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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


I just got some new pics back from The Arc today, and here are the first of them.


From this year's upcoming movie, it's Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter:








I did two pics for this fellow rather than just one; since the trailer for the movie

that's on YouTube right now shows Lincoln both as a young man as well as an

older one, I figured that it was only right to do pics for each version.


The only real problem that I've got with the pic is that the axe is the wrong type;

unfortunately, Fabrica doesn't have the kind of axe that Honest Abe was swing-

ing to good effect in the trailer. Oh, well...




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's a villain that any PC heroes are going to want to deal with -- at a safe distance.


Presenting: the power-armored super-terrorist, Biohazard:








Biohazard's armor not only gives him superhuman strength and the ability to

fly, but also protects him from his primary weapon -- the microscopic robots

he refers to as "nano-pathogens". These smaller than cell-sized machines can

not only be programmed to cause damage to a human body which mimics

the effects of a deadly disease -- for example, Anthrax or Ebola Zaire -- they

can also be programmed to attack a specific individual (provided that Bio-

hazard has a sample of the target's DNA to program into the nano-pathogens)

or a large group of people.


The nano-pathogens are fired from a pair of projectors mounted on either side

of the armor's 'backpack' unit.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine




She is a little bit experiment. The problem is taht one of her powers requires a backless costume, and in the entire Chapions Online game I found exaclty one top with the right amount at the right place. As a side effect it combines the most common superpower with absolute clevage and vapor wear.


Anyway, he is she while questioning some mook in the prision:



The information the he divulged (not that she has to ask much, they always speak on their own) reveals that his boss is doing something nefarius at the local cementary. So she flies over there to leave a few marks....


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Well since Golden Age has decided to allow in a sort of Legion of Substitute Heroes into his Epic City game and everyone else has their slightly lower powered (350 to start 6e) newbie squad guys, I hammered on my Amerindian concept a bit and he finally evolved into something that "fits"..... So here's Thunderhawk, Champion of the Cherokee (channeling my drop in the bucket heritage in that particular direction.....)




~Rex ....Says take Hawkman from DC, and Talisman/Shaman from Marvel's Alpha Flight, point him at something and start taking bets.....

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


She's missing her friend' date=' wormwood, but that's a good pic, Christopher[/quote']

Thanks. Took me quite some time to make it and it needed a lot of overlapping (chest plus wings are 5 overlapping parts), wich got on speed of the fabrica. And finding the right ponytail hairstyle took me forever...

The second scene was rather easy (had the wings hidden behind the scene in the first picture, so it was just bringing them in front and chaging the hands).


But I am not sure who this wormwood guy is, you mentioned.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


After a day of questioning Mooks and Thwaring Villains, even a superhero team needs some relaxation. Of course the question is:

Do we play Volleyball, or Football?

For some reason man always prefer Football, despite knowing that she is superstrong.




She is a little bit experiment. The problem is taht one of her powers requires a backless costume, and in the entire Chapions Online game I found exaclty one top with the right amount at the right place. As a side effect it combines the most common superpower with absolute clevage and vapor wear.


Anyway, he is she while questioning some mook in the prision:



The information the he divulged (not that she has to ask much, they always speak on their own) reveals that his boss is doing something nefarius at the local cementary. So she flies over there to leave a few marks....


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


After a day of questioning Mooks and Thwaring Villains, even a superhero team needs some relaxation. Of course the question is:

Do we play Volleyball, or Rugby?

For some reason man always prefer rugby, despite knowing that she is superstrong.


That's not a rugby ball in her left hand, but an American football (pointier ends).

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