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Don't touch the cat

Doc Shocker

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Many years ago I read Heinlein's To Sail Beyond the Sunset. In that book the author writes of backyard croquet games and how cats and kittens would often "interfere" with the game. To the point where the players were forced to incorporate rules which allowed for the cats' involvement. I found it humorous.


Fast Forward to 2002 shortly after I moved in with my then girlfriend (now wife) and her 3 cats. My friends and I started up a Champions game and soon discovered the cats were absolutely fascinated by dice, minis and maps. Not to mention pencils, snackfoods and pretty much anything else on the table. Eventually it became necessary to make rules regarding these fuzzy interlopers. We came up with...


Cats are Free Roaming Chaos: Whenever a cat(s) encroaches upon the gaming environment, hereafter referred to as the map, said cat(s) may not be picked up, swatted at, or in any other way molested. However, enticement by means of treats (must be within the cats' standard diet i.e. no doritos, chocolate or any other people treat), toys or offers of "scritches" is allowed. When offering "scritches" gamers may not actually touch the cat(s). If a cat(s) lays on the map there is then some form of in game phenomenon, to be determined by the GM with possible input from players, in the space occupied by the cat(s). In the event that a cat(s) disturbs a game marker (i.e. mini, terrain item or vehicle) the new position is the correct position regardless of orientation. Markers removed from the map are no longer "in play", if said marker is a PC mini the character will be allowed to return to play starting on their next phase by means of standard movement rules. Non-combat movement is allowed. The GM will decide whether to return NPC minis into play. When in game phenomena (above) interfere with combat targeting players will be allowed to abort or ignore a roll in order to move to a new position. In the rare event that a mini is carried off by a cat(s) the player will be allowed to substitute a new character marker if they so choose, provided the selection of the new marker does not delay the game for too long. If a cat(s) lays on a player's character sheet the player is allowed to attempt to remove the sheet from under the cat(s) as long as they do not violate the no touching policy. Any spill caused by a cat immediately puts the game on pause for as long as needed to rectify the situation, the game will then resume at the point pause was initiated. Laps are not considered to be part of the gaming area. Any player is free to remove a cat(s) from their lap if they so choose, so long as it is done in a non-aggressive manner. Finally, if Mo the Psycho Cat decides to interfere with the game pause will be called until such time as she can be removed from the table.


So far this rule has worked out quite well and made for some interesting scenes. We now have five cats, including a young maine-coon mix who seems to believe everything I own actually belongs to him or might be edible. Mo the Psycho Cat hates EVERYONE except my wife, which is why she gets special mention in the rule.


My sleep schedule has gone wonky, so I decided to post this.

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Re: Don't touch the cat


We used to have a cat that thought the game board was the perfect place to nap, be it Clue, Monopoly or what have you. I think she was just pissed that we weren't paying attention to her at that time.


At the friends house we had to work very hard to keep the ferrets off of the Settlers board. Several of the pieces had tiny little teeth marks on them. That also led to situations during set up like "Don't play white, there's a city missing. We looked in all of his usual hiding places, but Finklestein hid it well this time."

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Re: Don't touch the cat


Our group should try this! When we game over at our place my cat, Toby, likes to sit himself right on the game books/maps, though rarely is it such a huge interruption to scene or game flow that we have to make up something to 'explain' why this giant fur covered blob has appeared out of nowhere.


See attached, my lovely kitteh laying on the Attach of the Giants module during our 'tribute to Gygax' weekend.

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Re: Don't touch the cat


Our group should try this! When we game over at our place my cat, Toby, likes to sit himself right on the game books/maps, though rarely is it such a huge interruption to scene or game flow that we have to make up something to 'explain' why this giant fur covered blob has appeared out of nowhere.


See attached, my lovely kitteh laying on the Attach of the Giants module during our 'tribute to Gygax' weekend.



I've seen that look before. It's usually followed by line "Make a Save vs. Stupid"

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Re: Don't touch the cat


You could give the cat game stats then attack it with the mini's.
Heh. Then the characters in the scene could choose to attack the cat instead of their "real" opponents, and if they defeat it, it can be removed from play. (Though nothing would prevent it some simply returning a moment later, making this use of attacks a questionable strategy. :D)
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Re: Don't touch the cat


Heh. Then the characters in the scene could choose to attack the cat instead of their "real" opponents' date=' and if they defeat it, it can be removed from play. (Though nothing would prevent it some simply returning a moment later, making this use of attacks a questionable strategy. :D)[/quote']



Or the enemies they are supposed to be facing could help them fight this greater enemy called the megacat. :eg: (you always got cases of the villains temporarily calling a truce to help with a greater enemy)



Course this would be GM call, mind you, for any NPCs currently on the scene.

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Re: Don't touch the cat


Hmmm, so with a cat (or a ferret) it's just a regular Champions game. But if you've got a python, it's a Dark Champions game.


I suppose having a gorilla turns into a Pulp adventure?

Unless it's a talking gorilla, in which case it remains Champions. ;)


Unless it's a talking military gorilla pointing a gun at Charlton Heston. Then it's Post-Apocalyptic Hero. :D

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Re: Don't touch the cat


So, anybody got a stat sheet for a "megacat". :doi:



Note: Some abilities would include the grab & gnaw (biting) the giant slash & bat around (claws) and the tail whip of doom (flicking tail) and in rare cases they may use a projectile (giant hairball)

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Re: Don't touch the cat


Unless it's a talking gorilla, in which case it remains Champions. ;)


Unless it's a talking military gorilla pointing a gun at Charlton Heston. Then it's Post-Apocalyptic Hero. :D



"Take your stinking paws off my mini, you damn dirty ape" :doi:

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Re: Don't touch the cat


So, anybody got a stat sheet for a "megacat". :doi:



Note: Some abilities would include the grab & gnaw (biting) the giant slash & bat around (claws) and the tail whip of doom (flicking tail) and in rare cases they may use a projectile (giant hairball)


Actually, Smoke my cat character had a cat multipool- including, hiss, spit, fluff up, I'm sure that door was closed and assorted other things.


As for playing with A cat around, try playing at a breeding cattery where you have a dozen or more to dodge and one especially has mastered the grab by with dice.


The kitchen and lounge where joined by two doorways and she would grab one die, run around drop it , grab another, run and drop then go for the third. We never did manage to stop her. Then there is my Harley's method of "helping" sit in the middle of whatever book you are reading or try and sit under it.

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Re: Don't touch the cat


Actually, Smoke my cat character had a cat multipool- including, hiss, spit, fluff up, I'm sure that door was closed and assorted other things.


As for playing with A cat around, try playing at a breeding cattery where you have a dozen or more to dodge and one especially has mastered the grab by with dice.


The kitchen and lounge where joined by two doorways and she would grab one die, run around drop it , grab another, run and drop then go for the third. We never did manage to stop her. Then there is my Harley's method of "helping" sit in the middle of whatever book you are reading or try and sit under it.


You're keeping that one, right?


I mean, in a few more generations of training and breeding, you might have the first cats that could play RPGs...

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