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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's my latest creation:





World War I Hero and the Terror of the Wehrmacht


(Yes, that is a bat on his chest. It just seemed right.)


Wait, did he fight in just WWI or WWII? as well 'cause if he didn't fight in WWII, then he wasn't the Terror of the Wehrmacht.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Sorry, Sunano, White Skull only fought in World War 1. So I guess he isn't the Terror of the Wehrmacht. If you want to give me the correct term, I'll edit the post accordingly.


Ta v much.


Near as I can tell, it's "Armies of the German Empire."

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Feldwebel wears a "Pickelhaube" mainly because I just wanted to use the item somehow.

It is still used for ceremonial uniforms in some countries.

Wikipedia:The Pickelhaube is still part of the parade/ceremonial uniform of the Life Guards (Swedish Army); the Portuguese National Republican Guard; the Military Academies of Chile, Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador; the Army Band of Chile; and the Presidential Guard Battalion of Colombia. Traffic police in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan also use a form of the Pickelhaube. The modern Romania Gendarmerie (Jandarmeria Romana) maintain a mounted detachment who wear a white plumed Pickelhaube of a model dating from the late 19th century, as part of their ceremonial uniform.


Black Jackal's strap is there to hold his sword. How? I don't know. I can't see his back.

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Re: Never Reaching the End....


Sweet' date=' Pariah, but shouldn't he be in white [i']satin[/i]? :sneaky:


Yeah, ideally, but I saw the phrase "Knights in white spandex" in a thread over at NGD, and I had to draw it.


("Knights in White Spandex" was also a section title in the 4th Ed Kingdom of Champions, IIRC. :) )

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Gaati and Grail


Old friends and partners.


Gaati -- the blade of truth -- is a superb martial artist, so practiced in the 18 Disciplines of Ninjutsu that she has gained access to the 9 Levels of Power, and can perform many of this discipline's legendary feats.


Of the 9 Levels of Power, Gaati has attained the Level of Jin, with some elements of Retsu.



Strength of mind and body



Direction of energy



Harmony with the universe



Healing, self and others



Premonition of danger



Knowing the thoughts of others



Mastery of time and space



Controlling the elements of nature





Grail -- one-handed occultist bound to an aspect of the Sangreal and to the element of water. Though very knowledgeable in folklore, religion and the varied ways of the occult, she's more a scholar of magic than a practitioner; more John Constantine than Dr. Strange.


With her link to elemental Water, she can summon water forth from the grail and shape it as she wishes. She can project this water out as any of a variety of attacks, defenses or movement powers, including a watery "portal" to other locations, or as a "reflecting pool" in which to catch glimpses of the future, the past or distant places.

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