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I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..

VR Dragon

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


If you have the players start as part of an organisation you could hold back some points, say 25, for gear and give out gear according to the character's weaknesses.



Not enough offense? 8D6 EB, 16ch, OAF - Pistol - 20pts

Not enough defense? 10 rPD, 10 rED Armour, OIF - Body Armour - 20pts

Relatively well rounded combat-wise, but lacking skills? Spend 20pts on non-combat skills and stuff ("training")


Throw in a radio headset (Radio Listen/Transmit, OIF, Sense affected as Hearing - 5pts) and you are away :)

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


What kind of limits should I put in for stuff?


Like DCV and OCV, ED and PD and such when powers in the supplements show powers with 8d6 and 12d6 for attacks? What if a player is a brick or a Energy Projector?


These are somethings I very much need some advice on.



What would be some good starting limits and guidelines for powers, stats and stuff?



10 PD and ED max unless your a brick? 20 dex unless your a speeder or MA? 75 Active point Limit for powers?


I was looking through powers from my Until SPDB books and some powers that use force fields have 15, 20, 25 and even 30 for PD and ED ratings. I would like to use these books to help my new players since it gives already made ideas but are these powers to strong? :think: I get kinda confused right about here.....


In part the question is how strong are normals? If you want normal to be helpless then set caps well above, is Normals are "OK" then set limits near "Normal"


I usually set "Normal" Things at 8 to 10 DC's So I set supers at 8 to 12 (10 to 12 being common, Find weakness / NND man being less ) Defences the "Basic" is CON+ DEF= 42


And only bricks get above say 24 Def, CV around 8 to 10 is usually fine, I don't cap this but too much DCV can make low CV guys real frustrated...(So the "top" should be around 3 above the bottom) The rest is usually a "feel" thing.....

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Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help..


Avoid allowing "Variable Limitation" unless you a) have a player honest and quick enough to tell you each time they use the power what the exact limitations are, B) want to put combat on hold for 15 minutes while the player flips through the book looking for ones that apply, or c) are willing to accept it when the player "forgets" to assign those limitations.


"A GM may define which Limitations characters use to satisfy the variable limitations;"



Just make a limited list of what limitations he can take and at what level. Make it short enough to be hard to abuse and quick to use but long enough for meaningful variation.


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