting you need therapy - that's just crazy talk

Listen, dude, you talk to and post about a non-existent type of dromedary. You *Do* need help.



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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


Listen, dude, you talk to and post about a non-existent type of dromedary. You *Do* need help.




And in the same dream, I'm looking for my car in a parking lot and a parking garage and keep finding cars that look like it, but aren't it.


Thing is, I'm looking for my last car. My subconscious doesn't yet have the memo that I've got a different car now.


Lucius Alexander


I still have the same old palindromedaries. I've also got different new palindromedaries.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


And in the same dream, I'm looking for my car in a parking lot and a parking garage and keep finding cars that look like it, but aren't it.


Thing is, I'm looking for my last car. My subconscious doesn't yet have the memo that I've got a different car now.


Lucius Alexander


I still have the same old palindromedaries. I've also got different new palindromedaries.

Maybe you miss your last car?

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


Maybe you miss your last car?


I miss THIS car. The *#@!! 1/0! thing's in the shop already!!


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says I jinxed it by wanting to name it "John Lemon." When I get it back, the name will definitely be "Ransom Barrel."

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


The airport terminal was ugly, a study in sterile white geometric '50s Bauhaus architecture. Fortunately, we wouldn't be here long. We were going to Afghanistan, and we were running late.


Everything about this trip was last minute--so last minute that the company hadn't even given me a chance to pack. I was going halfway around the world with nothing but what I was wearing, which fortunately was a comfortable shirt, jeans, and boots. My coworker had had a little more chance to prepare, but not much. He didn't have any luggage either.


I didn't remember going through security but it must have been a breeze. We strode up to the desk at the gate to get our seat assignments. My coworker was of Arabic descent like the gate staff, so I let him take the lead. I didn't speak Arabic but the discussion got pretty heated as they discussed a printed-out seat map. Finally they all seemed to settle on a solution, and the staff colored in a couple of the seats with a blue crayon. I looked out the window and noticed that while they were arguing, we'd somehow gotten on the plane, which was taking off at that moment.


My coworker and I walked to the back of the plane and got off at our destination, which turned out to be a shopping mall. Now that we'd made it to Afghanistan there was less urgency to our trip, so I took a moment to duck into a clothing shop. I wanted to blend in with the locals and jeans weren't going to cut it. As I browsed, I noticed a robed figure in the store who seemed to be stalking me with a bow and arrow. I tried to move to put some of the clothes racks between us, but before I knew it, there was an arrow lodged in a mannequin behind me--it had missed me by inches.


Enraged, I walked up to the shooter. It turned out to be a young girl in a blue burka. I snatched the weapons away and yelled at her for a few minutes in English, which I knew was probably ineffective. She fled. I looked at the weapons she'd left behind. The bow had turned into a rhinestone-encrusted figurine of a snake. I stuffed it and the arrow into my pocket.


I'd lost my coworker by this point so I had to catch up. I walked out of the mall, down a sidewalk with grass growing out of the cracks, and turned right down a narrow paved road. Shortly I came to another ugly building, this one a plain rectangular reinforced-concrete structure. I walked in past a row of elevators, the old kind with the round black buttons that you always see in medical buildings, and headed down the main passage. There were quite a few people walking in and out, and I realized that the building had been converted to a brothel. But that was not why we had come.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


And in the same dream, I'm looking for my car in a parking lot and a parking garage and keep finding cars that look like it, but aren't it.


Thing is, I'm looking for my last car. My subconscious doesn't yet have the memo that I've got a different car now.


Lucius Alexander


I still have the same old palindromedaries. I've also got different new palindromedaries.


That's not unusual. I still dream of homes where I used to live and offices where I used to work. Not very often, but once in a while. If you got your new car fairly recently, you may dream about your old one for a while, although with decreasing frequency as time goes on.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


That's not unusual. I still dream of homes where I used to live and offices where I used to work. Not very often' date=' but once in a while. If you got your new car fairly recently, you may dream about your old one for a while, although with decreasing frequency as time goes on.[/quote']


(Unfortunately) I still have high school dreams.


ANd lately I have had a couple dreams where I was back in elementary school. (hadnt dreamed about that place since probably at least freshman in high school if not even farther back).

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


My subconscious mind tells me lots of really creepy and bizarre things' date=' so I tend to shove it back under the bed where it belongs and try to pretend it isn't there.[/quote']


Please tell me you dont get your bizarre subcouncious mixed in with your Playboys under there?:nonp:

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I dreamed rattlesnakes were falling from the sky and biting people. The tiny ones would fall down your shirt.

I woke up because I could FEEL a tiny rattlesnake down my shirt!


I've got to ask: You havent watched Lonesome Dove or Snakes on a Plane or such lately have you?

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