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WWYCD: The Switch.


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Inspired by Who is the Champs Univ. Equivalent of . . .


Recently your team and allies has fought against a dimensional villain that used dimensional counterparts of your characters and allies to try to destroy you. You have just discovered in one case the villain has somewhat succeeded. One of your allies is actually one the dimensional counterpart that has been secretly living the life of hero. By all appearance they took up the mantle of the fallen hero as they saw a different path then what they took in their own world and chance for redemption. But now you know their secret, what do you do?


Ps. Sorry if something like this has been done before.

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Re: WWYCD: The Switch.


Let's assume a dimensional villain would bother with The First Ladies:


Primadonna: would expose the identity of the fake hero to the authorities and ask for their help, but then she'd think about giving him a chance


Primaballerina: would always talk to him first and then decide about the right steps. Perhaps convincing him to choose another identity in this dimension.


Diva: would read his mind, then expose everything publicly. She'd prefer prime time television.

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Re: WWYCD: The Switch.


Volt Once convinced it is a true reform, he'd congratulate him and encourage him to continue. (And he'd want to believe it to be legit.) After all, the crimes were in another dimension and Volt believes in redemption.


Olorin See above. Only difference would be Olorin might try to find out what the character did if it were not too painful to bring up. Reason: try to figure out how to stop that sort of thing.


Black Tiger Would be suspicious, but ready to believe. Might set up some tasks to prove good faith and as payback. Would let it be, but watch carefully.


Futurian "Whoa! Had me convinced it was you - er - him - er - oh, you know what I mean!" Pretty much the same as Volt, only more in a goofball fashion.

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Re: WWYCD: The Switch.


Zero would probably catch on pretty quickly - he's learnt that telepathically scanning all your allies is a good thing, after one of the team members turned out to be an enemy agent. After that, might ask him to change his costume a little - "That costume and that brain? It's too weird..."



Vitus would shrug it all off. "Who cares, for example, if he murdered and ate a trio of sprites in circumstances of considerable duress in another dimension? Crossing dimensions is a really good way to put such ghastly acts behind one. Incidentally, if your still have planewalking capabilities I can use your assistance, mine haven't been working properly since I got here."

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Re: WWYCD: The Switch.


It ain't the dimension you're from that defines who you are. It's what you do with the dimension you're in.



Yeah, something like that.


Badger- other than get him to use a unique persona, could care less.


Frosty Bob- could care less period. (Unless, the new hero is a hot chick, then would put his moves on her :rolleyes:)

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Re: WWYCD: The Switch.


Volt Once convinced it is a true reform, he'd congratulate him and encourage him to continue. (And he'd want to believe it to be legit.) After all, the crimes were in another dimension and Volt believes in redemption.


Olorin See above. Only difference would be Olorin might try to find out what the character did if it were not too painful to bring up. Reason: try to figure out how to stop that sort of thing.


Black Tiger Would be suspicious, but ready to believe. Might set up some tasks to prove good faith and as payback. Would let it be, but watch carefully.


Futurian "Whoa! Had me convinced it was you - er - him - er - oh, you know what I mean!" Pretty much the same as Volt, only more in a goofball fashion.

i'd go with a como of volt and black tigers reponses on this
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Re: WWYCD: The Switch.


Well, Derek Parfit might try and say that this guy is the original, or close enough anyway, but Parfit has weird ideas about personal identity conditions... heh...




Ace would treat him as a different, but psychologically similar, person to the one he replaced... which includes being a little suspicious that he might go bad again or just be pretending to be a good guy. After all, the guy he replaced was never a bad guy, and this fella was. Now, that doesn't mean the former could never have GONE bad, and the latter could never go good, but, well... it does mean they ain't the same.


Cat would watch him close, but she lives cloaked in enough lies to not make a fuss about him pretending to be someone that he, technically, is not.


Holocaust would avoid him. She has a hard enough time dealing with people, anyway - someone who looks and sounds, but is subtly different from, someone else she knew once would totally mess up her head.


Canadienne would never know. Seriously. She has no Sense Motive and a negative WIS mod. Oblivious doesn't even cover it.

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