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THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?

Steve Long

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


That wand in the quill thing was kind of done in humor, but thinking more about it, some high fantasy espionage would be pretty cool, especially given that Atlantis, Lemuria, and Empyrea (or whatever they call themselves as a nation) are superpowers in their own time. There could be nations that aren't part of any one of these, but are allied with one group or another, or trying to stay neutral, or playing one side off against another to try to come out ahead.


And there should be a package deal or two to come out of that, as well as a whole buncha James Bond toys.

Now, this sounds like fun! Given the intended scope of the book, I don't think we'd want to have too much space devoted to the idea, but certainly it'd be great to have enough infomration to run this kind of campaign straight out of the box.
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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Imagine the He-Man or She-Ra show' date=' but designed for a more mature audience, that is the style that I want...[/quote']


I'm sorry...but my mind just cannot bend around a concept that uses He-Man. She-Ra and mature audience in the same sentence.......



My head hurts :(









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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


The Masters of the Universe is a pretty good model for technology, I suppose, but whiny secret identities and silly names (not to mention silly characters) should go straight to the trash heap.


I was also thinking that science, magic, and religion should be all intertwined, like a sci-fi looking communications panel that requires a small sacrifice or prayer to use. Also the magic, IMO, should stray away from mystical sounding spell names like "Eyes of the Eagle", and instead use pseudo-Greek or Latinesque names like "Aetosoptikon" or something, maybe with the "eyes of the eagle" as a subtitle so those of us who think Greek rocks but don't understand more than a handful of words can keep them all straight.


I was also thinking that magic should be commonplace enough that there aren't anything like serfs or peasants in the more sophisticated nations. Gentleman farmers, sure, maybe convict slaves or war prisoner slaves, but to get a good feel of a magical civilization at its height, things should be all shiny and poverty-free.

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?




I was also thinking that science, magic, and religion should be all intertwined, like a sci-fi looking communications panel that requires a small sacrifice or prayer to use. Also the magic, IMO, should stray away from mystical sounding spell names like "Eyes of the Eagle", and instead use pseudo-Greek or Latinesque names like "Aetosoptikon" or something, maybe with the "eyes of the eagle" as a subtitle so those of us who think Greek rocks but don't understand more than a handful of words can keep them all straight.



Good idea. But instead of requiring a small sacrifice or prayer. Have them make things easier but they can be bypassed at need for a price.


Controlling the Ornithopter is easy and requires little inner strength when you have time and can offer the proper chants. A well chosen request will be heeded by the Ornithopter. But in Battle, time is of the essence and it becomes a test of personal power as the true Warrior bends the Ornithopters will to his own needs. :D

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Maybe some ideas from Moorcock's Melnibone - a highly sophisticated & cultured society sinking into decadence


For the end of the Atlantean era, that could be a useful parallel, and it certainly lines up with Plato's vision of the fall of Atlantis. OTOH considering that Champions' Atlantis goes out with a bang rather than a whimper, it would add to the tragedy if they were cut down while their civilization was still in its vital prime.

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Maybe some ideas from Moorcock's Melnibone - a highly sophisticated & cultured society sinking into decadence


For the end of the Atlantean era' date=' that could be a useful parallel, and it certainly lines up with Plato's vision of the fall of Atlantis. OTOH considering that Champions' Atlantis goes out with a bang rather than a whimper, it would add to the tragedy if they were cut down while their civilization was still in its vital prime.[/quote']




Excellent suggestion :thumbup:


Lord Liaden


The Elric world may have dwelled on the decline, but the blending of science and magic can fall into any stage of a civilization. Plus the liberal use of Demons in the MM style universe would definitly help explain "What went wrong".

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Clearly we're not gonna use He-Man.





We're gonna use BlackStar. :eek::D


Thundar the Barbarian is better than both...


But I was actualy going for the style, that of a mix of weird technology, an almost reversal of Clark's law in reality, bigger than life heroes and villains & the idea of mysticaly powered heroes that copy to somewhat like super heroes...

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Maybe some ideas from Moorcock's Melnibone - a highly sophisticated & cultured society sinking into decadence


Yep, Moorcock was what I was thinking too (though Hawkmoon, and Corum fit at least as well as Elric). Most of his games have "arcane technology" which fits the bill. that's what I want - world-spanning adventures. Flying cities. Castle-destroying sorceries. Extraplanar gates. Cults and religions of massive power wherein the very gods (or something that looks a lot like them) play an active role.


I'd also point at sources like "Black Moon chronicles (if you can get it in English: not sure about that) Lord of Light, even the first Amber series: there's useable material in all those books, even if it's not the sort of setting intended.


The trick I think to making it "not-champions" is in character design and making the lords (and ladies) of the world standouts. The heroes and villains are the focus - huge armies and fleets are merely backdrop and hired help. I would actively avoid the "superhero team clones". Not because it's a bad idea, per se, but because in-jokes actively work against the feel you want.


cheers, Mark

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


I really like the concept of the recent cartoon StormHawks where they subtly ignore all forms of electronics in place of power crystals (much like you're suggeting with the mystical properties of the o-material).


Although electronic devices are curiously absent, they still have advanced mechanics, anti-grav, motorized vehicles and power-gem-enhanced weapons. There's monsters to battle, bad guys to thwart and a dark empress bent on destroying the status quo.


I would like to see an 'advanced mechanics-without electronics' concept built in, or at least a side note as to the potential. Maybe you're going in a different direction but I can also see application to this in the other Fantasy Hero realms, like as a specialty for gnomes for example.

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Oh, and if ever there was a fantasy setting for which space research might be appropriate, this is it. :)


If nothing else, perhaps there could be a research project with a goal of landing on the moon.


Wouldn't it be interesting if the Selenites on the modern Moon aren't alien in origin, but Atlantean? :dyn

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


I really like the concept of the recent cartoon StormHawks where they subtly ignore all forms of electronics in place of power crystals (much like you're suggeting with the mystical properties of the element you're suggesting.


Although electronic devices are blatently absent, they still have advanced mechanics, anti-grav, motorized vehicles and power-gem-enhanced weapons. There's monsters to battle, bad guys to thwart and a dark empress bent on destroying the status quo.


I would like to see an 'advanced mechanics-without electronics' concept built in, or at least a side note as to the potential. Maybe you're going in a different direction but I can also see application to this in the other Fantasy Hero realms, like as a specialty for gnomes for example.

This theoretical technology exists in the Stargate TV Series


Stargate Wiki






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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Give me Gods and Monsters, and keep 'em coming.


Specifically I'd like to see these Titans (for lack of a better term) have tangible threads that connect with the Mythology of the Ancients. Not so much of a "Zeus with the serial number filed off", but an extensive "proto-pantheon" which could connect nicely with Mythic Greece, or Egypt, or Babylon.


And I want characters to be able to challenge and overcome them. Storm the Gates of Heaven, bodily throw Titans into the Maw of Sheol. I'd like to be able to create campaigns that at the end my players can say "wow, I think the actions of our characters would be retold in Phoenecia! Or Assyria!


Real Myth-making stuff.

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Give me Gods and Monsters, and keep 'em coming.


Specifically I'd like to see these Titans (for lack of a better term) have tangible threads that connect with the Mythology of the Ancients. Not so much of a "Zeus with the serial number filed off", but an extensive "proto-pantheon" which could connect nicely with Mythic Greece, or Egypt, or Babylon.


And I want characters to be able to challenge and overcome them. Storm the Gates of Heaven, bodily throw Titans into the Maw of Sheol. I'd like to be able to create campaigns that at the end my players can say "wow, I think the actions of our characters would be retold in Phoenecia! Or Assyria!


Real Myth-making stuff.


I think this is key. There absolutely has to be room for the PCs to be the preeminent heroes of this Age. (I'd say this for any setting, actually; far too many other game companies forget this "little detail".)

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