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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


This is an awwwwwwesome find. If only it was in English! But that makes figuring it out more fun' date=' I suppose! :D[/quote']



One of the earlier versions of Fabrica does have an option that lets the user switch from

Portugese to English (I think it's the one which immediately precedes FdH 2010, if I'm

not mistaken). Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the creator chose not to include

that option in either FdH 2010 or FdH 2011.




Major Tom 2009

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Not long after the Crusaders made their first appearance as a team following the

recruitment of Silver Saracen, they gained two new members from overseas. One

of them was a British superheroine who was known as the Golden Gryphon, who

wore a suit of mystical winged armor which bestowed superhuman abilities upon

her, and the second was a costumed Frenchman who called himself the Musketeer,

who wielded a pair of antique-looking pistols that could fire energy-bolts of some sort:









EDIT: I'd forgotten to add the reason that Golden Gryphon and the Musketeer came

to be members of the Crusaders. The OSS (Office of Strategic Services) had learned

from intelligence sources in Occupied Europe that the German High Command was

preparing to launch a mission of an as-yet unknown nature, and that they were send-

ing a team of superhumans to carry it out. The OSS therefore requested the aid of

both Golden Gryphon and the Musketeer in order to find out what the Germans were

up to.



Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


While the OSS had learned of the planned Axis operation, what they weren't able

to learn was who was being sent on it. As it turned out, the group that was sent

on the mission -- which was to locate and free any important Axis prisoners from

POW camps in the U.S. -- was the German team which would later become known

to the Allies and their superheroes as Projekt: Sturmfront (also known as the

Spezialkommando Deutches Reich to the German High Command).


The team consisted of a number of individuals who had been given superhuman

powers by an as-yet unknown process devised by the brilliant German scientist,

Klaus von Wulfcragge, who also led the team in his identity of Blitzkrieger.

As Blitzkrieger, von Wulfcragge possessed the power to generate and project

incredibly powerful lightning-like bolts of energy from his hands at his foes. The

other members of Projekt: Sturmfront are as follows:


Walkure (Valkyrie): Klaus' wife Marelda was given low-level telepathic abilities as

a result of the experimental process devised by her husband. While she couldn't con-

trol the minds of others as more powerful telepaths are able to, she could still scan

their minds for valuable information. Valkyrie could also use her powers to determine

who in any group of people that opposed them in battle was the most inspirational

member in that group; once she had that information and shared it with the rest of

Projekt: Sturmfront, they would then focus their attacks on that person, with the aim

of demoralizing his or her teammates by defeating that person. In addition to her

telepathic powers, Walkure was also trained in the Japanese martial arts of Aikijutsu

and Jujitsu, making her a formidable hand-to-hand combatant.


Wolfsrudel (Wolfpack): Ehren von Wulfcragge, one of Klaus and Marelda's twin chil-

dren, recieved an unusual set of powers from his father's experiment: not only was he

given superhuman strength and the ability to survive underwater without the need for

breathing apparatus, he also gained the bizzare power to create six identical duplicates

of himself at will. His powers -- and the military training he already possessed -- have

combined to make him a one-man WW2 version of a SEAL team. Because he can only

duplicate himself and whatever he happens to be wearing at the time, any equipment

of weapons needed by his other selves must be carried by him until he reaches his

objective; once there, he duplicates himself and passes out the gear to them.


Nebel (Mist): Elsa von Wulfcragge, the other twin child, was given the power to trans-

form herself into a huge cloud of gas which she could manipulate to mimic the proper-

ties of any gas with which she was familiar with (her knowledge of chemistry is very

useful in that regard). She can literally become any type of gas whose chemical comp-

osition is known to her, from very fast-acting knockout agents like halothane, to the

ferociously corrosive uranium hexaflouride, which can dissolve most substances with

the exception of nickel. The one gas that she absolutely refuses to transform herself

into is Zyklon-B, the gas used in the Nazi death camps (her idea of being a German

patriot doesn't include being a cold-blooded killer; an attitude that, surprisingly, is

shared by the rest of Projekt: Sturmfront as well). Her role in the team is that of a

scout, as her powers enable her to get into areas that normal people couldn't (narrow

ventilation ducts, for instance). Like her mother, she has also been trained in the arts

of Aikijutsu and Jujitsu.


Kriegsadler (Eagle of War; better known as War Eagle): Heinrich Schrader, the

faithful and longtime chauffeur and pilot for the von Wulfcragge family, gained super-

human reflexes and an incredibly high tolerance for extreme G-forces. To enable his

friend and servant to get the most out of his abilities, von Wulcragge designed and built

an advanced (by 1940s standards) suit of battle armor. This armor not only provided

protection from most small-arms fire, but also gave the wearer superhuman strength

sufficient to allow him to shred steel with the claws built into the gauntlets. It was also

equipped with a jet pack and a pair of adjustable wings, giving the wearer exceptional

maneuverability in the air, while at the same time giving him a maximum flight speed

that surpassed that of the fastest fighter craft possessed by the Luftwaffe at that time

(only the Messerschimdt 262 jet fighters, which didn't appear until near the end of WW2,

were faster). Von Wulfcragge also devised a pair of detachable "electro-bolt" projectors

for the armor, which gave the wearer the ability to attack foes at a distance.


Schatten (Shadow): Adriana Mauricio y Sabina Menendez, the Argentinian-born fiancee

of Ehren von Wulfcragge, asked to become part of the Projekt: Sturmfront experiment,

as she wanted to share in every part of her husband-to-be's life. Seeing no reason to deny

her request -- especially after he discovered that she was indeed a suitable subject for

the experiment -- Klaus von Wulfcragge agreed and accepted her as part of the team. In

Adriana's case, the experimental process gave her the ability to not only create a huge

area of absolute darkness (in which she alone can see), but also to transport herself from

one location to another by stepping into a shadow of sufficient size. Whether she can take

anyone else with her in this way is as yet unknown at this time. Schatten, like her female

teammates, has also recieved martial-arts training; in her case, the stickfighting art of

Escrima. When in the field, she carries a pair of fighting sticks with her; between her

power to create darkness in which only she can see, and her skill as an escrimadora, she

has become something of a very frightening opponent to those she faces.


Donnerschlag (Thunderstrike): Erich Dengler, also a longtime friend and employee of

the von Wulfcragge family, became the most physically powerful member of the team as

a result of the experimental process. Possessed of physical strength sufficient to enable

him to lift up to 100 tons, Donnerschlag is capable of bringing his hands together with

tremendous force, which allows him to create a blast which is powerful enough to knock

his opponents back several yards from where he stands (the sound created by this is, in

large part, where he gets his codename from). He can also slam his fists into the ground

to create a powerful shockwave, which can knock down anyone in the immediate vicinity.



It is worth noting that, while Projekt: Sturmfront is a German superhero team (as far as

the German public of WW2 is concerned, that is), they are not a Nazi superteam. This is

reflected in their choice of symbol, which they all wear on the belt buckles of their uni-

forms -- not the swastika of the Nazi party, but the eagle crest of the von Wulfcragge

family. While they do consider themselves to be German patriots (with the accompany-

ing belief in German superiority), they aren't cold-blooded murderers; indeed, they've

consistently refrained from killing defeated Allied superheroes, even though certain mem-

bers of the German High Command have hinted in no uncertain terms that it would be

better if none of their enemies could come back to oppose them.


The next posts will be of the pictures of Projekt: Sturmfront's members.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


This is usually written with Ü: Walküre.



If you mean "Eagle of War" you might want to write "Kriegsadler". As written now, those are just two nouns without any conncetion.




My apologies to the German-speaking folks; my PC doesn't have the means to use foreign-

language characters (I do know about the double-dots supposed to be above the letter 'u'),

and when I tried to get the proper translation of War Eagle's name on one of the translat-

ion websites, all it would give me was "Krieg Eagle". I will correct that small flaw in his

name, however; thanks.




Major Tom 2009 :o

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


My apologies to the German-speaking folks; my PC doesn't have the means to use foreign-

language characters (I do know about the double-dots supposed to be above the letter 'u'),

There is a little know way for Windows to get those rarely used characters that aren't on your keyboard:



if you need an upside down omega: It's 'x', then 13 rows down.

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