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Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid

SSgt Baloo

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A powerful radio signal overpowers Earth's communications networks. The apparent source is somewhere outside our solar system. The signal gives detailed information regarding an enormous planetoid directed at the Earth by aliens hostile to our planet. If it strikes us, all life is doomed (view this visual aid to get an idea of what they're talking about). The message senders claim they are unable to interfere more directly than this, as communication with the Earth is banned by treaty. Still, they thought it was only polite to let us know even if they do get in trouble for it.


The nations of the Earth gather top scientists to verify the problem, and a previously undetected asteroid 450 KM in diameter is determined to be on a collision course with Earth. The collision is 90 days away. What does your character do?



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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Riptide: Use the team's time machine to go back in time and then travel to where the aliens are doing this and stop them. He didn't do the time travel thing all that often, but humanity destroying catastrophe is reason enough to break the rules.


The Wizard of Oz Incorporated: Get together with other gadgeteers to build an escape ship loaded with cryogenically preserved refugees and frozen eggs and sperm.


Poet: Wait for everyone to die. Then lead an army of enraged ghosts to let the aliens know that actions have consequences.


Hellfire: Pray

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


My character Seeker (a Green Lantern-clone, more or less) has the ability to adequately carry, and provide sufficient Life Support for space travel, for himself and 64 other people, and to maintain this indefinitely if not in combat time. So he'd round up the 64 most powerful supers on the planet, and speed them into outer space on an asteroid-busting mission. :)

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


My top grade heroes aren't really capable of deflecting the asteroid directly, so they would have to go out and slap the aliens around, and hope to find a way of deflecting the asteroid from them.


After all, they had the ability to aim it at Earth and set it in motion. They might have the ability to deflect it enough to miss, even fairly late in the piece.


Otherwise... oops.


Less powerful characters would be looking for allies, scientific and magical solutions, and so on, depending on their specialities.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


A powerful radio signal overpowers Earth's communications networks. The apparent source is somewhere outside our solar system. The signal gives detailed information regarding an enormous planetoid directed at the Earth by aliens hostile to our planet. If it strikes us' date=' all life is doomed (view this visual aid to get an idea of what they're talking about). The message senders claim they are unable to interfere more directly than this, as communication with the Earth is banned by treaty. Still, they thought it was only polite to let us know even if they do get in trouble for it.


The nations of the Earth gather top scientists to verify the problem, and a previously undetected asteroid 450 KM in diameter is determined to be on a collision course with Earth. The collision is 90 days away. What does your character do?



Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and collectible mug.


IOW, we've already faced this (almost exact) scenario. In order we:


1) Traveled to the asteroid;


2) Conquered the garrison of alien troops and the metabeing controlling the asteroid's course;


3) Overloaded the fusion reactors and blew it to smithereens which then being in a different trajectory missed Earth entirely;


4) Traveled to the Empire whose Empress illegally ordered Earth destroyed to protect her clan's exclusive access to meta-creating technology;


5) "Arranged" her replacement with a more Earth-friendly (and honorable) monarch;


6) Returned home after six months.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Apex: Bummer bra. Let's go kick it's @$$.


To which he would fly out there, learn he could survive in space ("Whoa, cool didn't know I was THAT tough...Well figured I was but wasn't sure") and promptly learn he could do NOTHING to stop it...no matter how cool he thinks he is.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


All I've got is strongish super detective. So he'd first sue NASA and the ESA for not noticing this thing beforehand, then start on the rest of the UN and other space agencies. The worlds biggest class action law suit would be placed in front of every court of law in the world.


It may not help, but the ridiculousness may help stop people from panicing and divert media attention while the real power houses figured out a way to save the day.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid




Option A: Preform some form of scrying to determine if the meteor is devoid of life. Should there be beings on board attempt to contact them to see if they belong to the hostile faction or are victims themselves. Should there be life on the platen Apollyon would encourage space capable supers to intercept it in space to deterimine if there is any form of propulsion that can be altered.


Option B: Should the meteor lack signs of life Apollyon still lacks the personal power needed to stop the planetoid. He would likely seek out other super beings (hero or villain) to unify them in stopping the meteor without application nuclear weapons.


Option B: Should the combined strength of the super beings prove unable to halt the meteor or should Apollyon be unable to locate the numbers needed he may look to the nuclear option. with knowledge of the trajectory


Option C: Should the combined super humans be unable to stop the meteor the worlds nations may be forced to consider a nuclear strike. In this instance Apollyon would look to the coordinate the other super beings to minimize fallout and stem casualties.


Option D: If the proved unsuccessful or not feasible Apollyon may try to negotiate with the entity Abbadon for the immediate release of his spirit to the entity if Abbadon could intervene and halt, turn away the meteor and or its fragments. If damage could not be localized to a significant level Apollyon may look to this option before the nuclear strike.


- - -


Fallout: Able to survive in space he would try to assist in any efforts. Although he is not a heavy hitter he does have enough strength to carry others inside himself.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Team America: (PC Team) They would probably look at each other (while being herded onto a ship to go and intercept the asteroid) and unanimously nominate Invincible Array to go in all their places... "He can do it, he's said a million times 'There's nothing I can't kill/destroy.'... Let him go..."

Danger Man: Cry... Alot...

Quark: Would fly up there and find out the limits to his tactile telekinesis...

Ultra: She would try to help Quark, but I doubt their combined might would be enough...

Avatar: Would turn the page in his newspaper, take a sip of coffee, place the asteroid into the atmosphere of it's senders, and continue contemplating buying stock... There are perks to being the storyteller's deus ex...

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Fallout: Able to survive in space he would try to assist in any efforts. Although he is not a heavy hitter he does have enough strength to carry others inside himself.


Inside himself? I'm not sure I want to know the answer, but where would he put them? :confused::eek::nonp::sick:


I can just imagine the conversation that follows the invitation to climb aboard. "There's not enough life support in this universe to make me get in there!"


Of course, if he's just a giant robot with passenger space, then in the words of Emily Lutella: "Never mind!"

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Vixen's team has two Earth manipulators (Golem and Vixen's Earth Spirit form), so since an asteroid is basically rock, it wouldn't be too difficult to speed it up.


Yes, speed it up. An object in motion is hard to stop, after all, but if the Asteroid is sped up sufficiently, it will pass through the place where it would collide with the Earth before the Earth gets there.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Inside himself? I'm not sure I want to know the answer, but where would he put them? :confused::eek::nonp::sick:


I can just imagine the conversation that follows the invitation to climb aboard. "There's not enough life support in this universe to make me get in there!"


Of course, if he's just a giant robot with passenger space, then in the words of Emily Lutella: "Never mind!"


Yep inside him, nope not a giant robot. I normally add this to Fallout posts guess it would have helped. Fallout is a ball of living radiation. In this instance it would be important to note he is able to expand and diffuse himself while keeping a solid "cell wall."

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Vixen's team has two Earth manipulators (Golem and Vixen's Earth Spirit form), so since an asteroid is basically rock, it wouldn't be too difficult to speed it up.


Yes, speed it up. An object in motion is hard to stop, after all, but if the Asteroid is sped up sufficiently, it will pass through the place where it would collide with the Earth before the Earth gets there.



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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Badger- He and his team pick up the spaceship and head out to stop it. (They probably hold back Badger from "just blowing the damn thing up" due to resulting asteroid showers, well, ok, maybe not Badger aint that crazy). They can probably be able to stop it with their powers (well slow it down to mis Earth if nothing else, without too much trouble. 450 KM may be a little much to destroy altogether). (With a spacesuit and breathing air he can help, being a flier, he provide his own propulsion). *Ponders whether the aliens in question have any connection to his father's species.*


Frosty Bob- Functionally immortal. (Well he can be killed, but with his regenerative abilities, it'd take a lot to do it, he'd probably buy the farm if he was near the impact site) "Sucks, to be you guys". Probably helps, especially if he is promised to be able to "blow some sh## up".

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


The Cat isnae much good at anything but busting heads. He'd climb into the Team Spaceship and haul on out there find out who is responsible & kick some ass. He isn't one for making up complicated plans.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Good question - Zero would gibber with fear and beg his team members find to find an alien he can telepathically dismantle for redirection instructions.


Vitus - despite his unbelievable arrogance - would be rather helpless as well. He has no life support magic, for a start. And whilst Metal's Doom would nibble away at a nickel-iron asteroid easily enough, even with the assistance of time elementals there's not much he could do to change it's mass even in those 90 days.


Possibly summoning Clockwork Horrors to eat and breed from the metal content, and elementals as engine components to deal with the rest, MAY do enough to cause it to miss. But I doubt it.


Time to evacuate Earth, I think. That he CAN set up, altho getting the entire planetary population to Nebraska might be difficult.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Volt would work with scientists on a "movie Armageddon" scenario. He'd volunteer for it. That is all he can do, unless the baddies are activly guiding it, then he'd need a ship or other travel and whup up on the aliens and change the pathway.


Olorin, if all else failed would go back in time with the group and stop the aliens before they started. And I do mean if all else failed. Would contemplate "gating" the asteroid to somewhere else, but it would be too big for that - at his current power. Would try the above scenario, but would not need a spaceship. Might go himself and throw everything he has at it in order to change it's course by even 0.1 degrees. Far enough out; it misses. See above if aliens are actively guiding it. Note: "How many nukes can you spare? I can throw hundreds at it in a day, dozens at once."


Black Tiger would swear a lot and then act like Volt.


Futurian - well, it depends if has has worked up his spaceship yet and if it has weapons. If neither, see Volt. If he has the ship & no weapons, he takes nukes for destruction or diversion. If it has the weapons, he can do it himself. I alien tech is involved actively guding it, he may be able to fix it that way "There. It is now on the way to the alien homeworld on a ballistic course. I've ruined the machines, so they can't reverse it again."

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Mask of Justice: Overcomes one of the alien scouts, borrows its spaceship, heads to the asteroid, is able to jam the controls, sending the asteroid hurtling the other way. At this point, he's conked on the back of the head and brought to the tyrannical alien leader. The Mask is tossed into the gladitorial pit, where he meets the rightful prince of the aliens. They trick the guards and lead a revolt. The prince overthrows the tyrant, promises democratic elections and that the aliens will never again attack the peace-loving people of Earth. The Mask is returned to NYC and his civilian life, where he lets on that he spent the entire weekend fishing while everyone else was panicking about the asteroid.


Calculus: Comes up with the math necessary to knock the asteroid off course with one simple hammer blow. The trick is getting the hammer to the right spot.


Rock Bottom: Helps keep peace in Baltimore while the big guns deal with the asteroid.


Kira Midori: Is more likely to be on riot control, given she's a cop.


Talion: Is one of the few people who survives the meteor strike. Despite his yeoman work getting the human race back on track again, still can't get laid.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Metal-Minia - (Magneto clone) lacks the raw power


Golden Gauntlet - Ditto, but like any good Green Lantern clone is a good space bus for everyone else


Hyper-Man - (Higgs-Boson based Kinetic/Inertia control powers) - Lacks raw power (he can temporarily boost his STR up to 100) but has the right powerset.


QE - (Super Genius with quantum teleportation powers) - might not have the raw power but might be able to jury-rig something to boost HM's ability enough to allow him to make a significant course alteration to the asteroid.


Really just on the outside of this team's current (last played) power level but achievable later if the game had lasted another year or two.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


The Centurions don't have the power to stop this thing by themselves.


However, they would want to punish whoever sent it here.


The ideal solution would be to knock it off/alter its course so that it misses. Attaching solar sails to guide it away would be one solution, a rocket motor (a VERY big one) bolted on to push it aside would be another.


For those going with the nuclear option, the preferred option would be to detonate a warhead in the hundred-plus megaton range beside the asteroid so the shockwave knocks it off course.


The earlier you catch it, of course, the smaller course correction you need.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


Assuming the asteroid is larger than a "Large Asteroid" per the Ultimate Brick, thereby precluding Morning Star from just flying out and altering its vector... Morning Star would have a choice of either flying out, and tunneling through the thing enough times that he could carve off pieces small enough that he could handle, and then altering their course, or flying out and just heating the thing until it burnt up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


White Knite is a Green Lantern homage and can do this mission all

by himself. But he calls in Monolith and Triton cause they are also pure-space-based heroes and there might be a fight.

Monolith is quite similar to Colossal Boy, and Triton quite similar to Martian Manhunter. All 3 can operate totally in space for long periods.



Cosmo-Knite is a formidable opponent, but has to get a team to help out.

He'd be good at fighting off or scaring off the defenders.

Plus he's a barrister, so the inevitable lawsuits afterwards...



Sandor the Mystic can just about do this by himself.

but he takes along Ellement-Master for support.

Probably they'd have to borrow a space-ship to operate from.

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Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


all characters listed have the means to survive in space some may need to eat though


Silk Detective flys out in her personal space craft and starts doing the calculations


Wraith 600 pt version t-ports to the asteroid in 1 hop anong with Nightmare

starts digging a tunnels 2km deep into this rock in 3 rings around the middle of it

3000 holes and about 10 km apart along it's axis of rotation


Nightmare will also relay Wraith's gravametric senses to Silk Detective on voids and faults


Fastball starts hauling h-bombs up into space

figure on about 4000 weapons at 500kt each along with telemetry equipment


after a month of set up and doing the numbers

Silk Detective comes up with 2 plans

1 using the bombs in each hole as a part of an Orion drive with the added bonus of having added reaction mass focused through the tunnels to aid in thrust and setting them off in a sequence to speed the asteroid on it's way past earth before earth gets there

this took Silk Detective about a day to plan


plan 2 should plan1 fail

spend 1 hr finding a weakness on the asteroid with a nuke(yes she has find weakness with anything 13-)to raise this to a 17-

then spend a day to keep it at 17-

spend a week to only go down to a 16-

spend 1 more week to only go down 14-

spend 1 hr with demolitions now at 17- to figure out how many and where to place

spends a week with demolitions to confrim her findings



figuring on an iron/nickel rock def will be 0 and body of about 13 per hex

and a nuke does 20d6 killing explosion indirect affects all parts

does 60 body each segment for 6 segments

so placing them 20 km underground and having found so many weakenses there are going to be a lot of 20 km voids made by the 1000 left over nukes

and we still have 2 months left

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