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SSgt Baloo

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Re: Anti-Jonah?


Well, the default for the Luck Power is under the GM's control, so if he knows which characters are on the Lucky one's side (and he should), he can certainly allow them to benefit from a favorable die roll.


Did you have other or more specific manifestations of "Luck" in mind?

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Re: Anti-Jonah?


Did you have other or more specific manifestations of "Luck" in mind?


Actually, my concept is really vague (might be the pain meds fogging my brain). I was wondering how one might make a character that was like a good luck charm for anyone who was favorably disposed to him. His allies would get favorable breaks and his enemies would get unfavorable breaks.


I suppose I am inspired by the TV series Strange Luck. I really liked the basic premise. Wierd stuff just happens around the guy. If anyone remembers this show please give instances of the luck this guy had. The one thing that sticks in my mind is that in one episode he was eating in a diner. He only had a dollar so he bought a lottery ticket and subsequently won exactly enough to pay for the meal and leave a decent tip. It wasn't just "big" luck that he had, but little, colorful things would happen as well.

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Re: Anti-Jonah?


+x Overall Skill Level, Usable By Others (up to however many you want), Ranged


I think the "only to people favorably disposed to the character" would be a +0 limit/advantage. In fact, I wouldn't even include it in the writeup. You might put Uncontrolled on it, too, but I don't think that's completely necessary.

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