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Long-Term Endurance Infliction


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Re: Long-Term Endurance Infliction


What does this power do in English, not in HeroSpeak?


Does this power stop you getting your breath back after you exert yourself and stop you recovering from unconciousness? If yes, then Rec drain would be an option.


What do you want it to do?

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Re: Long-Term Endurance Infliction


Alibear is right. One of the common Hero errors is to come to the forum, or to your friends, speaking game mechanics rather than the effect you want to achieve.


We realise that you want to do something and that the first mechanic idea that came to you was causing someone to suffer LTE. It is almost always better to come explaining the game effect you want and while we may agree with you and see what we can come up with, we will almost always have alternatives to offer that may work better.




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Re: Long-Term Endurance Infliction


Long Term END basically reduces the character's maximum END by the amount lost, right? The character then recovers his REC in LTE per 5 hours of rest, or his REC in LTE per day if he isnt resting.




Drain END with a slow recovery.


Allow the target to recover his REC in lost END instead of a flat 5 character points (10 END) per time scale, and allow the target to increase his return rate if he rests. This will generally be a wash as far as cost mechanics go. If you're using LTE, you're probably in a heroic level game, in which case RECs will be significanly lower than 10, meaning that targets will get significantly less back per return than they would using the standard 5 CP/return rate. But being able to speed up their return rate by resting (return every 5 hours instead of every 24) sort of cancels that out in most cases.


Drain 1D6 END

____(+1 1/2) Recovers per Day

____(+0) Recover REC per return instead of 5 Character Points, faster return if resting.

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