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Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


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Re: Do you have any "deal brekers" when it comes 6th edition?


I agree with many things you say' date=' although I don't understand this. Layout-wise, the books are pretty cohesive. I have no trouble finding stuff and looking through the table of contents. Everything looks like a Hero Games book. [/quote']


I'd have to agree with this. The thing I like best about the 5e books (after the actual content of the books) is the wonderful layout. Easy to use' date=' easy to find things, well put together, and aesthetically pleasing, all in one. :)[/quote']


I agree as well. Layout has never been an issue with Hero books.


Or maybe I'm just easy to please after White Wolf. Even a stale saltine is the tastiest food in the world to a starving man. ;)


For me, the layout is too "text bookish". When I look at a gaming book, especially these days, I like something with some pop and that's visually appealing. I love the indexes and think they're one of the best things of non-content that Hero offers, but I actually liked the page layouts better in C:NM then I do in 5th ed books. I guess I'm just picky :)


This I think was forced on DOJ by the IP they bough. They just didn't have access to all of the original IP. They could have left events the same and just changed the players, but this might have seemed even more incongruous.


So, yes, I agree in an ideal world they would have kept everything the same, but given the way things were, they DOJ/Hero Games did pretty well.


I dunno ... I think there were quite a few that came with the package and just weren't used. I've always been one of the torch-bearers for the 4th ed CU and I guess I just would like to see some continuation :)

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Re: Do you have any "deal brekers" when it comes 6th edition?


There are no deal breakers for me. I'll use what I like and drop what I don't. If there is more in 5e that I like than 6e I won't buy any new products or I'll be much more selective about which products I do buy.

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Re: Do you have any "deal brekers" when it comes 6th edition?


For me, the layout is too "text bookish". When I look at a gaming book, especially these days, I like something with some pop and that's visually appealing. I love the indexes and think they're one of the best things of non-content that Hero offers, but I actually liked the page layouts better in C:NM then I do in 5th ed books. I guess I'm just picky :)


Each to their own. I'm picky too, I just have different goals. :)


The last thing I want is fluff getting in my way when I'm trying to find information in a book. Adding "pop" to the layout of books is the quickest way to get me to put the book down. The job of a comic book is to entertain. The job of a rules book is to provide information in a clear and concise fashion. I personally find the 5e layout to be leaps and bounds beyond any of the previous editions.

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Re: Do you have any "deal brekers" when it comes 6th edition?


For me, the layout is too "text bookish". When I look at a gaming book, especially these days, I like something with some pop and that's visually appealing. I love the indexes and think they're one of the best things of non-content that Hero offers, but I actually liked the page layouts better in C:NM then I do in 5th ed books. I guess I'm just picky :)


Each to their own. I'm picky too, I just have different goals. :)


The last thing I want is fluff getting in my way when I'm trying to find information in a book. Adding "pop" to the layout of books is the quickest way to get me to put the book down. The job of a comic book is to entertain. The job of a rules book is to provide information in a clear and concise fashion. I personally find the 5e layout to be leaps and bounds beyond any of the previous editions.


For me I straddle the "layout fence". For the actual rules I like the present black and white minimal graphics format.


But for Genre and Non-Rule Supplements a little flash and pizzazz would be welcome.

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Re: Do you have any "deal brekers" when it comes 6th edition?


Are there any changes that would make you pass completely on 6th edition if they do or not come to pass? If so what are they?


Yeah, If I have to learn a new system...call it the Fuzion effect....

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


Sure, lots of 'em.


actually what would sell me on 6th ed. is if someone writes 2 programs.


1. convert all old hero files into 6th ed compatible hero designer files


2. have an OCR scanner scan all text character sheets and also

do the above conversion into 6ed compatible files.

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


I probably don't have any true dealbreakers unless they really break the system and turn it into something unrecognizable. If they can streamline the rules a bit and make things a bit easier but maintain the overall flexibility and power of the system I'll be pretty happy. I would love to be able to do all the math for character creation in my head but as long as it doesn't get any more complicated than it is now I'll be satisfied (and i really hope they don't try to simplify the math by replacing it with a bunch of charts. I've seen some suggestions to that effect over in the 6th edition discussion).


The one thing I REALLY want to see is the physical quality of the books improve. Nice thick paper with a sturdy binding. Keep at least the core books hardcover. If the core books physically resembled the books from Games Workshop or White Wolf (in physical appearance only, not in content) that would be truly awesome.

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


Okay... seriously. :) Sure, there are lots of things that could theoretically be changed or introduced that would be total deal-breakers for me.


However, while I wouldn't say it's completely impossible for any of those things to make their way into H6E, I would definitely say that it's very nearly impossible. In other words, I'm 99.99999% certain that Steve won't include anything that would automatically break the deal for me. All my deal-breakers are things I'm virtually certain Steve isn't going to add/change/remove.


So could something break the deal? Sure.


Will it? No. :)


None of the additions/changes/removals I've seen or heard Steve propose as being likely to happen are anywhere near the level of a deal-breaker for me...

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


Look guys' date=' Steve is Hero Pope. He is infallible. You'll use 6E. You [i']know[/i] you will. ;)


I've certainly never claimed infallibility for him. There just isn't anything that I've seen him mention on the boards as something he is likely to change that I have a problem with. From that and the conversations I've had with him, I think we agree on far more than we disagree about it. And since he has proven to at least my satisfaction that he is a talanted game designer, I'm not worried that he is biting off more than he can chew and have little doubt that he can do a good job pulling off the changes he is talking about making.

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


Well, I'll point out that Steve had no hand in that one.


I agree and I don't mean to malign Mr Long nor imply that he has anything like that in mind. I just wanted to point out that just because we love Hero and buy its products when we can doesn't mean we'll buy whatever comes out with the title regardless of content.

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


Look guys' date=' Steve is Hero Pope. He is infallible. You'll use 6E. You [i']know[/i] you will. ;)


I'm Hero Agnostic.


I've certainly never claimed infallibility for him. There just isn't anything that I've seen him mention on the boards as something he is likely to change that I have a problem with. From that and the conversations I've had with him' date=' I think we agree on far more than we disagree about it. And since he has proven to at least my satisfaction that he is a talanted game designer, I'm not worried that he is biting off more than he can chew and have little doubt that he can do a good job pulling off the changes he is talking about making.[/quote']


From where it stands now, Steve Long is taking the game in direction I'm not interested in going and that reflect my playstyle, perhaps won't even support it. In addition some of the topics he's dismissed are things I'd have liked to have seen done. This is far since it's not my personalized edition of Hero but, barring some sudden reversal or truly innovative and exciting design the odds of my adopting 6th is very low.

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


For myself I pretty much think this particular thread isn't answerable since nothing in 6th has even been established.....


That I know of. The 6th ed forum has exploded to the point I could read it if read it was my job and I put in 50 hours a week.


I had a suggestion but just figuring out which thread to put it in, let alone read the 52 million previous posts to see if it was already mentioned isn't going to happen. At least not while I actually have a job and need to eat ;)




*I'm not whining as much as completely befuddled :nonp:*

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


From where it stands now' date=' Steve Long is taking the game in direction I'm not interested in going and that reflect my playstyle, perhaps won't even support it. In addition some of the topics he's dismissed are things I'd have liked to have seen done. This is far since it's not my personalized edition of Hero but, barring some sudden reversal or truly innovative and exciting design the odds of my adopting 6th is very low.[/quote']


Huh. What changes that Steve has proposed and stated he is likely to make do you see impacting play style?

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


Huh. What changes that Steve has proposed and stated he is likely to make do you see impacting play style?


The main one? Dropping Comeliness as a characteristic. Decoupling Figured is going to make character generation more of a hassle. There's a few others but I'd have to go surfing through the 6th forums. Overall, his design choices seem to be taking the game in a more mechanistic "wargame like" direction than I like to use. I noticed a bit of that in 5th edition as well but overall, I liked most of it so I brought in.

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


For myself I pretty much think this particular thread isn't answerable since nothing in 6th has even been established.....


Well the questions is "Are there any deal breakers?" IOW, is there any change that could made that would just turn you right off not in the sense "Are there any there anything that would turn you off?"

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Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


I'm just hoping is initial statement "there were things I wanted to change that the original designers of this fantastically successful and popular game vetoed" doesn't mean what I fear it means.

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