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Pulp Hero and Sidekick

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Re: Pulp Hero and Sidekick


Not sure what you mean by everything from the Pulp Hero book.


I'd say that you could have a great game playing Pulp Hero using that book for the background and sidekick for the rules. There will be some effects that you will not have the rules for but you could make them up or simply not tell those stories that require those effects.




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Re: Pulp Hero and Sidekick


Yeah, Sidekick is just the Rules minus some stuff.


If you run across something in Pulp Hero that isn't in Sidekick you can either disregard it or make a ruling on it.


In fact, Sidekick is great for Pulp which already ignores a whole lot of Optional Stuff in the main rules in favor of faster pacing.

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Re: Pulp Hero and Sidekick


I had thought that even with the scaled down options in Sidekick, a Champions game would be too complex, especially since I have to translate everyting into another language. I thought Pulp Hero would be a better start, especially with the package deals. Would this be a good assumption?

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Re: Pulp Hero and Sidekick


I had thought that even with the scaled down options in Sidekick' date=' a Champions game would be too complex, especially since I have to translate everyting into another language. I thought Pulp Hero would be a better start, especially with the package deals. Would this be a good assumption?[/quote']


I've seen some pretty simplified Champions games.


If you're looking for a genre/game to get people into Hero with I actually suggest starting with the Genre they are the most familiar with so they only have to learn the System, and not genre-conventions as well.



RE: Elwood - thanks. Blues Brothers is my favorite movie... Jake Blues is wandering around the boards somewhere too, usually in NGD.

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Re: Pulp Hero and Sidekick


As part of a senior year project we did a video which included a Blues Brothers scene.


Two of my regular players saw "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" and liked it. But they really do not have that much expierence with any genre. I think either Pulp Hero or Champion would be my best bet. Right now I am leaning toward Pulp because I have a better idea of what to do with it right now.


Thanks for the help.

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