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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Try the Babel fish....



Soem years ago it was in a computer magazine - as the worst possible translator.

It doesn't even know Valkyrie/Walküre.


And such things as the "Kriegsadler" are simply something no computer can tell you anytime soon. That requires actual knowledge of german gramatic rules, some comptuers won't have so soon (and especially not ones running free of charge in the internet).

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Soem years ago it was in a computer magazine - as the worst possible translator.

It doesn't even know Valkyrie/Walküre.


And such things as the "Kriegsadler" are simply something no computer can tell you anytime soon. That requires actual knowledge of german gramatic rules, some comptuers won't have so soon (and especially not ones running free of charge in the internet).


unglaublich you are correct.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


A simple test on how good it is (at least at unique phareses), is to give it "Hail to the King" to translate to german.

Good one say: "Lang lebe der König" or "Heil dem König".

The bad ones will tell you: "Hagel zum König"


I personally prefer google, as it allows the users to correct it - increasing the chance to get something usefull instead of hail.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


to the Allies and their superheroes as Projekt: Sturmfront (also known as the

Specialkommando der Deutches Reich to the German High Command).

One small thing I only noticed after havign time to read the entire text.

You should eitehr write:

"Spezialkommando des deutschen Reiches"


"Spezialkommando Deutsches Reich"

I would recommend the first, the other sounds more like "Task Force Destroyer".

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


One small thing I only noticed after havign time to read the entire text.

You should eitehr write:

"Spezialkommando des deutschen Reiches"


"Spezialkommando Deutsches Reich"

I would recommend the first, the other sounds more like "Task Force Destroyer".




Thanks; I'll take care of that minor glitch right now.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's a villain suitable for a Wild Martial Arts Campaign, or possibly even one

like The Phantom GM's "Court of Dreams" campaign -- Lord Darkscourge, a

villain who possesses both awesome martial arts skills and dark chi* powers:








*Also referred to as cosmo or soma powers, depending upon the anime.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Lord Darkscourge isn't the sort of villain who gets his hands dirty (at least,

not at first). For minor jobs -- like dealing with those annoying and meddle-

some hero PCs who are really beginning to be a thorn in his side -- he sends

his slavishly loyal minons to take care of things for him (this also gives him

the opportunity to see just what the PCs are made of, with no risk whatso-

ever to him personally). These minions are known as Shadow Warriors,

and while they also have martial arts training and dark chi powers of their

own, they are but a pale shadow of their master's:








The best way to think of them is as the martial arts equivalent of "cannon-

fodder" VIPER agents, but somewhat harder to beat.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's another WW2 German superbeing, one whose background is connected with

that of the Dresden Academy super-teen Tiergarten -- the Wolf of the Black









Unlike his modern-day descendant Tiergarten (who can transform himself

into any known animal), the Wolf of the Black Forest can only transform

himself into a huge wolf; he retains his human intelligence even when in

lupine form, making him even more dangerous than an ordinary wolf. If

he was ever able to assume a transitional form -- one not too dissimilar

to the popular image of a werewolf -- or to somehow control ordinary

wolves, that information was, and remains, unknown.


(Tiergarten is one of The Arc's characters which was perviously posted to

this thread some time ago; in telling me about his background, he ment-

ioned that he was related to the Wolf of the Black Forest, but that he

hadn't done a character pic for the Wolf. So I went ahead and did one --

two, actually; the one that's posted here is the one that The Arc liked

better, so it's the one being posted.)




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's Amethyst, a character that was originally done in the Animated Timm style;

I'm not sure, but I think she's one of Pariah's:





Yes, she's one of mine. She was a GMPC/plot device from the last campaign I ran. Good to see her again!

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here are some more WW2 Axis supers, starting with Shieldmaiden:








Basically, she's a female German version of Captain America, and possesses

the same kind of abilities and powers: she's as strong as it's possible to be

for a human being, she's extraordinarily fast and agile, is a skilled acrobat

and martial-arts combatant, and uses a super-alloy shield which is impervi-

ous to most known weapons of that time period. Fortunately, the design of

the shield prohibits it from being thrown at an enemy in the same way that

Captain America's can be; however, this doesn't make it any less painful to

be thwacked by it in a fight.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's the next of the Axis supers, the Iron Knight, also from Germany:








The armored suit worn by the Iron Knight is surprisingly advanced for its time;

it was rumored by Allied intelligence that the scientist Klaus von Wulfcragge

was responsible for its design, or had at the very least influenced its design in

certain ways. While the armor does provide its wearer with superhuman strength,

flight capability, and protection from small-arms fire and chemical weapons, it

mounts no on-board weaponry at all. To remedy this shortcoming, a specially-

designed 20mm autocannon -- which the Iron Knight uses in the same way that

an ordinary soldier uses a machine gun -- was built for his use.


The autocannon is magazine-fed, with each magazine holding 12 armor-piercing,

explosive-tipped shells. It can be fired either in single-shot mode, 3-shot burst

mode, or full-auto. The Iron Knight typically carries five magazines for the auto-

cannon; one already loaded in the weapon, and the other five hanging from special

attachment points at his waist.


Compared to the other armored suit used by another German hero -- Kriegsadler

of Projekt: Sturmfront -- the Iron Knight armor is a massive piece of machinery,

standing well over seven feet tall.



Unlike the last group of German Axis supers that were posted here on this thread,

I went with their English names only; considering the mistakes that were made

when the German names were posted, this seemed to be the best way to handle





Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Next up is the Praetorian from Italy:








Very little is known about this Italian super, other than the fact that on the few

occasions that he was confronted by Allied superhumans, he not only displayed

superhuman strength and agility of his own, but also an exceptional level of

skill in swordsmanship. He was believed to be the commander of an elite unit

within the Italian army, whose members were trained to a level equal to that of

the U.S. Army Rangers.


His armor, which was styled to resemble that of the soldiers of the Roman Empire,

was constructed with bulletproof materials; in spite of the weight of this armor,

the Praetorian was nevertheless able to move around in it as if he were unencum-

bered, due to his superhuman strength.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


And here are four Axis supers from Japan, starting with Shinden (Magnificent Lightning):








Shinden, like his teammates Fuji and Tsujikaze, owes his power to the same process

that gave the members of Projekt: Sturmfront their powers, and which was shared

with Klaus von Wulfcragge's Japanese colleagues. His power enables him to generate

and project lightning-like bolts of energy at his enemies and to fly, while his "dyno-

suit" not only magnifies those powers, but enables him to better focus them. The suit

also enables Shinden to create what is essentially a protective force field around him-





Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Next in line is Tsujikaze (Whirlwind), who like the Eurostar superterrorist Bora

in the decades following WW2, possesses the power to control winds:









Under normal circumstances, the strongest winds that she was able to use in com-

bat were equal in strength to an F3 tornado; with extreme effort, however, she

could generate winds with a strength comparable to an F5 tornado, but would be

left seriously exhausted afterward.


Tsujikaze's powers also enabled her to fly at speeds equal to those of the fastest

fighter planes that existed at the time.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


The third Japanese Axis super who owed his powers to the von Wulfcragge

process was a sumotori (sumo wrestler) who was given the codename Fuji:








Not only did the von Wulfcragge process transform him into an eight-foot tall

mass of superhumanly powerful muscle, it also gave him the ability to increase

his density and mass, making it virtually impossible for all but the mightiest of

the Allied superhumans to even knock him down or back in a fight.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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