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I need to give away my money

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Hi all

i'm about to start a TA campaign (cfr other topic :P ), and all my players are new o hero system;

one asked me "can i have a disad that force me to give away half my money to the church/poors/whathever-that's-not-the-pc or i get some penality?"

my reply was "yes, of course" then i started thinking about it...


a dependence? (you need to give money every X days or you get an activation roll to all your power)

or a psycho limitation of some sort?

(let me add: they already capped max points from psycho limitation...)


ty all for answers :D

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Re: I need to give away my money


Well, if you don't want to go down the psych lim route you could..


Stick a limitation on the powers he would lose, perhaps a -0.25.


Or, buy it as a physical limitation: Must give away half of his earnings or lose power x.

In my fantasy campaign that would be worth about 5 points as money isn't really that important a part of the game. In games where money is a big deal and tightly controlled it might be worth more.

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Re: I need to give away my money


What ever happened to the old "money" disadvantages like "poor"? This would seem a reasonable means of setting a point cost - this character gives away much of his money, so he's always in a lower economic situation than his peers.

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Re: I need to give away my money


(let me add: they already capped max points from psycho limitation...)



Well, I'd say he could do it, but as a zero point disadvantage. what you are describing seems to be 'generous to a fault'. He gives away money or anythign else he has in abudance to help others. If he was deeded land, he makes it an orphanage. Given some valuable gold trophy, he sells it for money to feed the poor. This is a psychological quirk. If he's maxed out that category, thats it.


Now, ways to justify it as a non-psych: he's suffering from a magical curse. Retaining more than a a paltry amount of money results in some bad effect, such as unluck or overall penalty skill rolls, a vulnerability to magic, or maybe the money just actually is destroyed or disappears if its kept in his posession for more than a few minutes.


The value of this problem depends upon how useful money is in your campaign. And, as Hugh mentions..there's always the good old money disadvantages that exist.

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Re: I need to give away my money


I would suggest that a tythe is a social limitation; if you don't pay it then you get unwanted attention from the people you are supposed to be tything to, or withdrawal of services. You could (if you are doing a DnD Paladin type) have a limitation on your powers that they do not work if you do not undertake some ritual or social obligation.

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Re: I need to give away my money


I would suggest that a tythe is a social limitation; if you don't pay it then you get unwanted attention from the people you are supposed to be tything to' date=' or withdrawal of services. You could (if you are doing a DnD Paladin type) have a limitation on your powers that they do not work if you do not undertake some ritual or social obligation.[/quote']


This is the option I would go with.

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Re: I need to give away my money


(Tythe?!?) If the character is wanting to have the AD&D paladin's 'cannot have more treasure than needs to live' required tithing, I personally think that an inversion of Dependency is the way to go.


Normally, they might be Poor, but not destitute, but they can 'keep' a certain amount of their treasure (10%, going by the AD&D framework) and use that to improve their equipment. Putting it as a Social Limitation (Must Tithe Most of Treasure Gained) makes the obligation a social one and less an obligation between the paladin and his or her deity. Using the Dependency rules can directly reflect the disapproval of the deity.


Dependency gauges the 'substance' by how easy it is to come by, as defined by the campaign; in a political campaign, large treasures may be very few and far between, while in a dungeon campaign it's money money money by the pound. Dependency also indicates what, exactly, the penalty is: active points sucked away from powers, an activation applied, damage, weakness, incompetency, or whatever. As well, Dependency can say how soon (and/or how regularly) the character is affected by the trigger condition. So:


Spiritual Obligation: Must Donate Money Excess to Character's Basic Needs; Powers Gain Activation Roll Starting At 11-, -1 per Day (Common, 1 Day After Entering Sizeable Town w/ Temple)


Or you could take 30 Active Points from their mystic/holy Powers. Whichever route, if it gets down to 8- or 0 Actives or whatever, it becomes 'Permanent' unless the character goes on a quest to atone for the transgression, has the atonement spell cast on them, whatever. Basically, the character becomes a fighter instead of a paladin.


Blend to taste.

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Re: I need to give away my money


What ever happened to the old "money" disadvantages like "poor"? This would seem a reasonable means of setting a point cost - this character gives away much of his money' date=' so he's always in a lower economic situation than his peers.[/quote']i'm playing a fantasy hero campaign and i don't use money advantage/disadvantage (i keep track of money) :\
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Re: I need to give away my money


I would suggest that a tythe is a social limitation; if you don't pay it then you get unwanted attention from the people you are supposed to be tything to' date=' or withdrawal of services. You could (if you are doing a DnD Paladin type) have a limitation on your powers that they do not work if you do not undertake some ritual or social obligation.[/quote']my player choose about a psycho limit; he don't "need" to give away his money; he "whant" to give it away and he can also skip eating BUT he don't skip giving money for churchu or god's cause


so he got a psycho limitation (worth about 20 point: total and common)

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Re: I need to give away my money


I wouldn't allow a disadvantage like that for 20 points. No way, no how, never.


For 20 points I'd expect to have no posssesions of any kind and give away all money he recieves. His clothes would be rags and he would have to beg for food every day.


Your game, your rules, of course.

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Re: I need to give away my money


To me, I'd compare it to the problems caused by other 20 point disadvantages. I agree this likely is worth less than 20 points. I'd still come back to the Wealth disadvantages. No matter how much money he comes into, the character will always be at some level of poverty. How impoverished determines now disadvantaged he is.


Giving away money that the character has no real use for anyway doesn't disadvantage him, so that would not be a Disadvantage. Giving away so much of his money that he can't afford the same quality of equipment that his teammates have is a disadvantage. In a game heavily dependent on "found" money and items, magical and mundane, maybe this is a 20 point disadvantage - everyone else gains power through equipment and you lag behind.


We can't place a value on it without knowing the impact it will have.

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Re: I need to give away my money


my player choose about a psycho limit; he don't "need" to give away his money; he "whant" to give it away and he can also skip eating BUT he don't skip giving money for churchu or god's cause


so he got a psycho limitation (worth about 20 point: total and common)


Unless that limitation is as disadvantageous as many other 20 point limitations (which is doubtful..being abjectly poor as a money disadantage isnt close to that) I wouldnt allow it. For 20 points, thic character should be in rags, giving away every item of value..and even then, it may not be limiting him that much, unless its a game where without abundant magicla item protection, you are significantly as some form of risk. Even then, I'd advise against the disadvantage and the point amount in that case.


but if you want to keep it at 20 point, then be foirm: This character keep sno money, and does not posess any expensive items. Some raggedy clothes, a bowl to eat out of, maybe some shoes (unless theyt meet up with omeone who doesnt have any shoes, at which point they'd probably give them away), and thats it. NO magical whatchamacallits. no magic weapons. Heck, no expensive weapons. Maybe they have a knife, a hand carved self fashioned spear, a 'club' that was a stick 10 minutes ago, and thats about it. Maybe a sling, since rocks are free.

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