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"Sense Motive" In Hero


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Re: "Sense Motive" In Hero


Well I looked at the martial maneuvers section 5th edition revised. I see 3 examples of target falls. These are example of throw maneuvers. Is this the same thing? REally want I want to do is mimic the fantasy trip advanced melee spell called "trip". I found Trip as a -2 ocv maneuver on an old fantasy hero first edition sheet.


Also pole weapon fighters have a maneuver designed to trip an opponent.


What confuses me IS that I think of this maneuver as a TRIP as opposed to a THROW, is that THROWING requires 2 hands and causes some forward movement, where the target usually ends up prone in an adjacent hex.


This is as opposed to TRIPPING which knocks the legs out from some one and causes them to go straight DOWN to the ground. Maybe its called something else?


Where are those rules in 5th edition Revised?


What you want, I imagine, is legsweep, which works slightly differently from throw, but the oppoennt still goes down. Page 384 of 5ER.

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Re: "Sense Motive" In Hero


Frex: My party paladin had fits whenever he fought Worgs; because they'd come up on him, grab his leg and drag him to the deck, where, once prone, the other two (or more) in the pack would jump his @$$. In HERO, the premise is nearly identical:


Legsweep instead of trip. I believe you can even put in the element "Must follow grab" if you want too, but it isn't necessary.

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