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Am I explaining genetics correctly?


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Re: Am I explaining genetics correctly?


I was thinking of a categorization system, with greek letters denoting ascending power levels. Someone with an Alpha class ability would have up to 10 active points of powers, a Beta would have 10-20, Delta would be 20-30, etc. Of course, there would have to be gadgets that could sense a power level, and probably some Gifted would have the ability to gauge another Gifted's power level. Opinions? This doesn't account for skill at the power, only raw power. Is this too simplistic?


Now, I was rethinking the first adventure. I was going to start the guys off as competent normals, then have them discover their abilities. The Gifted were going to be a classified secret. But, I was thinking about how hard it would be to hide. Only 1 in a million has a consciously usable, potent power, but I am going to have 10 times that number with latent abilities that might briefly manifest under stress. All the research that has gone into paranormal abilities in the real world would show up something in my game world. I think now that these powers would be known to some degree by the population at large. Also, I was thinking about the characters being part of a Gifted task force within the U.S. government, dealing with general Gifted crime as a section of the FBI, they were re-org'd into Homeland Security after 9/11 and now target Gifted terrorism. This would give them some sympathetic government contacts, some adversarial government figures, and a Law Enforcement perk. I think there is a government agent package in Dark Champions, though I haven't looked it up yet. Any thoughts? Any package/skills ideas? I was thinking of the guys starting as Delta or Gamma class Gifted. Any more powerful and they'd probably be at a different level of the government...

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