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1 pt CSL's, can I do this?


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Ok. 1pt CSL's. One attack with one specific weapon.


The weapon is a specific sub machine gun. Could I buy a bunch of 1pt CSL's and use it to attack with autofire, rapidfire etc...basically, am I allowed to use manuevers with my one point CSL's or not.


Also, If I attack lots of times in one phase (via rapid fire) I get my pluses to each attack? or I have to divie them up?


If I cant do these things then I assume 2pt CSL's would work?

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Re: 1 pt CSL's, can I do this?


Ok. 1pt CSL's. One attack with one specific weapon.


The weapon is a specific sub machine gun. Could I buy a bunch of 1pt CSL's and use it to attack with autofire, rapidfire etc...basically, am I allowed to use manuevers with my one point CSL's or not.


Also, If I attack lots of times in one phase (via rapid fire) I get my pluses to each attack? or I have to divie them up?


If I cant do these things then I assume 2pt CSL's would work?


The answer is, first, "no." A 1 point CSL must specify both a weapon AND a maneuver at the time of purchase, and cannot vary, ever. it must be as specific as "bare handed block," or "defensive strike with a long sword." That's a 1 point CSL.


A 2 point CSL is any single weapon (open hand, long sword, SMG) and any maneuver, and adds +1 OCV per level purchased. So you can burn 10 points to get +5 OCV with your SMG, regardless of circumstances.

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Re: 1 pt CSL's, can I do this?


The Ultimate series once again rears it's head.


Ultimate Skill introduced 1, 4 and 6 point CSLs to the system. 1 point is one maneuver with one weapon for +1 OCV, and has caused some distress among the community. A 6 point is an 8 point that only applies to two types of combat (Only two combat types, -1/4). I don't remember what a 4 point is.

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