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With even greater power....


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Re: With even greater power....


It's the Istvatha V'han quandry...


She comes in, conquers you, most likely uplifts you and removes a lot of poverty and strife, puts part of her bureaucracy in charge and goes off to the next dimension...


You could quite likely have higher technology and standard of living than before, your army become Istvatha's army instead of your countries army, your laws are her laws now, your leader is her instead.


In the end, have you really given up freedom? ?


That depends. What happens to me when I complain about her regime?

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Re: With even greater power....


It's the Istvatha V'han quandry...


She comes in, conquers you, most likely uplifts you and removes a lot of poverty and strife, puts part of her bureaucracy in charge and goes off to the next dimension...


You could quite likely have higher technology and standard of living than before, your army become Istvatha's army instead of your countries army, your laws are her laws now, your leader is her instead.


In the end, have you really given up freedom? Or have you simply exchanged one leader for another? Does the idea of a foreign entity ruling you in name cause that much difference at the ground level?


Or is it a matter of pride?


I'd expect the first generation or two would keep fighting hard, for all sorts of reasons. At worst, I'd expect a US occupation of Iraq / Israeli occupation of the territories situation; at best, a US occupation of Japan model (which would require V'Han to find Earthman collaborators already in government).


Those in power now, corrupt and honest alike, would want their power back. Those who benefited from their regimes, in every country, would be natural supporters.


Those who lost loved ones and property in the conquest (unless it was entirely bloodless) would want both vengeance and to drive off the occupiers.


Nationalists would fight in the name of Country, and some believers in the name of G_d.


Those disadvantaged by the new regime would fight for compensation.


Those who don't trust damn foreigners would trust damn aliens even less, and might easily end up joining insurgents.


All of that said, by generation two or three, with the benefits of V'Han's rule undeniable, resistance would likely fade to fanatic terrorist cells; an interesting option if you have time traveling PCs who want to side with the "rebels". ;)

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Re: With even greater power....


It's the Istvatha V'han quandry...


She comes in, conquers you, most likely uplifts you and removes a lot of poverty and strife, puts part of her bureaucracy in charge and goes off to the next dimension...


You could quite likely have higher technology and standard of living than before, your army become Istvatha's army instead of your countries army, your laws are her laws now, your leader is her instead.


In the end, have you really given up freedom? Or have you simply exchanged one leader for another? Does the idea of a foreign entity ruling you in name cause that much difference at the ground level?


Or is it a matter of pride?

Well stated, good scenario.

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Re: With even greater power....


Actually, a really good twist is your PCs take over. They're suppressing minor resistance. People aren't happy, but they aren't offended enough to take up open arms.


Then Istvatha V'han shows up, saying that, if you're going to be led by somebody, why not her? She invades, the PCs try to stop her and drum up support. Then, of course, you have the groups fighting both her and the PCs, double-crosses, all sorts of things. Now THAT could be entertaining . . .

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