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"Never Miss" powers


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Re: "Never Miss" powers


One on one your DCV doesn't matter if you can keep DFCing.


I'm shocked - shocked - that you believe flying dodge should be for speedsters only. What sort of character do you play? :D


My point is that I'm not aginst DFC altogether, I just think it could be improved.


The problem isn't DFC, it's GM's who decide to allow its use in their game at the last minute without considering the ramifications of its use.


I usually play a speedster that doesn't use martial arts.


Are you sure you're real name isn't Phil?


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Re: "Never Miss" powers


One on one your DCV doesn't matter if you can keep DFCing.


Incorrect. That would only be true if you could be guaranteed to succeed at a DFC. You aren't so when you fail one, your DCV matters very much.


And to even to be able to do them one after the other is a Ref call in the first place. Sorry, still don't see anything broken here.

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Re: "Never Miss" powers


Well, many AoE attacks are blatantly obviously AoE.


No point dodging, DexBoy, that 40 foot wall of water thundering towards you is actually and Area of Effect attacK!!


On the other hand, there's no way to know whether that streaking line of fire is a single-target attack or will explode into a Fireball before it takes effect, is there?

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Re: "Never Miss" powers


Well, no, Hugh, that is why I said, "many".


I do take your point and agree with it. A player's job is never easy.


The guy who's getting ripped off here is the guy whose AoE is obvious. Should there be an extra advantage (a variant of IPE) if it's not obvious your attack is AoE until it's too late to react based on that knowledge?

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Re: "Never Miss" powers


With special effects, they're only sneaky once: after that everybody knows what the AE looks like. Then you'd have to work with different levels of intelligence and experience. Sure, Sargent Rock knows what a grenade looks like and does, but does Bututsi the bush pygmy? Or a bird?

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Re: "Never Miss" powers


The guy who's getting ripped off here is the guy whose AoE is obvious. Should there be an extra advantage (a variant of IPE) if it's not obvious your attack is AoE until it's too late to react based on that knowledge?


One for Steve methinks.

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Re: "Never Miss" powers


Like almost every other Abort Maneuver (except Roll with Punch), you have to DFC before the roll is made -- which means, in general, before you know whether you're going to get hit with a personal or an AoE attack. The 'rising-to-towering waves of doom' are an F/X of the attack going off; I MIGHT penalize water-man on the F/X if he had Extra Time (so the target 'knows' what sort of attack is coming), but not typically.


By the time the waves are coming, it's too late to decide. You have to decide BEFORE you've been attacked. So pretty much always, it's 'it looks like he's going to attack you. What do you do?' THAT is when they can DFC, Dodge, Block, or whatever. If the GM has rolled the dice, it's too late. Or, more accurately, the GM should say, 'Watera is going to attack. Would you like to Abort your next action/use your held action?' If the player doesn't, the dice are rolled and the player is screwed. To be fair, this should work in reverse as well, of course. Ideally, the attacker should have something indicating what maneuver/attack they're using, so that they can't change it after the target has (or has not) decided to dodge, etc.

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Re: "Never Miss" powers


I allow more flexibility than that. For example: Joe lifts his rifle and points it at you, after firing at your friends. You can see he's going to attack and what it's going to be with.


Another example: Fritz the SS soldier pulls a pin off his grenade and rears back like he's going to throw it at you.


Another example: Bob the supervillain turns toward you, points his hand, and fire boils around it, he's clearly attacking you.


Another example: Sid the sorcerer begins casting a spell that causes a dark cloud to form over your head and an ozone smell begins to build/\.


...what do you do?


Each of these gives the PC a clear idea that they're being attacked and a basic idea of what it's going to be. That's why invisible power effects is an advantage; you don't get tipped off who is attacking you with what.

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Re: "Never Miss" powers


I don't disagree; this is a matter of SF/X. However, unless it's a Focus whose effect is clearly defined -- the gun, the grenade -- the GM should NOT tell them anything that'll definitely let them know that it's going to be a direct or an AoE attack. FireBob may blast a Cone of flame; Sorcerer Sid might strike with a lightning-bolt. The ACT of them preparing an attack should be clear, and the type of attack should be defined and unchangeable before the attack roll is made; I like the idea of laying down an attack card/chit/whatever, with an indicator on one side that says what attack or attack type it is. But unless it's clearly defined by a Focus type or, for example, Judge Dredd saying to his multi-gun 'Grenade' (Incantations), the target shouldn't have any idea of what's coming his way.

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Re: "Never Miss" powers


Just my $.02,


If you want such an abusable power, buy 1 hex accurate (+1/2) with Megascale on Area of Effect(+1/2). For +1, they will have to dive for cover aproximately 100km. Buys levels to compensate for DCV.

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Re: "Never Miss" powers


' date=' Judge Dredd saying to his multi-gun 'Grenade' (Incantations), the target shouldn't have any idea of what's coming his way.[/quote']



Judge Dredd's gun can also be changed manually with a flick of a switch.


So Dredd could say 'Grenade' and then manually flip to heat-seeker if he felt so inclined.

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