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This old wound...

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Hi all

i'm about to start a TA campaign, and all my players are new o hero system

one asked me "can i have an old wound, that sometime hurt and made me feel pain (pain so strong i get some disadvantage, ie a -2 OCV or like)"?

my reply was "yes, of course" then i started thinking about it...

how can i do his old wound?

a negative SL with some limitation? (only when raining, only if pushed really hard, only if i roll a "1" on a d6 at start of the game session, etc.)?


or a "standard" physical limitation?


ora a dependence? (some healing need to be applied on the scar every day or he feel pain bla bla bla)


ty for your reply =)

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Re: This old wound...


Lots of stuff here.


Old War Wound - Physical Limitation: when strenously physically exerting oneself the PC must make an ego roll or suffer -2 ocv and -2 dex rolls.


It's up to you to decide how often that comes up and how much it's worth, maybe 10-15 points.


He could also take a vulnerability to a hit location if you are using those rules?


Old War Wound II: Vulnerability to location 15 - x2 stun. I don't have my book right now to check the cost.


Old War Wound III: Noticable limp -2 inches of running


Old War Wound IV: Distinctive features: Limp.



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Re: This old wound...


Maybe a vulnerability on a certain location. Or something a little differently. One of my characters for example has a terribly damagaged arm that doesn't recover anymore. I took it as a permanent form of 'disable' on the left arm. Gives him 2 extra penalties on every skill he attempts with that arm and gives him 2d6 NND STUN whenever something hit the arm or he hits hard enough with it.


It's one of the most limiting disads I've played so far. it really cripples your character but I love it and wouldn't want some surgeon rob me of it.

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Re: This old wound...


How about buying some unluck, and when it comes up, attributing the unfortunate outcome to a muscle spasm/flashback or whatever. Mechanically it is just a way of applying a penalty or unfavourable outcome, and if you don't get hung up on the name, it could work well.


OLD WAR WOUND V: 2d6 Unluck - sometimes it hurts so much I get the shakes.

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Re: This old wound...


Just to be different' date=' Psychological Limitation. This represents him being in pain much of the time, but with the ability to steel his will to force himself to ignore it occasionally.[/quote']


Excellent idea! Psych Lim models this better than one would probably think on first sight. It governs how you usually act (favoring a leg, for example), but you can overcome it with an EGO roll ("Must... look... strong! Cant... limp!").

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Re: This old wound...


In the New Dawn campaign that's forming, I have a character with a sursed hip wound (can't be healed until the blade that caused it is unmade). I took it as a limitation (can't run, limps), bought down running and leaping, AND gave him a dependence on a pain-killing elixer that causes him to become less competent the longer he goes without.

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Re: This old wound...


-2 OCV, -2 Dex Rolls. Worth about 10 points. I'd call it a physical limitation and vary the cost based on how often it comes up. If its infrequent (example: only when its dank and cold) I'd call it 5 points. If its occasional I'd call it 10 points. If its all the time I'd have them build the character differently.

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Re: This old wound...


ty all for nice replying :)

-2 OCV' date=' -2 Dex Rolls. Worth about 10 points. I'd call it a physical limitation and vary the cost based on how often it comes up. If its infrequent (example: only when its dank and cold) I'd call it 5 points. If its occasional I'd call it 10 points. If its all the time I'd have them build the character differently.[/quote']At last, i and my player agreed with something similar:

he choose a "random method": i roll 1d6, and with a "1" the wound hurt for a couple of days giving -2 ocv (it's a shoulder wound, and he's an archer; btw he got also a -2 to dex related skill and/or whenver is applicable, i mean -2 to climbing or very difficult to catch an object etc)

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