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Plot Seeds from Unreal Life

SSgt Baloo

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Sometimes I have dreams that just have to be used as plot seeds. I figure that if anyone else has similar stuff they should post it here.



My dreams:

  1. I was a werewolf in love with another werewolf. Unfortunately, she was unable to control her murderous impulses and I had to try to keep her from killing anyone. Aiding me were two wolves who could "flame on" like the Human Torch. I guess they were lupine torches? Anyhow, the she-werewolf killed the two flaming wolves while killing them. I went into some sort of exile because of this. This segued into the second dream where...
  2. The Earth had been invaded by aliens (more about which later). The protagonist was a little girl and her animal friends; a bird, a squid, and a wolf (me, apparently still in wolf form from the previous dream). The aliens were using a mind-altering implant to control not only humans but any creature with a brain. There may have been exceptions, as I remember stumbling across JarJar Binks wearing a mind-controlling device (he was catatonic). The aliens were using sharks, f'rinstance, to devour uncontrolled sealife.
    At one point, the little girl wandered into a crashed spaceship. An alien inside the ship used the opportunity to implant the little girl with a mind-controlling device. I had to find help and quickly, so I recruited a rag-tag band of rebels to start the revolt against the alien masters. There were several people whom the aliens could not control even with their devices, plus a robot who was being used as a switch engine at a rail yard.
    We freed the little girl from the spaceship and the squid began performing brain surgery on her to remove the mind-controlling device. Meanwhile, we carried the battle to the aliens, who could not understand why we weren't enthusiastic about being part of their grand scheme.

That's pretty much it for now. The only other dream I can remember from last night involved building a Model T from a kit so I would have a car (I still haven't got that claim check from the insurance folks).

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Re: Plot Seeds from Unreal Life


Wow, those pain meds must be radical. ;)


I'm afraid I can't recall ever having a dream that would make good gaming fodder. Certainly nothing as elaborate as what you describe.


To me this sounds like the Earth has been infested with alien shape-shifters. You werewolf and squid types might be members of or descended from this race(s) and not even know it.

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Re: Plot Seeds from Unreal Life


I had a dream, years ago, that was very cinematic and vivid enough that it has continued to stick with me all this time. In short:


A cave with ancient bones and artifacts was discovered in Colorado while a company was starting construction on a resort. I was asked to help with the dig by a former professor. We discovered one misshapen skeleton, some pottery, and highly unusual artifacts: what looked like an early katana, and a what appeared to be an engraved shotgun that ejected shells by twisting instead of pump action, both in pristine condition. We discovered that despite what looked like wood on the artifacts, we couldn't get a sample for carbon dating, it was too resilient and resisted all instruments. The bones, however, were dated to over 14,000 years old, pre-Clovis. I went to reinspect the skeleton, and when I touched the skull I had a vision -- a dream within a dream -- of two figures fighting in the cave, a misshapen woman with the gun and a tall, thin, almost skeletal man with the katana, and the woman won, forcing the man into the sword body and soul. Then I went back to the other dream, and my professor was "waking me up", but had cut himself on the sword when I fainted. Soon, he exhibited strange personality quirks, while I heard mysterious voices. It turned out that the man in the sword was taking over the professor, while the woman had transferred some of her power to me. I developed a gryphon tattoo on each forearm, while the professor started creating zombie minions. I could use a form of magic, while anyone killed with the katana would rise as a nearly mindless, enormously strong undead, and anyone injured would become a less strong, but more cunning form of undead, almost vampiric, both types controlled by the professor. The dream ended in Denver, with me trying to save a crew of paramedics from a group of zombies.

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Re: Plot Seeds from Unreal Life


Well I have had several dreams that would make good game scenarios:


A superhero who is slowly loosing his powers


A trio of characters who randomly switch bodies


A father and Son super-team on the run from all their enemies.


And one which I think would make a most interesting game setting. It's quoted below...

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Re: Plot Seeds from Unreal Life


Last night I dreamed that Eddie Murphy was an Evil Mastermind™ bent on world domination. Due to my Deja-Vu sense (I had a remarkably similar dream in the recent past) I was able to realize he was a threat, so when he blew a dog whistle (I really can hear those IRL, honest!) I did not respond in an obvious way. Rather, I went into the Petco store where he was to see if I could figure out a way to foil his plan.


I became aware of how much more powerful he was than I at the moment, and decided to hide out until my powers began to manifest. I visited some friends and discovered I had not only the ability to communicate with animals, but that I could temporarily merge with an animal, taking on many of its characteristics. Armed with this ability, I merged with a cat and began tracking doen EvilEddie©.


The dream might have continued, but the pain in my leg woke me (it was time for another ibuprophin). I'm pretty sure I would've confronted Eddie Murphy and foiled his evil plan, though.

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