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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


when you click bocca (mouth) and start going throuh the options' date=' the entire image goes blank except for the mouth image[/quote']

Noticed something similar in one older version of the Fabrica as well. Propaply not 100% compatible to the newest version fo Java.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


BTW - I have been finding a bug using that version of Heromachine' date='. How have you gotten around it?[/quote']


I haven't. I made these pictures months ago, hoping eventually to make more (with more color, apparently). I haven't been able to get it to work right in recent weeks, either. :(

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Okay, I need some whelp with a costume for a character. I have four options. Please let me know which one you like best.


Background: The character's name is Anomaly. He is able to open small apertures into some otherworldly space and release energies therefrom. He can open the apertures only at the palms of his hands, and oddly enough, each hand releases a different kind of energy. From his right hand he can release something that acts like lightning but is scarlet in color. From his left hand he can release a flame-like energy that is nearly black. He has had his powers for some years (since adolescence, he's now 19 or 20) but has never really practiced with the. He's just been drafted into a superteam to help fight some world-threatening menace. So he has managed to come up with a code name (he was going to use 'Portal', but didn't like how it sounded). Now he needs a costume. The options are as follows (spoilered for space).


Option 1:





Option 2:





Option 3:





Option 4:





Thoughts, fellow Herophiles?


Option 2, true disbeliever !

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Looks good. Red is primary color, black the secondary. A light Grey is used to seperate them.


Some things:

It seems like you use simple black instead of the black texture for the "shorts" and the left hand, but for the hand it could just be because the power let's they detail vanish.


It might help to also give the trousers grey stripes towards the legs and torso, but it might make grey to dominant again. And I have no idea wich part could be used to overlay it in the right way

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Hmmm, am I blind or don't they have any Skeletal hands in fabrica de herois?


I got skeletal skull, toros, legs, feet and arms. But I can't find skeletal hands.




They're there all right; it's just that they look more like the hands that you'd see on something

like Iron Man's armor than on a skeleton.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


I just got the latest set of redone pics back from The Arc this weekend (thanks again);

this time around, I did F2011 versions of the Progeny, a group of alien superbeings

that were originally created by jack78 and to which I added a few other members

later on (using F2010).


The first of the redone pics is Brakko:








Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


These next two pics are the result of an idea that I had after reading the background

that jack78 posted about Kraessius and the Progeny; especially about how they were

all created from Kraessius' own genetic material.


But what if Kraessius had decided to improve upon his Progeny by adding human DNA

to the mix? It wouldn't be all that hard to do, especially if he had his "children" kidnap

selected human beings from across the globe with the intent of using them for -- in

essence -- breeding stock.


This first pic is of the first of Kraessius' Human-Nymrian hybrid "children" -- the super-

strong and super-intelligent Makhvell:








While Makhvell has the ridged eyebrow of his Nymrian "parent", the rest of his facial

features are somewhat more human. His eyes, for example, have luminescent yellow

pupils as opposed to the pure jet black of his "siblings", and he has a human-like

nose whereas none of the others do. In addition, his skin has an ivory coloration to

it, and he has white hair as well. If he has any powers other than superhumanoid

strength and intelligence, they have either not yet manifested themselves or he has

chosen to conceal them in order to provide himself with a strategic advantage.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


This pic is of Makhvell's twin sister Kretzia, and while she isn't as strong or as

smart as her brother, she's no less dangerous than he is. This is because she

has the power to poison an opponent with her touch alone:








Kretzia can adjust the strength of her poison touch so that her victims are either

paralyzed but alive, or she can raise the toxicity level to such a point that her

victim(s) die within instants of the touch.


Like her brother, Kretzia is more human-looking than the rest of her Nymrian

"siblings", and she's almost as tall as he is (Makhvell stands 6'5'' tall, while

Kretzia is an even 6' tall without her high heels).



While Makhvell and Kretzia are the only Human-Nymrian hybrids known thus far,

they won't be the only ones in existence for very long -- after all, Kraessius still

has his captive "breeding stock"...and plenty of time in which to experiment.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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