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THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?

Steve Long

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Give me Gods and Monsters, and keep 'em coming.


Specifically I'd like to see these Titans (for lack of a better term) have tangible threads that connect with the Mythology of the Ancients. Not so much of a "Zeus with the serial number filed off", but an extensive "proto-pantheon" which could connect nicely with Mythic Greece, or Egypt, or Babylon.


And I want characters to be able to challenge and overcome them. Storm the Gates of Heaven, bodily throw Titans into the Maw of Sheol. I'd like to be able to create campaigns that at the end my players can say "wow, I think the actions of our characters would be retold in Phoenecia! Or Assyria!


Real Myth-making stuff.


I think this is key. There absolutely has to be room for the PCs to be the preeminent heroes of this Age. (I'd say this for any setting' date=' actually; far too many other game companies forget this "little detail".)[/quote']


I agree, but with all the flying ships and cities get wiped off the face of the Earth, this setting sounds more like something from Vedic India than Classical Greece.

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


You absolutely cannot do Atlantis without pyramids. The antediluvian civilization proponents pretty much agree that all the pyramids found in the world - Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Meso-American, and others - were inspired by Atlantis.


I don't just want pyramidal public buildings, though. Let's play up the supposed mystic significance of pyramids, with huge magic-collecting pyramids generating power for whole cities, and small crystal pyramids used like batteries. How about pyramid-shaped flying battleships?


Plato made a big deal about the Atlanteans plating the outer surfaces of their buildings in various metals, with orichalcum covering the most important structures. The city of Atlantis shining in the sun would make a grand image. :cool:

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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


I think this is key. There absolutely has to be room for the PCs to be the preeminent heroes of this Age. (I'd say this for any setting' date=' actually; far too many other game companies forget this "little detail".)[/quote']While I agree with this entirely, I'd like to ask that the reverse also be allowed for. Sometimes I just want to be (or GM for) the second string group -- the heroes who deal with things that the big guns can't because they're tied up doing other stuff. I know that's not a very popular approach, so I'd minimize any text devoted to it, but it should still be fairly easy to slide such a group into the setting.
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Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See?


While I agree with this entirely' date=' I'd like to ask that the reverse also be allowed for. Sometimes I just want to be (or GM for) the second string group -- the heroes who deal with things that the big guns can't because they're tied up doing other stuff. I know that's not a very popular approach, so I'd minimize any text devoted to it, but it should still be fairly easy to slide such a group into the setting.[/quote']


That's easier to do, actually. There's always room for Jell-O, er, supporting cast.:D

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