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CyberHero Hacked

Sean Waters

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Re: CyberHero Hacked


My first computer had 16k' date=' and no internal storage. It was totally sweet![/quote']


The first computer I owned was an 'Acorn Atom' which proudly boasted 8k of RAM and 8k of ROM and what was for the day, high resolution graphics. It came in kit form and all the chips had to be soldered onto the cuircuit board. You programmed it in BASIC:


10 Print "Play HERO"

20 GOTO 10


Those were the days!

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Re: CyberHero Hacked


The first computer I owned was an 'Acorn Atom' which proudly boasted 8k of RAM and 8k of ROM and what was for the day, high resolution graphics. It came in kit form and all the chips had to be soldered onto the cuircuit board. You programmed it in BASIC:


10 Print "Play HERO"

20 GOTO 10


Those were the days!


Yeah. I still remember writing my first program in BASIC on the TI to make a ascii character based robot dance around. I was 6 or 7 at the time, and that was the coolest thing EVAR.

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Re: CyberHero Hacked


My first machines were an IBM PC-Convertible (which was stolen from me, though I was left with the power supply and software), and a Timex-Sinclair 1600 (which I still have, but needs in internal "ribbon cable" replaced to be fully functional again).


Here's another small idea for representing memory...


In the Hero System, computer programs are represented by single points, no matter the size or complexity of the program. So maybe buying the computer with some extra "program points" that go unused until a character online needs to carry something extra?

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Re: CyberHero Hacked


So' date=' I've got a fortnight to convert Shadowrun to Hero, write a scenario and be ready to run it. Great. Me and my big mouth.[/quote']




I have had a quick scan through the thread and no-one threw the first thing that came to my mind.


When you log onto cyberspace and summon your avatar surely that maps quite well to the game mechanic for summon? :)


I would build the avatar as a partial construct with no CV or DEF and use hacking skills of the character for those. haven't thought this through completely (as you can see) but if you take those combat skills (and probably perception as well) away from the construct it begins to allow certain core skills of the PC to have a direct influence on how well the avatar achieves things in cyberspace....




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Re: CyberHero Hacked




I have had a quick scan through the thread and no-one threw the first thing that came to my mind.


When you log onto cyberspace and summon your avatar surely that maps quite well to the game mechanic for summon? :)


I would build the avatar as a partial construct with no CV or DEF and use hacking skills of the character for those. haven't thought this through completely (as you can see) but if you take those combat skills (and probably perception as well) away from the construct it begins to allow certain core skills of the PC to have a direct influence on how well the avatar achieves things in cyberspace....





I'm thinking of a summon power to send daemons through the 'net, trawling for stuff, but the problem with summon is that you summon a GM character; you command it but do not control it as such. That could work very well for some visions of cyberspace, but it isn't quite what I was after because I want one of the problems of entering CSpace as an avatar to be actual risk to lfe and limb. you could mockt hat up with some sort of feedback limitation on summon, but it doesn't quite taste right to me.


Nice thought though - I'll give it more of a ponder :thumbup:

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Re: CyberHero Hacked


Hmmm. See your point.


I think then that you may be looking definitely at multiform (though I would make sure that particular stats of the cyber form were set/limited by various cyberskills owned by the meat form).


I would buy the cyber form's BODY with a focus (meat body) to represent the fact that there is a lump of flesh somewhere and the avatar could be vulnerable if that was attacked/destroyed.




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