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Telekinesis Super.


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Re: Telekinesis Super.


The "Death of Superman"-era Superboy started as a high-power Teek, so if you can find some of those comics you might be inspired. Some ideas I remember are: TK restraining (use TK on a rope to wrap a villain more tightly than a bullwhip could; bedsheets, floor rugs and loose clothes work even better!), the classic "disassembly" gag (TK parts out of a weapon or device until it breaks), using TK to keep a gun's hammer from falling (figure out some of the modifiers with your GM in advance to keep combat going smoothly). That's all I can think of at the moment.


Enjoy. :)

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


Perhaps what you're really looking for is creative use of FORCE?


TK (and it's myriad representations) simply describe the manifestations of thought as force. There are many other powers that can be used to represent the same kind of cosmetic (mental force) and allow you a much wider variety of affects than just TK alone.


Perhaps creating a Mental Force Multipower, of which TK is simply one of many slots, is the way to go?


Just poking around in the dark here. :)

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


The "Death of Superman"-era Superboy started as a high-power Teek' date=' so if you can find some of those comics you might be inspired.[/quote']


Here's one version of the above mentioned Tactile TK Superboy from The Great Net Book Of Real Heroes

( http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/text/Superboy-jd.txt ):


Name: Superboy


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

13 DEX 9

15 CON 10

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

15 EGO 10

15 PRE 5

16 COM 3

6 PD 3

6 ED 3

5 SPD 27

10 REC 8

30 END 0

28 STUN 0


Characteristic Rolls: STR: 12-, DEX: 12-, CON: 12-, INT: 12-, EGO: 12-, PER: 12-

Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 3", Lift: 200kg


Cost Powers END/Roll

36 Elemental Control - Tactile TK (36-pt reserve)

a-36 Force Field (25 PD/11 ED); Reduced END: Zero & Persistent, +1 0

b-45 30" Flight (NC: 120"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×4, +5; Non-Combat

(MPH): 223; Reduced END: Half, +¼ 3

c-54 Telekinesis (STR 63); Range: 0; Manipulation: Coarse, +0; Reduced END:

Half, +¼; No Range: -½ 4

d-53 5d6 Killing Attack (RKA); Range: 0; Reduced END: Half, +¼; No

Range: -½; Only vs. "rigid" object: Half, -1; Area Effect (Any

Area): 9 hexes, +1 7

e-54 6d6 Energy Blast - Shockwave; Range: 450; Versus: ED; Explosion

(Extended Area +1"/DC): +¾; Reduced END: Half, +¼; Hole in the Middle:

Fixed Size, +¼; Double Knockback: +¾ 4

f-26 Force Wall (15 PD/9 ED); Range: 0; Width: 15", +0; Reduced END: Half,

+¼; No Range: -½ 3

g-39 Missile Deflection (All Ranged Attacks, None, OCV 19); Deflect

Attacks: Adjacent, +½; Deflection Bonus: 15, 30; OCV: 19

5 Regeneration (1 BODY/5 hours); Regenerate: Standard, +0


Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll

3 Contact - Superman; Usefulness: Very, +1 11-

2 Contact - Young Justice; Usefulness: Normal, +0 11-

2 Contact - Robin (of 'Batman and' fame); Usefulness: Very, +1 8-

3 Contact - Project CADMUS; Usefulness: Very, +1 11-

1 Contact - Steel; Usefulness: Normal, +0 8-

2 Contact - Sam Makoa, head of Honolulu S.C.U.; Usefulness: Very, +1 8-

20 Comic Book Martial Arts

(4) Punch (OCV +0, DCV +2, 5d6)

(5) Kick (OCV -2, DCV +1, 7d6)

(4) Block (OCV +2, DCV +2

(3) Throw (OCV +0, DCV +1, 3d6+v/5)

(4) Dodge (OCV --, DCV +5

2 City Knowledge: Metropolis 11-

2 City Knowledge - Honalulu 11-

2 Area Knowledge - CADMUS 11-

1 Language - Kryptonian (Basic Conv.); Literacy: Standard, 0


100+ Disadvantages

15 Secret Identity - Carl Krummet

15 Susceptibility to (of all things) Kryptonite (3d6 STUN/Minute);

Condition: Uncommon, +5

5 Psych: Graduated from the Han Solo school of action without thought

(Uncommon, Moderate)

10 Psych: Thinks he's irresitable to women (Uncommon, Strong)

20 Psych: Code Against Killing (Common, Total)

15 Psych: Overconfidence (Very Common, Moderate)

10 Phys: Arrested aging (Frequently, Slightly)

15 Hunted by Black Zero (a Hypertime duplicate) (8-); Capabilities: More

Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area:

Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0

5 Hunted by Knockout (jilted ex-girlfiend sorta) (8-); Capabilities: As

Powerful, 10; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area:

Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Mild, -5

10 Watched by JLA / Red Tornado (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15;

Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0;

Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0

10 Watched by DOE (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat

Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only

Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0

5 Watched by Mack Harlin, Ilupani High School truant officer (8-);

Capabilities: Less Powerful, 5; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5;

Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment:

Harsh, 0

5 Dependent NPC -Tana Moon (girlfriend) (Normal, 8-); Skills: Useful, -5

15 Reputation - Wears the 'S' (14-)

5 Vulnerability - PRE attacks and related skills from attractive

women (1½× Effect); Attack: Uncommon, +5


OCV: 4; DCV: 4; ECV: 5; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

PD/rPD: 31/25; ED/rED: 17/11


Costs: Char.: 90 Disad.: 160

Powers: + 388 Base: + 100

Exp.: + 218

Total: = 478 Total: = 478


Background: Superboy was one of the four costumed figures who claimed to be

Superman after the Man of Steel had been killed by the creature known as

Doomsday. Believing himself to be a clone of Superman, Superboy escaped from

Project Cadmus with the help of the Newsboy Legion and attempted to pick up

where Superman had left off. The Metropolis Kid did his best to protect his

adopted city, until the real Superman returned.


Superman, allied with Superboy, Supergirl, Green Lantern, Steel, and the

Eradicator (the last two of whom also having claimed to be the Man of Steel),

destroyed Engine City, a massive device of destruction, formed from in the

wreckage of Coast City. Superboys finest hour came when he saved Metropolis

from destruction at the hands of Mongul and the Cyborg Superman (Hank

Henshaw), when a missle launched from Engine City was to strike Metropolis.

Shortly thereafter, Superboy learned that he was not, in fact, a clone of

Superman, but of the director of the Cadmus Project, Paul Westfield.


Height: 171cm (5'7"), Weight: 59kg (130 lbs), Sex: Male, Age: 1,

Race: Human clone


Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes. Wears a derivative of Superman's costume

with a black leather kacket over it (no cape) and miroed sunglasses.



Character write-up by John Desmarais .

Character copywrite and trademark DC Comics.




And another version

( http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/text/Superboy-mi.txt ):


Name: Superboy


Val Char Cost

10 STR 0

14 DEX 12

18 CON 16

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3

14 EGO 8

13 PRE 3

16 COM 3

7 PD 5

7 ED 3

4 SPD 16

8 REC 4

36 END 0

24 STUN 0


Characteristic Rolls: STR: 11-, DEX: 12-, CON: 13-, INT: 12-, EGO: 12-, PER: 12-

Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 2", Lift: 100kg


Cost Powers END/Roll

18 Force Field (12 PD/0 ED); Special Effect: Telekinesis; Reduced END:

Zero, +½ 0


90 Multipower (90-pt reserve)

u-5 8d6 Energy Blast: Fling objects with TK.; Range: 400; Versus: PD;

Multipower: Fixed Slot; Limited Power: Must be touching or have some

physical connection.: -¼; Concentrate: ½ DCV, -¼; Indirect: Any

Location & Any Direction, +¾; Reduced END: Half, +¼ 3

m-9 15" Flight (NC: 60"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×4, +5; Non-Combat (MPH):

89; Special Effect: Telekinesis; Multipower: Variable Slot; Reduced

END: Half, +¼ 1

u-1 Force Field (12 PD/0 ED); Multipower: Fixed Slot; Limited Power:

Cannot be used on himself.: -½; Usable Against Others: ×1 mass, 1 2

u-3 Missile Deflection (Bullets, At Anyone, OCV 5); Deflect Attacks:

Normal, +0; Deflection Bonus: 0; OCV: 5; Multipower: Fixed Slot;

Concentrate: ½ DCV, -¼

u-4 +35 STR; Doesn't Affect Figured: -½; Multipower: Fixed Slot; Reduced

END: Half, +¼ 1

m-13 Telekinesis (STR 43); Range: 400; Manipulation: Coarse, +0; Special

Effect: Telekinesis; Multipower: Variable Slot; Limited Power: Must be

touching or have some physical connection.: -¼; Reduced END: Half, +¼ 3


5 Regeneration (1 BODY/5 hours); Regenerate: Standard, +0

8 Armor: Protective super-suit. (4 PD/4 ED); OIF: -½


Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll

3 Contact: Cadmus; Usefulness: Normal, +0 12-

3 Deduction 12-

8 +1 level w/All Combat

3 Oratory 12-

3 Seduction 12-

1 Other Air Vehicles


100+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Supporting characters. (Normal, 8-); Skills: Useful, -5

15 Hunted: by an assortment of enemies. (11-); Capabilities: As Powerful,

10; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0;

Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0

20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

10 Public Identity

15 Psych. Lim.: Acts first, thinks later. (Common, Strong)

15 Psych. Lim.: Overconfident (Common, Strong)

20 Psych. Lim.: Code vs. killing. (Common, Total)

15 Reputation: Minor Superman. (14-)

15 Susceptibility: Kryptonite (2d6 STUN/Turn); Condition: Uncommon, +5

10 Vulnerability: to positive PRE attacks by women. (1½× Effect); Attack:

Common, +10

10 Watched: by the media. (14-); Capabilities: As Powerful, 10;

Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0;

Actions: Only Watching, ×½; Punishment: Mild, -5


OCV: 5; DCV: 5; ECV: 5; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

PD/rPD: 35/28; ED/rED: 11/4


Costs: Char.: 73 Disad.: 150

Powers: + 177 Base: + 100

Total: = 250 Total: = 250


''A few hours here - in this idyllic country setting? It's my greatest

dream come true. No wait - that had something to do with a super-babe

convention and x-ray vision...'' - Superboy looks forward to spending time

in Smallville in Superboy #8.


Real name: Kon-El

Other known aliases: Superman, Metropolis Kid

Occupation: Hero and adventurer

Current group affiliation: Young Justice. Honorary member of the Legion of

Superheroes. Ally to Superman, Supergirl, Steel and the Eradicator.

Past group affiliations: The Ravers. Former partner to Knockout.

Major enemies: Sidearm, King Shark, Cyborg II, Knockout, Match.

First appearance: Adventurers of Superman #500

Origin: Superboy Annual #1

Description: Superboy is a good looking teen standing 5'7'' tall and

weighing 130 lbs. He has dark hair and blue eyes.


Explanation of the conversion: The Multipower represents Superboy's Tactile

Telekinesis tricks. The first slot is his ability to make nearby objects

fling at an opponent, but only if he is touching something that's touching

them. The second slot is his Flight. The third slot allows Superboy to

protect others with his kinetic aura. The fourth slot is his ability to

bounce bullets and other solids off him and fire them at others. The fifth

slot boosts his strength to superhuman levels. The sixth slot is used to

manipulate objects or hold things in place. The two different Strength

characteristics represent his normal Strength and his Strength assisted by

his Multipower Strength slot.


History: After Superman's death at the hands of Doomsday, his body was

taken to the Cadmus Project where director Paul Westfield unsuccessfully

tried to clone Superman. Whereas the Cadmus scientists had not been able

to clone Superman's D.N.A., other experiments based on Superman's aura

combined with the D.N.A. of Paul Westfield, director of Cadmus at the

time, were successful and resulted in 12 failed attempts, who were placed

in suspended animation and the clone now known as Superboy.


Powers: Superboy has a tactile telekinetic aura which allows him to

simulate superhuman strength, to fly, protects him from harm and allows

him to manipulate objects that are nearby. He had learned to extend this

field through solid matter that is touching his body. He has been able to

protect others, hold opponents in place, manipulate or disassemble objects

and launch objects at high speed. Superboy heals very quickly.



Character created by DC Comics.

Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - Last Updated - January, 2002



Please note that these are NOT my write ups but rather those of contributers to the GNBORH. Credit where due and all......



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Re: Telekinesis Super.


I played a Force Field projector for a while that is somewhat similar in effect.


Think about Martial Arts for use with TK. There are a couple of threads about this topic which have some good ideas.


Other ideas:

Dex Drain (spin the target around)



Entangle (TK constructs)

NND (choke hold)

NND (nerve strike)

Duplicate (not same) or Summon for TK automatons.

EB - TK blast

EB AP - TK spike

EB - 1 Hex AOE - TK ram (my character actually had an EB with variable adv for this).

TK push EB - X2 KB.


When you are looking at power

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


Think about Martial Arts for use with TK.


Ummmm. No.


While this idea has found support in other campaigns it is not an option in Epic City (Though I'm always open to an incredibly well thought out and deep reasoning to the contrary). :)


All of the other ideas are great places to start though. :thumbup:

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


How fine is his fine manipulation? Can he reach inside a target's body and seize their heart (RKA NND Does Body, or just NND, depending on what exactly he does, I suppose)? Screw with the workings of moving parts (Dispel or Suppress Technological Devices)? There's also Suppress Movement Powers...

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


How fine is his fine manipulation? Can he reach inside a target's body and seize their heart (RKA NND Does Body' date=' or just NND, depending on what exactly he does, I suppose)? Screw with the workings of moving parts (Dispel or Suppress Technological Devices)? There's also Suppress Movement Powers...[/quote']


Simply buying the adder means you have fine manipulation, allowing you to do anything you could do with your hands. Typing, for example, or pushing specific buttons, would be difficult or impossible without fine manipulation.


The other examples you give go well beyond TK with a 10 point adder (at least in my view), although I might let you try them once or twice using the Power Skill. If you want the character to be able to achieve such effects routinely, they would be separate powers (likely bought through a framework).

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


Though they look alot different, I always play my telekinetics like Bricks. In fact, I often buy my "Telekinesis" power as STR Only with Extra Limbs, Extra Limbs, and Stretching. Think of it like Telekinesis with feedback. As such, I take advantage of all the maneuvers available to a full STR Brick, like Grabs and Sweeps (and lions, oh my!). I also frequently will use my "TK" to Block for someone else.


As for TK tricks, there are a landslide of powers that can be used to simulate them, including: Force Walls, Missile Deflection, EB, Flight, Spatial Awareness (ranged touch), ect. My most fun (and powerful) trick on my last TKer was the ability to create a Telekinetic construct to help him in combat. I bought it as Duplication with Feedback. It was tons of fun having my TK buddy grab someone while I hauled off for a Haymaker.

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


Ummmm. No.


While this idea has found support in other campaigns it is not an option in Epic City (Though I'm always open to an incredibly well thought out and deep reasoning to the contrary). :)

If MA with TK doesn't work for your campaign, that's cool. In case you are interested in seeing people's thoughts on Martial Arts and TK, here are links to two threads:





I'm not sure they qualify as deep reasoning, but it is an interesting array of opinions. My experience was that it was an effective combination, but not unbalancingly so. In reality, the GM ended up having more concerns about FMove martial arts.


Good luck with the new character.

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


If MA with TK doesn't work for your campaign, that's cool. In case you are interested in seeing people's thoughts on Martial Arts and TK, here are links to two threads:





I'm not sure they qualify as deep reasoning, but it is an interesting array of opinions. My experience was that it was an effective combination, but not unbalancingly so. In reality, the GM ended up having more concerns about FMove martial arts.


Good luck with the new character.

Honestly, all those discussions did was reenforce my standard that TK Martial Arts be simulated with real powers bought through a Multipower. :D

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


Are you looking for suggestions for a generic application of TK, or some specific advice on how to create unique and interesting powers?


For a wide array of Psychokinetic "stunts" you could buy a VPP that's restricted to only variations of TK, EB, RKA, and Change Environment. Many GMs (myself included) don't like that approach and prefer people stick that stuff in a big MPP.


Some of my personal faves:


EB or RKA Indirect requiring objects to fling telekinetically.

Drain BODY or even all of BODY, REC, END, and STUN simultaneously for organ grabbing.

Grab and move a large mass of small objects: TK (10 STR), Fine Manipulation, AOE (3" Radius; +1), Selective (+1/4) (56 Active Points)

Usable by others Force Fields

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


Sorry if I'm being a little concept-invasive here, but I've recently been exploring the possibilities of TK :)

What you have to understand about TK is that it si indirect, quite astonishingly so - it can reach right through barriers. Stand behind a wall, you can tap a guy on the other side on the shoulder.

I don't know what sort of DCs heroes and villains in your game crank out, but TK generally doesn't have the watts to compete on pure damage.

Given that TK is indirect, it seems to me a wonderful reason to create a NND attack - you actually reach into the target. Defence would be hardened defences (as they thwart indirect attacks):

Depending on the theme of the campaign you could build it as a 'straight' NND, or one that does BODY too (6d6 or 4d6 to fit under a 60 point cap).

I also like TK sense - the ability to sense through your telekinetic tendrils - effectively N-Ray vision, because TK can reach through solid objects, which helps maximise the indirect potential of the power.

Personally when creating fine manipulation TK I like to stick that in a MP, one slot has the strength,t eh other the fine manipulation, but the twist is that make the fine amnipulation version IPE. That can be so much fun, especially when twinned with the TK sense - it means you can rummage round inside stuff without anyone knowing what you are up to.

I'm sure you can think of endless little pranks you can pull with THAT one :)

What else? A double KB slot as a TK punch, combining the impact and distance you can get from TK. Nice.

To get the most from your TK atatcks, buy martial arts useable with TK. Devastating.

Finish off with some sort of TK repulsion field, maybe some missile deflection - flight, possibly, and, power-wise, you are good to go. Very good :)

As tot eh rest, well, characteristics can be pitched where you like. you can assume a strong character as he subconsciously reinforces his physical being with TK.

Here's an example, with 32 points left over for bells, whistles, skills and the like :)

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

40 STR 30 17- Lift 6400.0kg; 8d6 [4]

20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7

20 CON 20 13-

14 BODY 8 12-

14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12-

11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

10 COM 0 11-

10+10 PD 2 Total: 10/20 PD (0/10 rPD)

10+10 ED 6 Total: 10/20 ED (0/10 rED)

5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

12 REC 0

40 END 0

44 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 132

Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Flight: 10"/20"

Leaping: 8"/16"

Swimming: 2"/4"

Cost Powers END

20 Telekinetic levitation: Flight 10" 2

61 Telekinetic Attacks: Multipower, 61-point reserve

5u 1) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target (50 Active Points)

6u 2) Energy Blast 6d6, No Normal Defense (Hardened defences; +1) (60 Active Points) 6

6u 3) Energy Blast 7d6, Double Knockback (+¾) (61 Active Points) 6

6u 4) Telekinesis (40 STR) (60 Active Points) 6

6u 5) Telekinesis (13 STR), Fine Manipulation, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (59 Active Points) 6

30 Telekinetic repulsion field: Armor (10 PD/10 ED)

32 Telekinietic touch: Detect Solid Objects 12- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Range, Sense, Targeting

4 Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND

4 Martial Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; 50 STR to Disarm

3 Martial Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 50 STR for holding on

4 Martial Strike +0 +2 10d6 Strike

3 Martial Throw +0 +1 8d6 +v/5, Target Falls

5 Offensive Strike -2 +1 12d6 Strike

1 Weapon Element: Telekinesis: Default Element, Empty Hand

Total Powers & Skill Cost: 196

Total Cost: 328

200+ Disadvantages

Total Disadvantage Points: 328

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


Outside of balance issues' date=' what bothers me about the idea of TK with Martial Arts is the DCV bonuses with certain maneuvers. I'm having a problem rationalizing the idea.[/quote']


For the most part, only Ranged MA maneuvers should be used with Ranged Attacks like TK.

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


For the most part' date=' only Ranged MA maneuvers should be used with Ranged Attacks like TK.[/quote']


I was thinking of the list Sean gave:


4 Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND

4 Martial Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; 50 STR to Disarm

3 Martial Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 50 STR for holding on

4 Martial Strike +0 +2 10d6 Strike

3 Martial Throw +0 +1 8d6 +v/5, Target Falls

5 Offensive Strike -2 +1 12d6 Strike

1 Weapon Element: Telekinesis: Default Element, Empty Hand


Choke Hold makes sense; Disarm and Grab make sense; the others I'm having problems with.

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


I was thinking of the list Sean gave:

Choke Hold makes sense; Disarm and Grab make sense; the others I'm having problems with.


Then you pay for it with points as a full on power like a big boy or girl, and stop messing us poor GMs about with false justifications about how a ranged attack can use melee martial arts maneuvers.


TK can already be used as a disarm and grab, you're just going to have to sink levels into it to get the CV bonuses. Choke hold can be built as a compound power of TK and indirect NND. Or you buy Stretching with all the advantages required to make it work like a melee based short range TK. You look at the points cost of that monster and see how there's a bit of a balance issue there?


Maybe you don't.... :/

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


Then you pay for it with points as a full on power like a big boy or girl, and stop messing us poor GMs about with false justifications about how a ranged attack can use melee martial arts maneuvers.


TK can already be used as a disarm and grab, you're just going to have to sink levels into it to get the CV bonuses. Choke hold can be built as a compound power of TK and indirect NND. Or you buy Stretching with all the advantages required to make it work like a melee based short range TK. You look at the points cost of that monster and see how there's a bit of a balance issue there?


Maybe you don't.... :/


TK is the application of STR at range.


Most Martial Arts maneuvers are based in part on improving the technique of applying STR.


Using TK with Maneuvers that give a DCV bonus should probably negate the bonus. I try to choose the maneuvers that don't give a DCV bonus.



Takeaway instead of Disarm

Fast Strike instead of Martial Strike



Stretching, no matter what Advantages you pile on it, will always trigger when hitting an target with an attack power with a Damage Shield. That makes very little sense for most telekinetic SFX.

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Re: Telekinesis Super.


This whole discussion is the reason I build my "TK" characters with Stretching instead of TK. As pointed out above' date=' without maneuvers TK is substandard as an attack power in an AP capped game.[/quote']


I totally disagree. :)


TK gives you the incredible option of utilizing (and abusing) your environment with a FREE indirect advantage. You can't throw a truck full of rocket fuel anywhere you want it with EB. You can't transport a teammate into an advanced position with a Mind Blast. You can’t non-lethally subdue and transport innocents and/or villains at range with any other power (and then choose to exact a portion of, or your entire damage if the person resists). Maybe most importantly, you can't catch a damsel in distress that is falling to her doom, even at ranges beyond your half or even full move, with RKA. :)


The Stretching option is a reasonable facsimile for TK in all but 2 distinct areas. First, Stretching lacks the effective range of TK. With a few Range Skill Levels a TK practitioner can become incredibly effective at long distances. Second, without an advantage (or advantages) that increases its cost Stretching leaves a "limb" that is accessible to detection and attack due to the lack of inherent indirect cosmetics.


EDIT: Oooo.. With the Stretching option you're also affected by Damage Shields... Ouch!


The only benefit to the Stretching option for TK is the use of Martial Arts at range. But I believe that that’s easily enough replicated (for TK) with basic HTH and attack levels bought separately and limited to TK.


Of course, this game is so awesome that we can have our cake and eat it too!~ :D

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