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Jens, the Undying Head of the Thieves' Guild


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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
8	STR	-2	11-	Lift:  75kg; 1 1/2d6 HTH Damage
14	DEX	12	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
10	CON	0	11-
11	BODY	2	11-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 13-
14	EGO	8	12-	ECV: 5
23	PRE	16	14-	PRE Attack:  4 1/2d6
14	COM	2	12-
2	PD	0		Total:  2 PD
5	ED	2		Total:  9 ED (4 rED)
4	SPD	12		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
6	REC	0
26	END	0
25	STUN	0
Total Characteristics Cost: 60
Movement:	Running:  6"/12"
	Swimming:  2"/4"

Cost	Powers & Skills
16	Affects Physical World on STR (+2)
60	Desolidification: 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Invisible 
Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (120 Active
Points); Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2), 
Always On (-1/2).  Bypassed via Energy Magic (fire,
cold, acid, etc)
6	Armor 4 rED
40	Naked Advantage: Affects Physical World (+2) on all 
Weapons up to 20 Active Points
45	Does Not Eat, Age, Safe in All Environments, Immune to 
all terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, immune 
to all lethal poisons and chemical warfare agents.  
167	Total Powers Cost

4	Head of Local Thieves’ Guild
4	Unofficial “Mayor”

3	Acting 14-
3	AK: Local Area 13-
3	Bribery 13-
0	Climbing 8-
3	Concealment 13-
3	Contortionist 12-
3	Conversation 14-
0	CuK: Native Culture 11-
0	Deduction 8-
5	Disguise 14-
3	Forgery 13-
3	High Society 14-
3	Interrogation 14-
3	KS: Economics 13-
2	KS: Local Events 11-
0	KS: General Knowledge 11-
0	Language (native)
1	Lipreading 8-
3	Lockpicking 12-
5	Oratory 15-
3	Paramedics 13-
7	Persuasion 16-
0	PS: Farming 8-
3	PS: Leadership/Management 13-
0	PS: Perform Basic Chores And Menial Tasks 11-
3	Seduction 14-
3	Shadowing 13-
3	Stealth 12-
9	Streetwise 17-
1	Survival 8-
1	Tracking 8-
0	TF: Equines
2	WF: Blades
81	Total Skills Cost
256	Total Powers & Skills Cost
316	Total Character Cost

75+	Disadvantages
15	Distinctive Features: Immortal (Not Concealable, 
Causes Major Reaction, Detectable By Simple Tests)
10	Psychological Limitation: Must Be In Control 
(Uncommon, Strong)
15	Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Major)
201	Experience Points
316	Total Disadvantage Points


Background: Born over a hundred years ago, Jens was once a street urchin, orphaned at a young age by disease and starvation. Forced to fight to survive, he managed for a time until one day he departed the city he had called home, seeking out greener pastures.


As it turned out, he found one. An oasis which has never been located again, after spending over a day making his way through the desert he nearly collapsed into it. Feeling refreshed and rejuvenated almost before he fell into the water, he drank up as much as he could and began to make his way onward.


He found distant farmlands and took up the trade of the locals. For over a decade, he was content to work with his hands. But when a greedy bandit lord decided he wanted one of the young girls there to be one of his concubines, the young Jens tried to stop him, only to be impaled on a sword. He fell to the ground, and the lord turned to go get the girl.


The surprise was mutual when Jens got up, removed the sword from his chest and tried to strike the lord in turn. While his clumsy and inept strike only succeeded in knocking the lord of his horse, the lord’s fellow bandits were too shocked by the seemingly immortal Jens to do anything about it. Jens moved over to try again, and successfully killed the lord. The other bandits ran away, fearful of Jens’ immortality.


He became a local hero and went on living in the community for another decade before he decided to move on. He wanted fortune and power, and knew he could earn it with his supernatural gift.


He took to a distant city, and slowly ascended the ranks of the local “Thieves’ Guild,” a collective formed by various local street gangs. He now has huge control over the local goings-on, and is indeed the de-facto ruler of the city, and the definitive leader of the Thieves’ Guild.


Quote: “Oh, and do remember to cut off his head this time. It sends a rather visceral image to other freelancers. I find it discourages them quite well.”


Personality/Motivation: Jens is the leader of his city out of a desire for control. While the city undeniably blooms under his watchful hand, he doesn’t control it for that purpose. After having grown up on the bottom rungs of life and watched with distaste as others kicked him around, he become infatuated with the idea that he might one day be the one doing the kicking. Once he had killed a man of large physical and social power like that bandit lord, he knew that he could do it.


Powers/Tactics: Jens’ sole “power” is is superhuman immortality. He can only be slain by magic, and he has even fortified himself quite a bit against it, learning to resist energy. Jens’ prefers the knife to other weapons, and isn’t terribly strong. He prefers to avoid straight up combat, leaving it to his lackies.

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Re: Jens, the Undying Head of the Thieves' Guild


Couple of points - you should buy invisible power effects on his desolid, otherwise, it's obvious that he's desolid.


Secondly, I wouldn't rate immortality as "not concealable" - in most cases it simply wouldn't be obvious at all, only really showing up when he takes what should be a major wound.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Jens, the Undying Head of the Thieves' Guild


Couple of points - you should buy invisible power effects on his desolid' date=' otherwise, it's obvious that he's desolid[/quote']Thanks, forgot about that.

Secondly' date=' I wouldn't rate immortality as "not concealable" - in most cases it simply wouldn't be obvious at all, only really showing up when he takes what should be a major wound.[/quote']

Which is why I added "Detectable by Simple Tests" to the DF - ie they have to do a simple test such as stab him.

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