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My Superhero Universe


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Re: My Superhero Universe


The League of Heroes is meant to be a superhuman version of the League of Nations, which in theory would have the power to keep the peace, but was politically unable to. The backstory I created had the LoH created at the same time as the Washington Naval Limitations Treaty in 1921. The State Department was put in charge of the League because it has members from each of the Major Powers (U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Italy, and Japan). The Soviet Union, being an outlaw state at the time, and China having no real central government, were excluded.


Bottom line is that I wanted to show that the reason why superhumans didn't solve all the world's problems was because of politics.


The League's membership would all be build on 150 points, strong enough to deal with most humans and weapons available between the wars. Neptune and Swift, for example, are tough and fast enough to avoid most damage that could really harm them. The nightmare for most dictators was the League showing up and going directly after them, which they were more then capable of. That's one of the reasons why Germany, Japan, and Italy kept members in the League of Heroes even after leaving the League of Nations, to veto any actions against them.

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My Superhero Universe: Raven




Dr. Katherine Courtney Clark, M.D., Ph.D., Criminologist


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

20 DEX 30

18 CON 16

11 BODY 2

18 INT 8

14 EGO 8

20 PRE 10

18 COM 4

8 PD 5

6 ED 2

4 SPD 10

7 REC 0

36 END 0

28 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 100


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-

2 AK: Angel City 11-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Bureacratics 13-

3 Concealment 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Disguise 13-

5 Eidetic Memory

3 Forensic Medicine 13-

1 FB: Medical License

3 High Society 13-

3 Interrogation 13-

4 Martial Block

4 Martial Dodge

4 Martial Strike

3 Martial Throw

5 Money: Well Off

5 Offensive Strike

3 Paramedic 13-

2 PS: Physician 11-

2 SS: Criminal Psychology 11-

3 Shadowing 13-

10 SL: Overall +1

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

1 TF: Small Aircraft

Total Skills Cost: 90


Cost Powers

14 Armor +8 PD +6 ED, OIF: Costume (-1/2)

20 EB 4d6, NND (LS: Self Cotained Breathing/Hold Breath),

[8c/4 Clips] (-0), OAF: Sleep Gas Pistol (-1)

5 ES: IR Vision

9 Gliding 9", 4x NCM, OIF: Cape (-1/2)

2 Running +1"

10 STR +10, No Figured Characteristics (-1), No END (+1/2)

Total Powers Cost: 60


Total Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

10 Enraged: Takes BODY 8-, Recover 14- (Common)

15 Hunted: The Count (As Powerful/NCI) 8-

10 Hunted: The Crime Doctor (Less Poweful/NCI) 8-

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

15 PsyL: Crimefighter Code (Common/Strong)

15 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250



Appearance: Raven is a tall, classically beautiful woman with long straight black hair and piercing blue eyes. Her costume in a black bodysuit with black belt, cowl, mask, belt, and gloves.


Background: Dr. Katherine Courtney Clark, M.D., Ph.D., is the twin sister of Stephen Decatur Clark, and the former sister in law of Eve Hastings Clark. She was a brilliant student gifted with an eidetic memory, and earn medical and criminology doctorates before she was twenty five. After college she became a freelance criminologist, and was often fired by police departments to investigate unusually cases. On one of those cases she battled a superhuman known as the Count. Katherine never told anyone exactly what happened, but afterwards she displayed superhuman strenght, and the ability to see heat patterns. She now works alongside her brother as The Raven.

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Re: My Superhero Universe


The State Department was put in charge of the League because it has members from each of the Major Powers (U.S.' date=' U.K., France, Germany, Italy, and Japan). [/quote']



thats just the thing--being a multi-national organization, the state Department wouldn't be in charge--especialyl if extra-national mmebers could veto its actions. I'd suggest sayig the league was an international organization, and that the state Department sponsored US members--meaning it would prevent supers more prone to interventionist actiosn while favoring heroes more prone to follow its dictates.

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Re: My Superhero Universe


thats just the thing--being a multi-national organization' date=' the state Department wouldn't be in charge--especialyl if extra-national mmebers could veto its actions. I'd suggest sayig the league was an international organization, and that the state Department sponsored US members--meaning it would prevent supers more prone to interventionist actiosn while favoring heroes more prone to follow its dictates.[/quote']

that sounds like it would work

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My Superhero Universe: Blitzkrieg




Blake Krueger, Saboteur


Val Char Cost

13 STR 3

18 DEX 24

15 CON 10

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

14 COM 0

5 PD 2

5 ED 2

4 SPD 12

6 REC 0

30 END 0

25 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 65



Cost Skills

3 CSL: Multipower +1

3 Demolitions 12-

3 Disguise 12-

4 Language: Native German

3 Lockpicking 12-

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Stealth 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

Total Skills Cost: 25


Cost Powers

33 Multipower (50 Points) Not vs. rubber or wood (-1/4),

Not in water (-1/4), [16c] (-0)

3 u) EB 10d6 [Electricity]

3 u) EB 5d6, NND (Force Field/Electrical Powers)

20 Force Field +10 PD +10 ED, Not vs. rubber or wood (-1/4),

Not in water (-1/4), No END (+1/2)

11 Running +3", 4x NCM [1 END]

Total Powers Cost: 60


Total Cost: 150


75+ Disadvantages

5 Distinctive Features: Lightning Bolt Shaped Scar on Face (ECon/Not)

15 Hunted: FBI (More Powerful/NCI) 8-

15 PsyL: Arrogant (Common/Strong)

10 PsyL: Nazi Fanatic (Uncommon/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major)

15 Vulnerability: Edged Weapons, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 150


Appearance: Blitzkreig is a tall well built man with crewcut blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a lightning bolt shaped scar on the left side of his face. His costume is a red bodysuit and cowl, with black gloves, boots, and belt. There is a white circle and a swastika on his chest.


Background: Blake Krueger was a German-American Bund member and saboteur who was attempting to blow up the Taylor Chemical Plant. Ultraman prevent caught him in the act, and in attempting to escape Krueger fell into some mysterious chemicals and then against an electrified fense. After being in a coma for a week, he awoke with a scar, and electrical powers. He know attempt to destroy America's war effort as Blitzkrieg.

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Re: My Superhero Universe


I decided that 150 point characters could have as much power as 250 point characters, but with more restrictions, and less background skills. Blitzkrieg is an example of this. As you can see he's DEX 18/SPD 4 are pretty much in line with the other characters I created, and 15 PD/ED isn't bad either. The NND is a nasty little surprise for most heroes, including Ultraman. Starlet's Force Field would, of course, be an unpleasant surprise to Blitzkrieg.

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My Superhero Universe, Continued


Stephen Decatur Clark, returning to the United States after freeing a Central American country from oppression, crash landed on a deserted island off the coast of Mexico. There he found a plantation, a dead body, and a young woman who was on the verge of death.

Stephen managed to bring her back to health, and she revealed she had no idea who she was. All she knew what that she had been in the care of the hold man, and served as his maid. He had called her Galetia, a name that the young woman hated. Stephen suggested he call her Betsy, the name of an actress that he liked. Betsy agreed.

After a week Stephen managed to repair most of the aircraft, but one of the landing gear was bent, and he told Betsy that it would take some time to fix it. To his surprise she lifted the plane with one hand, and bent it back into shape with the other. Before he could ask how, Betsy told him that she wouldn't harm him, that she didn't know why she was so strong, and told him what she believed about herself.

According to the old man, she was a freak of nature, the only person in the world with superstrength. In a fit of anger she had killed someone, and was sent to this island by the authorities in order to protect innocent people. Betsy told Stephen to leave the island without her, that she couldn't bear harming anyone else.

It was at that point that Stephen told Betsy the truth about superhumans in the world . . .

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My Superhero Universe: Columbia




Lt. Cassidy Jennifer Young, USN, Naval Intelligence Officer


Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

18 DEX 24

18 CON 16

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

10 PD 4

10 ED 6

4 SPD 12

10 REC 0

36 END 0

36 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 100


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

2 AK: The Atlantic 11-

2 AK: The Pacific 11-

3 Bump of Direction

3 Bureaucratics 12-

3 Cryptography 12-

3 Environmental Movement: Water

3 High Society 12-

2 KS: U.S. Navy 11-

2 Language: Accented German

2 Language: Accented Italian

2 Language: Accented Japanese

2 Language: Accented Russian

3 Linguist

3 Navigation 12-

2 PS: Naval Intelligence Officer 11-

3 Streetwise 12-

Total Skills Cost: 46


Cost Powers

40 Multpower (60 Points) OIF: Trident

4 u) EB 8d6, No END (+1/2)

2 u) Missile Deflection: All Ranged Attacks +5

2 u) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2), No END (+1/2)

2 u) HKA 2d6/4d6 w/STR [3 END]

3 u) Missile Deflection: All Ranged Attacks +5

10 Armor +5 PD +5 ED, OIF: Armor (-1/2)

5 Damage Resistance 5 PD 5 ED

2 ES: Hearing Perception +1

3 ES: Telescopic Hearing +2

5 ES: UV Vision

15 Multipower (15 Points)

1 u) Leaping +15"

1 u) Running +5", 4x NCM

1 u) Swimming +10", 4x NCM

5 LS: Breathe Underwater

1 LS: High Pressure

2 LS: Intense Cold

Total Powers Cost: 104


Total Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

15 Hunted: Axis Navies (More Powerful) 8-

10 Watched: U.S. Navy (More Powerful/NCI) 8-

10 PhyL: Subject to Orders (Infrequently/Major)

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

15 PsyL: Patriotic (Common/Strong)

15 PsyL: Superhero Code (Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frenquently/Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250



Appearance: Columbia is a tall well built woman with dark red hair and deep green eyes. Her costume of a red, white and blue body suit with red gloves, mask, and slippers. She wears a set of golden armor, and carries a golden trident.


Background: Lt. Cassidy Jennifer Young was a naval intelligence agent who worked with Neptune. On the Night of Infamy she attempted to save his life, but was too late. With his last breath Neptune gave her his powers to defend the world and avenge him. The hardest part was deciding on a name, and them remember that Columbia was "The Gem of the Ocean."

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Re: My Superhero Universe


In my campaign setting, Epsilon-level paranormals (around 250 points) are supposed to be about 10 times as common as Zetas (around 350 points), it would be very difficult for me to have too many of them. With a few tweaks to modernize them, your write-ups are a gold mine for me. Incidentally, it seems logical that they would be more common in the Champions Universe too, but low-powered heroes and villains are practially non-existent there: I think I could count all the examples in all the books for that universe on my fingers.

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My Superhero Universe: Dryad




Julia Barrett, Heiress


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

18 DEX 24

15 CON 10

11 BODY 2

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

16 COM 3

6 PD 3

4 ED 1

4 SPD 12

6 REC 0

30 END 0

27 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 70


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-

2 AK: Empire City 11-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 CSL: Martial Arts +1

3 CSL: Multipower +1

3 Deduction 12-

3 High Society 12-

4 Martial Block

4 Martial Strike

3 Money: Well Off

5 Offensive Strike

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 12-

Total Skills Cost: 45


Cost Powers

10 Armor +6 PD +4 ED, OIF: Costume (-1/2)

20 Multipower (30 Points) OIF: Weapons Belt (-1/2)

1 u) EB 3d6, NND (LS: Self Contained Breathing) (+1), [16c] (-0),

OAF: Sleep Gas Pellets (-1)

1 u) Entangle 3d6, DEF 3, [16c] (-0), OAF: Bolos (-1)

1 u) Swinging 15", 4x NCM, No END, OAF: Swing Line (-1)

2 Running +1" [1 END]

Total Powers Cost: 35


Total Cost: 150


75+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Barrett Industries (Normal/Useful/Unaware Secret ID) 8-

15 Hunted: The Cabal (As Powerful/NCI) 8-

10 Watched: Ultraman (More Powerful/NCI) 8-

15 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Strong)

10 PsyL: Crimefighter Code (Uncommon/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Greatly)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 150



Appreance: Dryad is a tall slender woman in her late twenties with auburn hair and green eyes. Her costume is a dark green leotard, light green tights, dark green boots, gloves, and belt, and light green mask.


Background: Julia Barrett is the former fiance of Bradley Taylor. She went with him on his search for his kidnapped sister, but was almost killed during one incident. After breaking off there engagement, Julia trained and equiped herself to deal with any situation. When Bradley became Ultraman she adopted a crimefighter identity as the Dryad to fight along side him. Julia Barrett has become Bradley's business partner in hopes of possibilty rekindling there relationship.

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My Superhero Universe: The Liberties


Lady Liberty


Laura Lockhart, World Famous Aviatrix


Val Char Cost

50 STR 40

18 DEX 24

25 CON 30

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3

18 EGO 16

15 PRE 5

18 COM 3

15 PD 5

10 ED 5

4 SPD 12

15 REC 0

50 END 0

48 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 144


Cost Skills

2 AK: New York City 11-

3 Bump of Direction

3 Combat Piloting: Combat Aircraft 13-

2 KS: Aviation 11-

4 Language: Native French

3 Mechanics 12-

1 Money: Well Off

3 Navigation 12-

1 TF: Large Aircraft

1 TF: Small Aircraft

Total Skills Cost: 23


Cost Powers

7 Armor +5 PD +5 ED, OAF: Shield (-1)

5 CSL: DCV +2, OAF: Shield (-1)

25 Multipower (50 Points) OAF: Torch (-1)

2 u) EGO Attack 5d6 [5 END]

2 u) EB 10d6 [5 END]

2 u) Mind Control 10d6 [5 END]

5 Damage Resistance 5 PD 5 ED

7 ES: Radio Perception/Transmit, IAF: Crown (-1/2)

20 Multipower (20 Points)

2 u) Flight 10" [2 END]

2 u) Flight 8km, Megascale (+1/4) [2 END]

2 LS: Intense Cold

2 LS: Intense Heat

Total Powers Cost: 83


Total Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Miss Liberty/Marla Lockhart (Slighty Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Teen Liberty/Tanya Lockhart (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 Hunted: Countess Claudia von Kruel (Less Powerful) 8-

5 Hunted: Leopard (Less Powerful) 8-

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

15 PsyL: Patriotic (Common/Strong)

15 PsyL: Superhero Code (Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frenquently/Greatly)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250






Miss Liberty


Marla Lockhart, Policewoman


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

18 DEX 24

15 CON 10

11 BODY 2

13 INT 3

14 EGO 8

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

6 PD 3

4 ED 1

4 SPD 12

8 REC 0

30 END 0

27 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 77


Cost Skills

2 AK: Los Angeles 11-

3 Criminology 12-

2 FB: Local Police Powers

2 Language: Fluent Spanish

2 PS: Police Officer 11-

3 Streetwise 12-

1 TF: Small Aircraft

2 WF: Small Arms

Total Skills Cost: 17


Cost Powers

7 Armor +6 PD +4 ED, OAF: Shield (-1)

2 CSL: DCV +1, OAF: Shield (-1)

15 Multipower (30 Points) OAF: Torch (-1)

1 u) EGO Attack 3d6 [3 END]

1 u) EB 6d6 [3 END]

1 u) Mind Control 6d6 [3 END]

7 ES: Radio Perception/Transmit, IAF: Crown (-1/2)

13 Multipower (20 Points) OIF: Sandals (-1/2)

1 u) Flight 10" [2 END]

1 u) Flight 8km, Megascale (+1/4)

7 STR +15, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2),

IAF: Crown (-1/2) [1 END]

Total Powers Cost: 56


Total Cost: 150


75+ Disadvantages

10 Hunted: Enemies of Lady Liberty (As Powerful) 8-

10 Watched: Lady Liberty (More Powerful/NCI) 8-

15 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Strong)

10 PsyL: Superhero Code (Uncommon/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Greatly)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 150





Teen Liberty


Tanya Lockhart, Nurse


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

18 DEX 24

15 CON 10

11 BODY 2

13 INT 3

14 EGO 8

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

6 PD 3

4 ED 1

4 SPD 12

6 RED 0

30 END 0

27 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 77


Cost Skills

2 AK: Washington, D.C. 11-

3 Bureaucratics 12-

3 Conversation 12-

1 FB: Registered Nurse

2 Language: Fluent Russian

3 Paramedic 12-

2 PS: Nurse 11-

1 TF: Small Aircraft

Total Skills Cost: 17


Cost Powers

7 Armor +6 PD +4 ED, OAF: Shield (-1)

2 CSL: DCV +1, OAF: Shield (-1)

15 Multipower (30 Points) OAF: Torch (-1)

1 u) EGO Attack 3d6 [3 END]

1 u) EB 6d6 [3 END]

1 u) Mind Control 6d6 [3 END]

7 ES: Radio Perception/Transmit, IAF: Crown (-1/2)

13 Multipower (20 Points) OIF: Sandals (-1/2)

1 u) Flight 10" [2 END]

1 u) Flight 8km, Megascale (+1/4)

7 STR +15, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2),

IAF: Crows (-1/2) [1 END]

Total Powers Cost: 56


Total Cost: 150


75+ Disadvantages

10 Hunted: Enemies of Lady Liberty (As Powerful) 8-

10 Watched: Lady Liberty (More Powerful/NCI) 8-

15 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Strong)

10 PsyL: Superhero Code (Uncommon/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frenquently/Greatly)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 150





Appearances: Lady Liberty has red hair, Teen Liberty has blonde hair, and Miss Liberty has black hair. They are all tall, well built, and have blue eyes. Their costumes are based on the Statue of Liberty, Lady Liberty's being the longest, Miss Liberty's the shortest, all in red white and blue with gold book shaped shield, torch, crown, and sandals.


Background: Laura Lockhart was a world famous aviatrix on an around the world flight when she accidentally discovered a hidden Axis base near the Panama Canal. She tried to escape and flew into a strange cloud, arriving in the Realm of the Ancients. The strange immortal beings granted Laura powers to battle to evil of the Axis, and upon returning home she became Lady Liberty.

To her surprise her youngest sister Tanya found that she too could transform into a superheroine as well, albeit at a lower level. After much reluctance their middle sister Marla revealed she had powers too. While the origin of their powers remains something of a mystery, the three decided to uses them to defend America as The Liberties.

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Re: My Superhero Universe


In my campaign setting' date=' Epsilon-level paranormals (around 250 points) are supposed to be about 10 times as common as Zetas (around 350 points), it would be very difficult for me to have too many of them. With a few tweaks to modernize them, your write-ups are a gold mine for me. Incidentally, it seems logical that they would be more common in the Champions Universe too, but low-powered heroes and villains are practially non-existent there: I think I could count all the examples in all the books for that universe on my fingers.[/quote']


From reading the Champions Universe book and the Champions Genre book 150 paranormals are probably quite prevalent. Out of the 6000 paranormals on Champions Earth only about 600 or so actually do the costumed whatever thing. And that doesn't include the however many Trained people who do the Batman/Nightwing/ etc thing. So you have the "low level" paranormals doing stuff with their powers that would help them with their jobs, or community service. Things of that nature.

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My Superhero Universe: Lady Liberty Miss Liberty Teen Liberty Update


Lady Liberty



Laura Lockhart is a 24 year old aviator. She is 5'10', 135 lbs, with long red hair, and blue eyes. Her costume is a long red gown, trimmed in white and blue, with a golden shield, torch, crown, and sandals.



Val Char Cost

50 STR 40

23 DEX 39

25 CON 30

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

18 EGO 16

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

10 PD 0

5 ED 0

4 SPD 7

15 REC 0

50 END 0

50 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 148


Cost Skills

2 AK: New York City 11-

3 Bump of Direction

3 Combat Piloting: Combat Aircraft 14-

2 KS: Aviation 11-

4 Language: Native French

1 Money: Well Off

3 Navigation: Air 12-

1 TF: Large Aircraft

1 TF: Small Aircraft

Total Skills Cost: 20


Cost Powers

20 Armor +10 PD +10 ED, OIF: Shield (-1/2)

25 Multipower (50 Points) OAF: Torch (-1)

2 u) EGO Attack 5d6 [5 END]

2 u) EB 10d6 [5 END]

2 u) Mind Control 10d6 [5 END]

7 ES: Radio Perception/Transmit, IAF: Crown (-1/2)

20 Multipower (25 Points) IIF: Sandals (-1/4)

2 u) Flight 10", 1/2 END (+1/4) [1 END]

2 u) Flight 10km, Megascale (+1/4) [2 END]

Total Powers Cost: 82


Total Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Miss Liberty [Marla Lockhart] (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 DNPC: Teen Liberty [Tanya Lockhart] (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 Hunted: Countess Claudia von Kruel (Less Powerful) 8-

5 Hunted: Leopard (Less Powerful) 8-

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

15 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Strong)

15 PsyL: Patriotic (Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Laura Lockhart] (Frenquently/Major)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250





Miss Liberty



Marla Lockhart is a 21 year old college student. She is 5'9', 130 lbs, with medium length black hair and blue eyes. Her costume is medium length blue gown, trimmed in red and white, with a golden shield, torch, crown, and sandals.



Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

18 DEX 24

18 CON 16

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

14 EGO 8

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

6 PD 0

4 ED 0

4 SPD 12

10 REC 0

36 END 0

36 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 96


Cost Skills

3 Criminology 12-

2 Language: Fluent Spanish

1 TF: Small Aircraft

Total Skills Cost: 6


Cost Powers

10 Armor +6 PD +4 ED, OIF: Shield (-1/2)

15 Multipower (30 Points) OAF: Torch (-1)

1 u) EGO Attack 3d6 [3 END]

1 u) EB 6d6 [3 END]

1 u) Mind Control 6d6 [3 END]

7 ES: Radio Perception/Transmit, IAF: Crown (-1/2)

11 Multipower (14 Points) IIF: Sandals (-1/4)

1 u) Flight 7" [1 END]

1 u) Flight 5km, Megascale (+1/4) [1 END]

Total Powers Cost: 48


Total Cost: 150


75+ Disadvantages

10 Hunted: Professor Madness (As Powerful) 8-

10 Watched: Lady Liberty (More Powerful/NCI) 8-

15 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Strong)

10 PsyL: Heroic and Patriotic (Common/Moderate)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Marla Lockhart] (Frequently/Major)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 150






Teen Liberty



Tanya Lockhart is a 18 year old high school student. She is 5'8", 125 lbs, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her costume is a short white gown, trimmed in red and blue, with a golden shield, torch, crown, and sandals.



Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

18 DEX 24

18 CON 16

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

14 EGO 8

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

6 PD 0

4 ED 0

4 SPD 12

10 REC 0

36 END 0

36 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 96


Cost Skills

3 Paramedic 12-

2 Language: Fluent Russian

1 TF: Small Aircraft

Total Skills Cost: 6


Cost Powers

10 Armor +6 PD +4 ED, OIF: Shield (-1/2)

15 Multipower (30 Points) OAF: Torch (-1)

1 u) EGO Attack 3d6 [3 END]

1 u) EB 6d6 [3 END]

1 u) Mind Control 6d6 [3 END]

7 ES: Radio Perception/Transmit, IAF: Crown (-1/2)

11 Multipower (14 Points) IIF: Sandals (-1/4)

1 u) Flight 7" [1 END]

1 u) Flight 5km, Megascale (+1/4) [1 END]

Total Powers Cost: 48


Total Cost: 150


75+ Disadvantages

10 Hunted: Master of Disguise (As Powerful) 8-

10 Watched: Lady Liberty (More Powerful/NCI) 8-

15 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Strong)

10 PsyL: Heroic and Patriotic (Common/Moderate)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Tanya Lockhart] (Frequently/Major)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 150

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Re: My Superhero Universe


From reading the Champions Universe book and the Champions Genre book 150 paranormals are probably quite prevalent. Out of the 6000 paranormals on Champions Earth only about 600 or so actually do the costumed whatever thing. And that doesn't include the however many Trained people who do the Batman/Nightwing/ etc thing. So you have the "low level" paranormals doing stuff with their powers that would help them with their jobs' date=' or community service. Things of that nature.[/quote']


That's a good point! All the power levels, even down to Competent Normals with powers IMO, can be effective supers in the right setting/story...street, rural, small town, investigation-oriented, etc. And they're missing a lot of color...I did like the nod in Everyman to a few 'regular people with powers'. I would just like to see more of that, and Low-powered Supers, too. I guess with the new edition coming up soon I shouldn't hold my breath on that kind of expansion of the CU.

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Re: My Superhero Universe


Most of my villains will be 150 points' date=' basically big guns with little background skills and limiations on their powers.[/quote']Against 150 point agents and perhaps the occasional minor supervillain, 350 point characters should be a lot of fun. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman mostly fought non-powered bad guys early in their careers. :thumbup:
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