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Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


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I saw on this website a while ago (back when the layout was completely different and there was a product page) that a book was coming out called Golden Age Champions, and that it would be coming out soon. There is no way to track the progress now, so does anyone know when or if this book is coming out? Golden Age campaigns are my favorite, and I would really like to get my hands on this book.

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


Darren Watts is writing the book, and in fact recently started a preliminary playtest of some of the material for it. Darren and Steve Long have repeatedly assured us that it will see print eventually, but they say that with all of Darren's administrative duties taking up his time, they can't yet set a firm publication date. The book is on "we'll slot it into the schedule whenever it's finished" status, but they promise to let us know when that happens. ;)

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


Darren Watts is writing the book' date=' and in fact recently started a preliminary playtest of some of the material for it. Darren and Steve Long have repeatedly assured us that it will see print eventually, but they say that with all of Darren's administrative duties taking up his time, they can't yet set a firm publication date. The book is on "we'll slot it into the schedule whenever it's finished" status, but they promise to let us know when that happens. ;)[/quote']


Oh, ok. Kind of like what Epic Games does with their games (Unreal Tournament series).


Why did the website format change, by the way? It was so much better the way they had it before. It's terrible now, not to offend anyone.

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


Why did the website format change' date=' by the way? It was so much better the way they had it before. It's terrible now, not to offend anyone.[/quote']


Well, the web site will be changing on Monday February 18 in conjunction with the second of the major announcements being made at DunDraCon. Perhaps you'll like that look better.

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


I saw on this website a while ago (back when the layout was completely different and there was a product page) that a book was coming out called Golden Age Champions, and that it would be coming out soon. There is no way to track the progress now, so does anyone know when or if this book is coming out? Golden Age campaigns are my favorite, and I would really like to get my hands on this book.


GAC isn't on any sort of schedule at present. It's a project near and dear to Darren's heart that he works on as he has free time. When he's reeeeaaalll close to having a finished manuscript that I can edit, we'll slot it into our production schedule. Until then it remains an "in progress" book, so that there's no pressure on him to meet a deadline.

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


GAC isn't on any sort of schedule at present. It's a project near and dear to Darren's heart that he works on as he has free time. When he's reeeeaaalll close to having a finished manuscript that I can edit' date=' we'll slot it into our production schedule. Until then it remains an "in progress" book, so that there's no pressure on him to meet a deadline.[/quote']


Oh, ok. I understand now :thumbup:

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


I had no idea Golden Age Champions was in the closet...


It doesn't really matter. I would rather have the guy finish the book and take as long as he wants so that it turns out to be perfect. It doesn't need to be rushed, so it will come out when it comes out apparently.

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


The plan is that when Lucha is finally done (shortly, I promise), GA becomes my #1 book again at least for the next six months or so. I probably won't finish it all in that time, but I should cut a good whomping piece off, and have a better idea then about how long it will take to finish the rest. My goal is to do as strong and thorough a job of the genre and period as Pulp, but unlike Steve my day job of running the company kind of gets in the way a lot. dw

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


So is this book still going to come out even though 6th edition was announced?


If I remember correctly, they mentioned at the DunDraCon schedule announcement that books that Golden Age Champions and Horror Hero would both be 6th edition books when they are finally placed on the schedule.

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


If I remember correctly' date=' they mentioned at the DunDraCon schedule announcement that books that Golden Age Champions and Horror Hero would both be 6th edition books when they are finally placed on the schedule.[/quote']


Oh, I guess that's cool.

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


Will "Golden Age Champions" retain the "lightness" of tone that was apparent in the old book of that name' date=' or will it be more "serious"?[/quote']


I would think a little bit of both, but more of the "lightness" of tone probably (that was the mood in the Golden Age).

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


I would think a little bit of both' date=' but more of the "lightness" of tone probably (that was the mood in the Golden Age).[/quote'] Well, it was and it wasn't. This was the era when "The Spectre" killed criminals ( relatively minor ones if I remember) by having them look into his eyes remember !
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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


Well' date=' it was and it wasn't. This was the era when "The Spectre" killed criminals ( relatively minor ones if I remember) by having them look into his eyes remember ![/quote']

Strange how people often then the Golden Age of comics was "light" or "silly". The reality was rather different.


I blame Roy Thomas, as he is responsible for most people's impression of the Golden Age through the Invaders, All-Star Squadron, etc...


If people read comics truly written in Golden Age, they would come to a different impression.

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Re: Any Idea When Golden Age Champions Is Coming Out?


Strange how people often then the Golden Age of comics was "light" or "silly". The reality was rather different.


I blame Roy Thomas, as he is responsible for most people's impression of the Golden Age through the Invaders, All-Star Squadron, etc...


If people read comics truly written in Golden Age, they would come to a different impression.

One of the things that made the "Golden Age" what it was was the proliferation of heros that had no real "superpowers" beyond a desire to do good (and a good left hook !) To people who have grown up with Iron Age heros with large guns and a high body count, or even those of the Silver Age (such as myself) who were brought up on (mostly) flying energy projectors, men who could hurl trucks around with ease and super acrobats/martial artists, the notion that all you need to fight crime is courage and a pure heart can seem a trifle naive.


We of the "Silver Age" grew up with "The Code" as well. The Comics Code, which forbade many of the elements that had existed in the Golden Age, such as excessive violence, or the possibility that the "good guys" might not win. These are concepts that seem strange to readers today i'm sure.

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