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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine






Most kids have a normal life growing up, but not Rose. She never knew her father, and when she was three her mother was committed to an insane asylum. And then there was the birthmark on her face. The other kids at school kept their distance from the strange girl with a birthmark that looked like an ankh. Rose did her best to fit in at the new high school, with the latest set of foster parents, but nothing seemed to be working. And then there were the nightmares. Oh how the nightmares tormented her. In some a dark shadowy figure pursued her over desolate fields. However, these weren't the worse. The worse were the one's in which she dressed up is some strange costume and tormented the other students at the school. Rose never thought much of the nightmares, until one night she awoke in the middle of these strange dreams, and discovered that she wasn't in her bed but was somewhere in town and she was wearing the strange costume. Being afraid she ran strait for home, not noticing the crumpled forms of several teens who had teased her at school just that day.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


I've just gotten my latest group of pics for this thread, courtesy of The Arc (thanks),

and most of them are for WW2 superhero campaigns.


The first pics to be shown here are of the members of the home-front superteam

known as the Crusaders, and their membership is as follows:


Captain Patriot: The leader of the Crusaders, he's a highly-trained "super normal"

(in much the same way that DC's Batman is, but without the oppressive grimness

that characterizes the Batman these days) whose courage and dedication to the

cause of freedom and justice is an inspiration not only to his teammates, but to

other heroes as well.


Miss Liberty: The teenage partner of Captain Patriot, she's every bit as well-trained

as her mentor, even if she isn't as strong as he is. Nevertheless, her training makes

her more than a match for any Bundist thug or home-grown miscreant.


Nightrider: A Texas Ranger who was murdered while trying to prevent Nazi Fifth

Columnists from sabotaging a local factory involved with military production, he

was resurrected by the mystical Powers That Be, given arcane weapons of great

power, and charged with a new mission -- to seek out and deliver judgment and

punishment upon those who would harm the innocent. To this end, he found and

eventually became a member of the Crusaders.


Crimson Fury: On her 18th birthday (in 1939), this young Greek-American woman

made a rather startling discovery: that she possessed the powers of the Furies of

ancient Greek legend. She discovered this when gunmen in the employ of her uncle

(who had arranged for the murder of her parents on the day she was born) attempt-

ed to kill her, only to find herself transforming into a winged, demonic-looking figure

with razor-sharp claws and a barbed whip. After thoroughly defeating (and terroriz-

ing) her would-be killers and bringing her uncle to justice, she subsequently put her

newly-discovered powers to use as a vigilante, before being found and invited to

join the Crusaders.


Silver Saracen: A 10th Century Saracen warrior who ran afoul of an evil sorceror and

transformed into a bronze statue by said sorceror, he was eventually found and trans-

ported to the United States, where he was put on display at the museum in the home

city of the Crusaders. For reasons unknown, the spell that had been cast on the Sara-

cen warrior suddenly lost its power, thereby restoring him to life. Confused and fright-

ened at first by his new surroundings, the warrior was eventually found by the Crusad-

ers who, with the help of a friendly mystic, managed to help him to adjust to his new

home and time. Ultimately, he joined the team and, in spite of his minor discomfort

with the team's name, has come to regard them as worthy friends and warriors --

even if some of them are women.




The pics of the team members are next.





Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Now that the good guys have been taken care of, it's time for the latest installment

of scum and villainy, also for WW2.


This fellow, depending on when the heroes meet him, can either be a villain (during

the time that Germany and Russia were allies) or an ally (after Hitler's ill-advised

invasion of Russia). Either way, he's a villain through and through. Presenting for

your entertainment: the Crimson Commisar:








A high-ranking member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, as well

as a member of the secret police, the man currently known as the Crimson

Commisar has a pair of closely-held secrets -- either one of which would be

sufficient to cause his death were they to become known.


The first secret is that he was a nobleman during Czar Nicholas' reign prior

to the Revolution that saw the extermination of the Romanov dynasty, and

its replacement with the Communist government. He managed to destroy

all records of his true past, and had them replaced with forgeries that ident-

ified him as a commoner. He next joined the Red Army under his new ident-

ity, and eventually rose to high rank on the merits of his own abilities -- as

well as a few well-placed and timed assassinations. But it is his second secret

which is, if anything, even more deadly than the first --the fact that he's a



After being promoted to his current high rank, the man now known as the

Crimson Commisar -- a name which he earned through his killings of what

were referred to by some as "decadent aristocratic elements" -- was given

the task of rounding up and eliminating any surviving nobles. Between the

manpower at his command and his vampiric powers, his task was accomp-

lished with frightening ease. As his men had orders to gag and blindfold

those nobles who were taken prisoner (so that they could neither recog-

nize him or reveal his true identity), all of them who were captured went

to their deaths without knowing who was killing them -- except for a few

that the Crimson Commisar claimed for himself (all of whom, without ex-

ception, were young and beautiful women), under the pretense of dealing

with them himself.


Not surprisingly, none of those so claimed were in any position to reveal any

secrets once he was through with them...



The pictures in this post are of the Crimson Commisar, both as he appears in

his everyday human identity, as well as his vampiric self (when he doesn't

care if his victim sees what he or she is really up against).




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's the first of a pair of villains who are mystical mercenaries -- Umbra Dextras

(Hand of Shadow):








Umbra Dextras has the power to either fire bolts of mystical force at an opponent,

or to create an area of absolute, freezing darkness that drains its victims of their





Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


The partner of Umbra Dextras, Crucis Dextras (Hand of Torment):








Crucis Dextras has the power to induce excruciating agony in her victims just by

touching them. If she touches a victim often enough, he or she will eventually

die from the pain.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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