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I'm looking to build a non-corporeal character who can permanently possess someone else's body and gain their physical characteristics but not their memories, skills or powers. This would be separate from my natural non-corporeal form but would be permanant until canceled. I'm new to Hero's and thus far have not found an easy way to do this.


Also, i'm interested in two variations: 1. Possessing someone (that kills them in the process) 2. Possessing a body thats already dead (probably simpler and less expensive).


:) Thanks



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Re: Possession


I think other than "TK" which I consider horrendously kludgey, MC is the only real way I can think of doing this; and it will take a silly amount of points to really "get it done." But certainly, it could be done. I can't think of anything else.


Well. There's always Transform. :eg:

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Re: Possession


Desolidification, with Mind Control affecting the real world, and Clinging affecting the real world to 'stick' to the character you're possessing.


Another option, instead of Mind Control, would be to Transform the target into the target with a copy of your mind, with the 'healing' of the Transform being an exorcism or you otherwise getting kicked out of the target's body.

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Re: Possession


This has been a pretty heavily debated topic here in the past. I hope some of the others who debated it before chime in on this.


I have played several different builds for Possession. Before I give you mine, I would like to share a few of my experiences.


1. Make sure the GM is on board with this power or you will be frustrated every time he doesn't allow someone to be possessed (such as for story reasons or he doesn't have a character sheet prepared for the person you are possessing). My suggestion is to agree on a Limitation so the GM can have NPCs that cannot be possessed. In our campaign, I agreed to the "Requires Eye Contact" limitation. Any NPC who had his eyes covers I knew was off limits, either for story reason or the GM didn't yet have a sheet prepared for the NPC.


2. The cost of using Mind Control for the base possession power will either be enormous (especially if you are using Desolidification or EDM to enter the body as then you need APW or Transdimensional on the Mind Control), or too small to be effective if the campaign has an AP cap. Most combats will be over before you land the EGO +30 required for total control.


3. IMHO Transform with Side Effects is the way to go. My build is based heavily off the Possession build from UM. It is very powerful as you will be able to possess some villains quickly, creating a character swing in combats (their side loses a combatant while your side remains the same).


"Possession" Major Transform (Target's Mind* into Character's Mind), BOECV (Mental Defense applies, normal Range modifier; +3/4), Works Against EGO, Not BODY (+1/4), Side Effects: Character is transported via EDM into the Target's body and unable to take actions until the possession ends (Minor, Always; -1/2), Limited Target (Humans; -1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Transform is Healed when the Character ends the power or is "Exorcised" by another power.**


*Our definition of "Mind" (also based on the UM) is INT, EGO, and PRE; all INT, EGO, and PRE based skills (including relevant Background Skills); and all Mental Powers (including relevant BOECV Powers). Perks and Talents are at the discretion of the GM.

**Such as a Mental or Spiritual Transform or Mind Control.


This build assumes a few things.

1. The GM will allow you to control the Target when his mind beomes "your" mind.

2. The Side Effect allows for bodily possession of the target by creating a "Target's Body" dimension. Please note that the Side Effects limitation does not force you to buy the power the side effect produces. For example: a heavy character that damages the environnment when he walks is not forced to pay for Density Increase, and in fact should not even buy the power if he is heavy all the time.

3. Exorcism powers need not be bought Transdimensional as the Healing method is defined as powers that affect the Target.


I hope this gives you a place to start. (Player Hint: if you come up against an opponent with a high EGO or Mental Defense, don't be afraid to Push, Haymaker, and Rapid Fire the Transform. It won't matter how much END you have left once the possession succeeds.)

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Re: Possession


Welcome to the boards :thumbup:


One neat way to animate and possess a corpse is with summoning. Basically, take one corpse (focus) and a summoning power (variable result to simulate the abilities of the corpse you are animating) and with limitations that you can not exceed the abilities of the corpse with the summon. Also build in some sort of 'feedback' limitation so if the corpse gets hit, you feel it (optional).


The corpse then does your bidding. Buy mind link and possibly clairsentience to drive it, and you are away.


TK also works (but see below).


As for a possession of a living subject, again I'll echo mind control and TK (TK, BTW simply allows you to control where the character goes and their physical motion, It does not let you access any of their abilities at all, except maybe the always present stuff, like armour (you can hide behind them :)))


Mind Control is always going to be a struggle as you need a new attack every new action you want them to perform, and unless you have an overwhelming ability, the subject will quite frequently break control.


Although it is often referred to humorously, the most complete solution is probably transform: a mental transform on the target, so they do as they are told then the mindlink/clairsentience option mentioned with summon (above). Slightly different from DocSamson's offering as it makes the subject compliant - that's not actually you in there, you are just driving :)


Add in some sort of limitation to leave behind a body of your own that can be attacked, and you are good to go.


If you've got enough advice and are struggling with actual builds, let us know with extra details about campaign limits etc, and I'm sure you'll get some helpful links and/or power builds posted :)

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Re: Possession


Thanks everyone. I think the best way to go is Transform via DocSamsons layout.


To Everyone who suggested Mind Control: I'm not sure how you would actually accomplish the long term "I'm in his body and now my body is dead". Someone mentioned MK with TK, I assume TK stands for Telekinesis? Confused about that one.

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Re: Possession


Doc's build does require some handwaving, especially the EDM as a side effect :)


I'm taking it that you want to be some sort of incorporeal spirit, so damage to your body is basically ignored?


You can't actually use transform to affect yourself, and you shouldn't really be using it to change someone else into you (you can change someone else into a duplicate of you but they are notthe PC, and remain a GM controlled character, unless your GM agrees otherwise).


Therefore you can, at best, transform the mind of the target so that they are your mental thrall, and obey all your commands. You cannot use transform to kill someone, not directly.


What you need is a straight mental transform: target to willing thrall. It doesn't ahve to be based on EGo, and I'd probably require you to suie the higher of EGO or BODY, or possessing many bricks would be far too easy.


Then you build yourself a power, either desolidification + life support and a small amount of 'affects real world' strength so that you can get inside the target and stay there, literally by holding on PLUS mind link, OR


EDM (The Mind Zone, or somesuch) and make your mind link transdimensional.


The GM might also want some sort of clairsentience, especailly for the EDM build, and that would also need to be transdimensional.


Essentially you never 'become' the target, you are always just giving orders, but in practive there might be little difference.


Personally I would probably also insist on some limits, to the maximum effective DEX and SPD of a possessed character - like driving a vehicle, you can't exceed your own SPD and DEX even if the 'vehicle' is capable of higher levels of performance.


I'd also want some way or ways defined to harm/expel the incorporeal character. If you never have to worry about being attacked, safe in a stolen body, and always able to leave for pastures new, I don't see the character as sufficiently challenging to give long terms satisfaction. I might also want things like possession time limits, that sort of mularkey. Building a killer character is easy enough - the real challenge is to build one that will yield a rewarding play experience for you and the rest of your group.

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Re: Possession


Well, the net effect is that your opponent is gone and you get all their physical abilities. Since the effect is not quite, exactly, permanent, you want to go with Major Transform (person into your body), and unless you want to build a humongous Transform, a VPP for their abilities.


The basic philosophy behind Transform is "if you can kill them, you might as well turn them into something else" which this basically describes. Effectively, you are defeating them and gaining their body as a hostage. The hostage effect is mitigated by the fact you now need their body.


My other suggestion would be Mind Control, with a Linked Desolidification or EDM with 0 DCV. That would represent a force that inhabited a subject but did not actually replace their "mind," and would be relatively easy to dislodge. Cinematic devil possession might work more like this.

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