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Damaging Block


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Many times in martial arts/fighting movies and stories a character will parry an attack in such a fashion that it either injures their attacker or breaks their weapon. I’m trying to construct the ability in Hero System. I think it would be a variant on either Damage Shield or Trigger. DS is less likely since it generally requires that the character actually be struck.

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Re: Damaging Block


I'm leaning toward Trigger (When character successfully blocks) at this point. The character doesn't have to take hit to get have it work.


I generally like this approach.


It also lets you tweak to flavor by changing the triggering circumstance like "Triggers when a block roll is half or less of the target number" to make a "Critical Block" talent, f'rinstance.

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Re: Damaging Block


Interestingly, because we build swords as foci, they have no Body, so any Body damage through defences should break the HKA which is usually their only power.


A 1d6+1 sword would have a DEF of 4.


Looking at page 448, which does object body and DEF, 4 DEF is right for a sword but it shuold have 4-6 Body too. You'll have to decide what damaging a sword actually does...

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Re: Damaging Block


You could create a custom maneuver. I'm not sure if it would break the rules in UMA - and would require GM sign off - but you might try slapping the block element onto a strike maneuver. The abort element is optional (and wouldn't be apropos IMO). It might cost 6-8 points or so, but it would be clean on the sheet and do the job.

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Re: Damaging Block


The rules for custome maneuvers don't allow you to abort to anything offensive (i.e. capable of doing damage or grappling). If you want this kind of power you have to go with the DS or the trigger although which you want to go with will depend on the final effect you want.

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Re: Damaging Block


The rules for custome maneuvers don't allow you to abort to anything offensive (i.e. capable of doing damage or grappling). If you want this kind of power you have to go with the DS or the trigger although which you want to go with will depend on the final effect you want.


You are right but I think you can build a block you can't abort to that also causes damage. It makes you wonder why you'd bother, but I think you can do it.

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Re: Damaging Block


If you are 'waiting' for someone to punch you it's ideal. And simulates the ninjutsu style as practiced in (the UK & Ireland at least) now. Basically you block by punching the incoming arm away.


I meant that if you had a readied action anyway you could simply use it to attack and destroy their weapon, and thus prevent them attacking anyway, at least with a weapon.


Irish Ninja. I'm intruiged...

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Re: Damaging Block


The rules for custome maneuvers don't allow you to abort to anything offensive (i.e. capable of doing damage or grappling). If you want this kind of power you have to go with the DS or the trigger although which you want to go with will depend on the final effect you want.


You are right but I think you can build a block you can't abort to that also causes damage. It makes you wonder why you'd bother' date=' but I think you can do it.[/quote']


IIRC, you could build maneuvers like this with the Optional martial arts design rules in 4th UMA or Ninja Hero. A Block/Strike you couldn't Abort too would be useful since you could Block and effectively get two chances to avoid the attack (failed blocks don't result in an automatic hit) and still do damage either to them or their weapon If you just attacked your target's weapon and broke they could still attack that phase with an unarmed attack or draw another weapon and use it. And you may have more Levels in OCV since attacking a Focus has penalty.


I think under those rules you could also build attacks you could abort too as as well.

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