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That number in those brackets


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Here's another question I'm sure everyone but me knows the answer to--


When looking at the notes section for an NPC or monster, what does the number in brackets after Lift and xd6 represent? I'm assuming it's the endurance cost for using Strength (which is calculated 1 for every 10 active points right?). The reason why I'm unclear is because in some of the examples I've been referring to, the math doesn't seem to add up.

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Re: That number in those brackets


Ah' date=' I just finally figured it out. Endurance cost in regards to using STR is calculated using the Characteristic score, not the Active Point cost...[/quote']


Well, I believe it's the Active Point cost of the whole STR including the 10 points for the Base 10 score. If you purchase an Advantage on your STR such as Armor Piercing, the cost of that Advantage is also calculated using the full STR value. So, for instance, if you have 20 STR with Armor Piercing the Active Point Cost is 30 and the END Cost would be shown as [3].

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Re: That number in those brackets


Page number' date=' please?[/quote']Pick a character sheet. Any character sheet, as long as it's published by DOJ. There's your reference.
Once again I'm confused. Page 12 of the Revised just says "...and the Endurance (END) cost of his STR (1 END per 10 STR).
What's confusing about it?
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Re: That number in those brackets


I think in the Powers column that's correct, but I was referring to the Notes section (after Lift and dice of damage), on the same line as STR's value, cost and roll. I'm looking at the Monsters Minions and Marauders book as reference, though I think the same format is generally used throughout.

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Re: That number in those brackets


I was trying to determine if END cost for STR is based on the value of STR or the point cost (active)' date=' which apparently is the same thing if you add 10 to the active point cost. I guess. Page 12 didn't mention this.[/quote']


p12 mentions it... every 10pts of STR you have costs 1 END to use. Pretty strait forward.


What you may be doing is mixing up the STR Value and the STR Cost.

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Re: That number in those brackets


Here's where my confusion was--


As I've never actually played this game before and I don't know anyone who is familiar with the rules, I've been using monster and NPC stat blocks to verify what I'm reading in the Revised text.


Originally I read that END cost is based on the point cost for the STR value, not the value itself. Not knowing that I'm supposed to add 10 to the point cost in order to do this calculation, the math wasn't adding up in the monster/NPC stat blocks I was referencing.


Then I read on page 12 that it is based on the STR score (which I hadn't realized, but now understand is the same thing as the point cost plus 10). All is made clear.


But I have another one for you guys...


The war demon in MM&M p.25 has a STR of 35 and an HKA worth 2d6. The description says it does 3d6+1 with STR, but isn't a STR 35 worth 2d6+1 killing damage on its own? Understanding that you can no more than double the damage with STR wouldn't his damage be 4d6 instead of 3d6+1?


Thank you for playing.

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