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Custom Equipment in Heroic Campaigns


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Let's say a character in a Heroic campaign has a custom piece of equipment, like Han Solo's Millenium Falcon, Odysseus's bow, and the like. Is it paid for with points? Is is accounted for with character wealth or special Perks? Some combination? What if a character wants to "hot rod" a vehicle or weapon?

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Re: Custom Equipment in Heroic Campaigns


Depends on the GM, and probably on how far above 'standard' the custom equipment is.


If its not too different, then I'd just use the quality equipment rules (or something similar) as presented in FH. Just allow each character certain number of customized pieces of equipment, or a certain number of customizations, multiples of which could theoretically be applied to one particular piece of equipment.


Examples :


One Customization rank can be used :


On Weapons to :

Add 1 DC (probably what Han's Blaster has)

Add 1 OCV

Increase magazine capacity by 1 step (Navarre's 2 shot Crossbow in Ladyhawke)

Add 5 PRE when using PRE attacks involving the weapon (it has a fierce appearance)



On Armor to :

Add 1 rDef

Reduce Encumbrance level by 1 step (ie Def 6 encumbers like Def 5)



On a vehicle to :

Add Movement (The Millenium Falcon has extra Hyperspace speed)

Conceal the vehicles true capabilities (MF's hidden cargo bays)




If you wanted to really open the flood gates, you might allow people to get extra customizations on a piece of equipment by taking penalties on it. The Millenium Falcon seems to have an activation roll, for example, so maybe some of the greater capability it has over a stock light freighter came at a bit of a cost...

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Re: Custom Equipment in Heroic Campaigns


Basically, for me as a GM, if it's equivalent to standard equipment, it costs nothing extra.


Luke's X-wing is like every other X-wing. He gets it for free and the GM can (and probably will) sink it in a swamp, shoot holes it it, etc

Han's Millenium Falcon can outrun any standard ship, has some nifty non-standard features and tho' it may be stolen or impounded, he can usually count on getting it back. He pays points for it. If he wants an X-wing at some point, just like Luke, he can get one (game circumstances permitting) for free


Likewise, Marv's pistol in Sin city, is just a pistol with a name. He gets it for free - just like anybody else can get a pistol with the same stat.s. But nobody has a blaster quite like Johnny Alpha's, with its 4 cool settings - he has pay points for it. Like anyone else, he could get a regular blaster if he wanted - but with his gun, he's not going to use a regular one much, anyway...


And so on.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Custom Equipment in Heroic Campaigns


Great suggestions by all....pretty much what I would suggest too. Another way to do it is to give bonus points with your XP. In our FH campaign we called them Brownie Points. You would get like 1 or 2 per adventure along with your standard XP. We had a list of what you could spend them on...1,000 gave you a lifetime pass to get into a Kingdom (of course if you misused that privelage it was revoked). They could also be used to upgrade your weapons. You started with standard quality weapons. You could spend 50 Brownie plus whatever the blacksmith charged to upgrade your weapon to Fine quality (extra DC say or +1 OCV say). You could also spend them as if they were levels of Luck to have certain perks.....we knew a meeting was a trap, but we couldn't bring our weapons in and my character spent 25 Brownie to have weapons smuggled in for us. It saved our hides.

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