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Would you allow


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OK I know the rules (FAQ actulay) says no but


I had an idea for something, not sure how to describe it, but it involves placing Continous on Teleportation to give in unlimited range, with the following rules involved


1) Character must decide on where they are traveling to, duration based on inches bought, so to travel 400" with 10" x4 would take 10 phases, assuming speed 5, 2 turns.


2) While mid port the character is "Locked into" the action, to use the above example for 2 turns the character can do nothing else, basicaly he is not there


3) END is spend each phase

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Re: Would you allow


Huh, interesting.


Essentially you're buying a large number of T-Port Inches; Extra Time with a small number of inches and an Advantage instead.


Only this way the upper limit of Inches in a "single jump" is open ended, and you're still stuck through the entire travel time.


What's the context of the Game?

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Re: Would you allow


As pictured it is for a Super-fantacy spell of travel


Basicaly the character casts the spell, then depending on the distance traveled is how long the teleport takes to get them there


But it will more likely find play as part of a super mage (Champions)...

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Re: Would you allow


You want to pay for an advantage on TPort so it takes longer? That seems like the 'Gradual Effect' Limitation to me' date=' plus your average size dose of fx.[/quote']


not exactly


If I had TP 10" I would have to make 10 jumps to gett 100", 10 times reapearing and disappearing, taking 10 phases to get there


with this idea, I would still take as long (10 phases to use the same numbers), but I would only disapear once, and reapear once, just 10 phases later

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Re: Would you allow


As pictured it is for a Super-fantacy spell of travel


Basicaly the character casts the spell, then depending on the distance traveled is how long the teleport takes to get them there


I like the idea honestly. Were I to run the campaign, I'd say yes with the caveat if it started to cause issues we'd have to rework it.


But I don't see any real issues with it to be honest, especially since you can't stop in the middle.

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Re: Would you allow


Where are you while travelling? In some sort of limbo?


The main limitaiton of having to do several small leaps to cover a large distance is, well, you might not be able to cover the distance. For example, if you were trapped in a bubble a mile under the ocean, sure you could eventually get to the surface with lots of small teleport leaps BUT:


1. the cruel GM might well impose some damage for TPing into a liquid and

2. You'd have to be able to withstand the pressure and cold.


The 'single big leap' gets round that.


I like the idea instinctively but would prefer to see it built as a longer TP with limitaitons.


In fact, just to be thoroughly grumpy, I'm not even sure I like the idea of a TP with extra time being defined as the extra time being spent teleporting: you should really be at the initial transit point until the power activates then the end point, or you are circumventing a lot of the limitation of extra time, vis, you can disappear instantly.


For a given campaign, if this was a common enough form of trasnport, no problem, but for an individual character, or in a 'general' campaign, I'd be looking askance.

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Re: Would you allow


I hate to say this but I think that EDM is really the way you want to go. I think that it better simulates the "he is not there" effect. Also it means there is already an existing set of mechanics (Transdimensional Advantage) to interact with the character while traveling.

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Re: Would you allow


I hate to say this but I think that EDM is really the way you want to go. I think that it better simulates the "he is not there" effect. Also it means there is already an existing set of mechanics (Transdimensional Advantage) to interact with the character while traveling.


I thought about EDM, my issue, and trust me it is a small one and the method I would have used otherwise, is that nothing is suppose to ever happen when he travels the pathways of magic, I agree it is a common EDM effect, but I think of EDM as a gateway advantage to adventures in weird places more than a power, this is suppose to be just for travel, I don't know if that makes much sense

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Re: Would you allow


I thought about EDM' date=' my issue, and trust me it is a small one and the method I would have used otherwise, is that nothing is suppose to ever happen when he travels the pathways of magic, I agree it is a common EDM effect, but I think of EDM as a gateway advantage to adventures in weird places more than a power, this is suppose to be just for travel, I don't know if that makes much sense[/quote']


Makes perfect sense to me. But then again, I also object to all of the "EDM to a dimension where X is true" type builds too. My response as a Ref when a power like that got used would be "Okay, EDMan has dissapeared, having gone to a different dimension. Next?" Well, okay, my actual response would be "No, you can't do that" when they presented me with the power, but the other version is more fun. :)


Just because one character (or even multiple ones) moves to a different dimension doesn't mean that the main one that they are from stops existing. Or that it stops being the main focus of the campaign.


*notices that he is ranting*


Heh...sorry 'bout that...

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Re: Would you allow


Theoretically you can build a character who is not native to Earth who has EDM (to Earth) witht he 5 point adder 'any physical location'. Theoretically you can therefore go anywhere on Earth - pretty much instantly - for 25 points.


I get round this grossly unbalancing construct by either simply disallowing it or disallowing it for Earth (but allowing travel to any location in another dimension). I'm of the view that if you want to move about HERE you use a normal 2 points for 1" type movement power.


You could combine the long distance TP with EDM to get the 'travel through nother dimension' effect if you like. Hell, you could allow unlimited instant movement for 25 points if you like, but it doesn't seem like a good idea.

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Re: Would you allow


I've done something similar from a special effects point of view, using EDM to allow characters in a campaign to access "The Spirit Paths", then allowing them to travel through those paths to emerge in locations in the physical world.


It's more hand waving in some ways, but it also had some nice built in adventure possibilities.

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Re: Would you allow


I didn't read the whole thread... sounds similar to mega scale flight, plus maybe the required Lifesupport for what ever environments you pass through.. plus maybe Desolidification if you can go through solid objects. As long as the points are around there, it shouldn't matter what the SFX (continuous teleport) is...

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Re: Would you allow


I thought about EDM' date=' my issue, and trust me it is a small one and the method I would have used otherwise, is that [b']nothing is suppose to ever happen when he travels the pathways of magic[/b], I agree it is a common EDM effect, but I think of EDM as a gateway advantage to adventures in weird places more than a power, this is suppose to be just for travel, I don't know if that makes much sense


You see, the bolded part is what I have a problem with, because now you do not have just a nifty travel power, you also have a defense that can not be over come.

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Re: Would you allow


Makes perfect sense to me. But then again, I also object to all of the "EDM to a dimension where X is true" type builds too. My response as a Ref when a power like that got used would be "Okay, EDMan has dissapeared, having gone to a different dimension. Next?" Well, okay, my actual response would be "No, you can't do that" when they presented me with the power, but the other version is more fun. :)


Just because one character (or even multiple ones) moves to a different dimension doesn't mean that the main one that they are from stops existing. Or that it stops being the main focus of the campaign.


*notices that he is ranting*


Heh...sorry 'bout that...


So you rather have the character be able to just "disappear," and no one can impact him while he is gone? Matter of fact, I'm not entirely sure what it is that you object to unless, it is EDM on general principle. He is moving to outside of the ability of normal characters to effect. It is simple to rule that he must cover same distance as in the real world. So the character would still have to buy some sort of movement power, being generous I'd allow "only on the magical paths" -1/4 on the movement power

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Re: Would you allow


I've done something similar from a special effects point of view, using EDM to allow characters in a campaign to access "The Spirit Paths", then allowing them to travel through those paths to emerge in locations in the physical world.


It's more hand waving in some ways, but it also had some nice built in adventure possibilities.


You could use this for something like Shadow Walking from Roger Zelazny's Amber series. That would be lovely. I'd be very wary about allowing it to be used as a cheap teleport though. That would be most unlovely.


The point you make though is central: if this is a 'world feature' that PCs and others can access, there is nothing wrong with it at all: if access is broad then cost is almost immaterial.

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Re: Would you allow


You could use this for something like Shadow Walking from Roger Zelazny's Amber series. That would be lovely.


Thanks, and yup, that was one of the inspirations for the campaign.


I'd be very wary about allowing it to be used as a cheap teleport though. That would be most unlovely.


The point you make though is central: if this is a 'world feature' that PCs and others can access, there is nothing wrong with it at all: if access is broad then cost is almost immaterial.


It's definitely a campaign-by-campaign issue, much like (imo) any use of EDM.

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Re: Would you allow


Put me in for believing that EDM is the best way to handle this, with some limits. It can be to "a universe where life never evolved" (or something similar) which should take care of the "stuff doesn't happen - it's just a way to travel" problem.


It also addresses the mechanics problem: the character moves to a parallel universe, makes however many hops he needs to to get to his destination and then pops out again. It avoids the problem of getting essentially unlimited distance travel for the same cost as a 10" teleport.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Would you allow


Put me in for believing that EDM is the best way to handle this, with some limits. It can be to "a universe where life never evolved" (or something similar) which should take care of the "stuff doesn't happen - it's just a way to travel" problem.


It also addresses the mechanics problem: the character moves to a parallel universe, makes however many hops he needs to to get to his destination and then pops out again. It avoids the problem of getting essentially unlimited distance travel for the same cost as a 10" teleport.


cheers, Mark


He could also buy transdimensional senses so that he could see Earth and decide where to re-emerge, without any danger to himself. The dimension he travels to could have a much faster rate of passage of time so that he could, in effect, move great distances there in what is a very short time here, and maybe even stay long enough to heal/recover charges when only a phase or two passes here, so that he re-emerges fully refreshed and ready for action. :eg:








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Re: Would you allow


He could also buy transdimensional senses so that he could see Earth and decide where to re-emerge, without any danger to himself. The dimension he travels to could have a much faster rate of passage of time so that he could, in effect, move great distances there in what is a very short time here, and maybe even stay long enough to heal/recover charges when only a phase or two passes here, so that he re-emerges fully refreshed and ready for action. :eg:









I know you're goofing around a bit, but yes, he could. :)


In some campaigns, it would be best to build that (Captain Chronos style) with a long list of powers. In others (Enter the Speed Zone style) EDM, modified and handled as the GM sees fit, would be better. Hero System in a dimensional nutshell. :)

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Re: Would you allow


I know you're goofing around a bit, but yes, he could. :)


In some campaigns, it would be best to build that (Captain Chronos style) with a long list of powers. In others (Enter the Speed Zone style) EDM, modified and handled as the GM sees fit, would be better. Hero System in a dimensional nutshell. :)


Well there are certainly plenty of nuts in here :whistle:

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Re: Would you allow


So you rather have the character be able to just "disappear' date='" and no one can impact him while he is gone? Matter of fact, I'm not entirely sure what it is that you object to unless, it is EDM on general principle. He is moving to outside of the ability of normal characters to effect. It is simple to rule that he must cover same distance as in the real world. So the character would still have to buy some sort of movement power, being generous I'd allow "only on the magical paths" -1/4 on the movement power[/quote']


I never said that I necessarily agreed with the proposed power. Just that I agreed with his interp of EDM. Please don't put words into my mouth, I'm quite capable of stating my own opinions. :)


I don't object to EDM in general. However I do generally object to it being used for something other than travelling to other dimensions. To me "I travel to another dimension where spacetime works differently and back again at a different location in this universe" is SFX for Teleport. Though I can see places where I might allow that type of thing.


With EDM I more object to things like "I use EDM to go to a universe where the bad guy's gun is about to jam". EDM moves you to another dimension, it doesn't change what is happening in this one. If you use EDM to go to another universe where something is true that you want to have happen, you are now in another universe. Unless my plan as a Ref was to make a universe hopping adventure, the game is still happening in the one that you left.

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