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Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


It's the ultimate system only if you never change it or play another. I look at it as the penultimate system. I will continually modify it to meet my needs. Or maybe some day I'll start playing something new penultimate system.

"Ultimate" implies you think there will never be a reason to change.


Keith "I'd like Hero, but with about 90% less stuff in it" Curtis

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


I've watched enough Red vs. Blue to know that there's no way a whole TEAM of Master Chiefs would be even remotely competent enough to take on what Wikipedia refers to as "the largest of the generally dainty Leopardus wild cat genus."

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


I saw this question on M & M posed for M & M. And I was wondering how you feel. Is the Hero System the Ultimate system?:king:


for me the ultimate system would be =

100% exponential + high granularity + open-ended rolls + damage and attack in 1 roll + the same kind of customisation as Hero.


So it could be a mix of

DCH / Blood of Heroes (exponential) + Harp (granularity,open-ended rolls, damage & attack in 1 roll) + Hero (customisation)

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


I feel that it is' date=' but I don't [i']know [/i]if it is...I have not played every game out there to anwer the question-entirely.


Like I said, it's a religious question. Although back in the day someone's sig suggested that we just take our d6's and huck 'em at the d20 players until submit and convert; to the point where I'm called a "convert" by my fellow Board Lords.


No doubt much to their dismay on some days. ;)


Seriously, though. HERO can do Damn Near Anything and that's why I use it exclusively. I haven't found anything it can't do (except model a spoon and a rope) and although there are things it doesn't do everything well, it can still do everything. Shoot, it can do a Class System if you really want it too. That's flexibility right there.

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


for me, my religious preference would be for a dualistic approach. the god of complex, waist deep, ratchet whirling fun is named HERO, the god of simple, straight forward, and still meaty, with an "actually fun out the box" mentality is named d10 (nWoD, Scion, Exalted, etc).


i have found that i no longer have use for any others. i play the d10 games because they are fantastic, and i convert all others to HERO because all other suck mechanically, and HERO lets me build them to not suck. in a nut shell.


HERO as a be all end all? no, because its too cumbersome for some things (like horror, inho) and only works in fantasy or sci-fi with ALOT of prep by a gm to make the whole infernal contraption transparent. it is not beautiful, what with its exposed whirling gears, noxious exhaust, and complete lack of a motor, but damn if she wont pull anything you attach to her! d10 on the other hand is slick and shiny and good to show of to friends, with paddle shifters and excellent suspension; won't pull anything, but damn she runs fast and smooth. between the two i have a sports car and a work truck, what else would one need (other than maybe a minivan for the kids, but i do still have my d20 books for that, i suppose)

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


Subjectively: Yes

Objectively: No



No such thing as an ultimate system. Never will be. IMO, YMMV, etc.


Perhaps we ought to have a massive slugfest (sorry Akiva) between the systems to determine the ultimate one? I'm pretty sure the sheer number of dice we use will give us the edge in both ranged and melee combat :)

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


depends which version... SR4th trimmed down the dice pools by a bit (esp. compared to 3rd) so its back up in the air' date=' but don't forget DnD Disentegrate (sp?) which can easily have 20d6 damage[/quote']


And caps at 40d6. *boggle*


Now how the eff am I going to model that? :think: A massive RKA AVLD Power Defense? A Transform? I know!


XDM! :celebrate

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?




Later, we'll model the spell Blasphemy.




Evocation [Evil, Sonic]


Level: Clr 7, Evil 7 Components: V Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: 40 ft. Area: Nonevil creatures in a 40-ft.-radius spread centered on you Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None or Will negates; see text Spell Resistance: Yes Any nonevil creature within the area of a blasphemy spell suffers the following ill effects.

HD Effect Equal to caster level Dazed Up to caster level -1 Weakened, dazed Up to caster level -5 Paralyzed, weakened, dazed Up to caster level -10 Killed, paralyzed, weakened, dazed The effects are cumulative and concurrent.

No saving throw is allowed against these effects.



The creature can take no actions for 1 round, though it defends itself normally.



The creature’s Strength score decreases by 2d6 points for 2d4 rounds.



The creature is paralyzed and helpless for 1d10 minutes.



Living creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed.

Furthermore, if you are on your home plane when you cast this spell, nonevil extraplanar creatures within the area are instantly banished back to their home planes. Creatures so banished cannot return for at least 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creatures hear the blasphemy. The banishment effect allows a Will save (at a -4 penalty) to negate.

Creatures whose Hit Dice exceed your caster level are unaffected by blasphemy.


Good luck! I'm gonna need it.

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


And caps at 40d6. *boggle*


Now how the eff am I going to model that? :think: A massive RKA AVLD Power Defense? A Transform? I know!


What about an RKA, NND Does BOD. That gets past armor, and Hero doesn't have the same issue with hit point inflation, so an attack that gets 20 - 40 BOD through on average is likely to be fatal to pretty much anything. You can limit it to do no STUN and reduce the cost that way, if desired.

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


Since Hero is the system I'm most comfortable with and know the best, I guess it is my "ultimate" system. Certainly it is more than flexible to handle anything I throw at it, and I've rarely seen a system that can model most effects better than Hero (Feng Shui is an exception -- it does what it does better than anything).

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