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disable element



I'm a little confused on how the disable element from the UMA works. Is this how it works?

When you attack with the manuever, you roll the body and stun normally without hit locations? Then you apply the body damage done versus the character's total body (or is it current body if they were already injured)? If the damage is more than 1/2 the body then the limb is impaired and when it is more than the total body, the limb is disabled? If this is the method and you are only doing 1/2d6 KA with the manuever and at most can double it to 1d6+1, it is not possible to impair or disable someone with 15 Body right?

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1 answer to this question

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1. Make an Attack Roll vs. a limb; Hit Location penalties do not apply.


2. If you hit, roll damage; Hit Location modifiers for limbs do not apply. The victim takes this damage.


3. Compare the damage to the Impairing/Disabling rules (5E 278) to determine if Impairment/Disabling has occurred, based on a comparison of the damage take to the victim's total BODY (his normal full BODY, not his current BODY after being injured).

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