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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine



U.S. Marshall created by Project: Avenger and served as a field agent for the Federal Security Service (FSS) for 22 years...





Former member of the Wardens... Estrella's niece... her costume is inspired by her aunt's uniform..



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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine



Former member of the Wardens... Fortaleza was the alter ego of Solana Amnedola...


Solana chose to craft the Fortaleza suit in a masculine form with a masculine voice for one reason, respect. Her upbringing stressed men as the more active and dominant sex, so she thought a male image would be more respected than a female one. As an afterthought she realized that this also helps to better preserve her identity as most of her adversaries would be searching for a man rather than suspecting that Solana is Fortaleza.


As Fortaleza, Solana stands six foot two inches tall and weighs 230 pounds. The armor is built with a muscular masculine look and appears to be form-fitting rather than a bulky exoskeleton type of battlesuit. Solana has not had access to the specialized equipment it would take to miniaturize some of the battlesuit's components, so the extra space inside the armor shell is filled with system components, battery packs and padding. The battlesuit's armor plates are a dull silver colored and the mesh portions of the suit are dove gray colored. The helmet has a featureless faceplate that is black and the rest of the helmet is dull silver colored. The blaster ports project from the back of the each arm and are black in color. The three flight system disks are black in color and are located on the back of the battlesuit, one on each shoulder blade and the other in the small of the back. The battlesuit has a silver glow when the armor shell is energized.


Solana retired from the Wardens when she accepted a job with Crittenden Aeronautics several years ago...





Since starting to work for Crittenden Aeronautics, Solana has secretly been working on an enhanced version of her pulse field technology battlesuit... She premiered the suit when she helped the Wardens battle the spider alien invasion...


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


I'd originally posted the following pics over on Enforcer84's thread about The Solution (a

preachingly annoying, eco-conscious superteam), but I'll go ahead and post them here

as well. First up is the Green Knight, a "battlesuit trooper" whose armor is a mix of the

archaic and high-tech:









Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


The next set of pics are of two different supervillain teams which were also posted

on Enforcer84's thread. The first of the two groups is a team known as the Templars,

and they're the super-powered agent arm of the VIPER-like organization known as

the Iron Crusade.


Here's the first of the Templars, an absolutely sadistic wench called Madame Rack:









Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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