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Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


Sure, why not? ;)



Okay, seriously...



I don't think there is an "ultimate" system (as in, a system that everyone would agree was the best, most useful, etc.) At best, a system could be the ultimate system for a particular person (or people).


So is HERO the "ultimate system" for me personally? No. The "ultimate" system for me would be my own homebrew system that I've never finished and almost certainly never will. But if I did finish it, it would handle every task and game situation the way I would prefer every task and game situation to be handled. HERO does not do that.


However, HERO is the ultimate system for me in the sense of being the system that best meets my needs, while also being used by enough other players that I can find people to game with. :)

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


I saw this question on M & M posed for M & M. And I was wondering how you feel. Is the Hero System the Ultimate system?:king:

Dunno... it depends on what you mean for "ultimate game system"


for me, it is because you can use hero system to build other game's item, and to create almost all game style and genres; of course, some genres is best played with hero, some other are best played with other system


btw, for superhero... dunno, never found anyone to play superhero ;_; but i think it could be UGS :)

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


It's my ultimate system.


I've played other games since I learned the hero system, but none of them made me think "I'll never play hero again".


It's theoretically possible that some other game will come around that really wins me over, that does everything hero does and better.


I'm not holding my breath, though.

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


Can MnM BUILD the Ultimate Game?


HERO - Willing Belief Suspension: Change Environment 1" radius, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (6 Active Points); OAF (Books and dice; -1), Requires A Skill: GMing Roll (-1/2)


2 Real Points


In terms of what the systems can do, there is no contest, but that is not all there is to it. I agree with AmadanNaBriona, Hero needs a few tweaks, but then that's part of the charm: we need something to talk about ont hese boards :)

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


Sure, why not? ;)



I don't think there is an "ultimate" system (as in, a system that everyone would agree was the best, most useful, etc.) At best, a system could be the ultimate system for a particular person (or people).


and Dereg closes out the thread.... :)

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


Ultimate System for me? Yes. I think Hero does allot things great, almost everything very well or all right and a very few things poorly. And the things it does poorly I can modify the rules to it does them at least "okay". When I play other systems I find myself constantly thinking "I could have done this much easier in Hero."


Now, it's not perfect. I can see the wrinkles, there are some design choices I don't agree with but the system is stable enough the modification is pretty easy. Theoretically, a new system could be released at some point between tomorrow and the end of time that blows Hero out of the water for me, but I can't imagine what it would be :)


Ultimate System overall? I'll have to say no. Everyone wants a different gaming experience so no system is going to be perfect for everyone.

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


Ultimate System overall? I'll have to say no. Everyone wants a different gaming experience so no system is going to be perfect for everyone.


Queerly, Nexus, I disagree with this statement, i.e., because everyone wants a different game experience, they can adapt HERO to just about any kind of experience you could reasonably ask for. Is it the Ultimate System?


I dunno. I consider this a religious question. :think:


Do I consider it the ultimate system? Well. It's certainly the one I'm fondest of. it's one I've run Wild West, Fantasy and Sci-Fi in and it's the only one I've played and liked enough to warrant using it across genres, and for the last two years I've only looked at d20 material as source and for interest, but I wouldn't play it. And my players almost refuse to play anything else at this point. I don't know that I think enough in absolutes to crown a victor, but I'll say this:


It's the closest thing to an ultimate system that I've found in my entire gaming career.

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


Queerly' date=' Nexus, I disagree with this statement, [i']i.e.[/i], because everyone wants a different game experience, they can adapt HERO to just about any kind of experience you could reasonably ask for.


Well, while I feel Hero is very adaptable, it can't meet up with every expectation. For example, I don't think people that enjoy Wu Shu or some of the more "out there" indie games or games with rules sets that can be printed on a 3x5 note card with room left for a doodle in the margin would ever be happy with Hero at least without altering it to the extent it really isn't the same system. And if you allow that, then any game system is the "ultimate" one.

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


Risus is one Ultimate System, GURPS another, Hero another, ORE another, and some people like this or that...


There's no one ultimate system, just different strengths and weaknesses fitting different individuals, groups and playing styles.


And all of that said, I prefer Hero. There's almost nothing I can't do with it, after appropriate tweaking.

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?



And all of that said, I prefer Hero. There's almost nothing I can't do with it, after appropriate tweaking.



This is really what I like about the system. Most the underlying structure is there and is modular enough tweaking is easier without bringing the whole thing crashing down. Maybe it's because I just "get" Hero more than I do others but I find it really captivating.

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


This is really what I like about the system. Most the underlying structure is there and is modular enough tweaking is easier without bringing the whole thing crashing down. Maybe it's because I just "get" Hero more than I do others but I find it really captivating.


Yup. Which isn't to say you can't tweak others (anything can be, and can be adjusted pretty well if you're a mavin with the system). Still, Hero is designed to allow you to do so pretty thoroughly without having to resort to excessive hand waving or breaking the game. That has always been a big chunk of its appeal.

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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


I would have to say that Hero is less likely to be the ultimate system than any of the others out there.


My idea of the ultimate system is one that gives me a fantastic gaming experience straight out of the box - delivering some kind of play experience.


Now I can tweak Hero with the best of them and I believe that my Glorantha Hero - when I eventually finish it - will be a contender for the ultimate system and it will be based purely on Hero.


But Hero straight out of the box. Nah...




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Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System?


Ultimate? Maybe.


Versatile? Definitely. Given a little time and effort you can do anything from High Fantasy to Pulp Fiction to Smurphs. I'm sure someone out there has already done Asterix and Obelisk Hero. If you can imagine it, Hero System can do it. If you can't imagine it, just ask around these forums and you'll get plenty of ways to do it anyway. Heck, if you get any two Hero gamers together to discuss any subject, you're guaranteed a minimum of three opinions.


Is it the ONLY GAME SYSTEM WORTHY OF OUR DEVOTION? No. That would be just silly.

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