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Tk Question


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A player grabs a target the target is lifted in the air, are the targets hands pinned automatically?


The target can Block an attack by the tk in general correct?



the target is going to be slammed into a wall for a strength attack can the target block this (if the target has or gets an action)?


Thanks for the answers


Lord Ghee

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Re: Tk Question


A player grabs a target the target is lifted in the air, are the targets hands pinned automatically?


The target can Block an attack by the tk in general correct?



the target is going to be slammed into a wall for a strength attack can the target block this (if the target has or gets an action)?


Thanks for the answers


Lord Ghee


  1. Yes.
  2. The book does not directly address this issue but I believe this is correct. However, the TK needs to be perceived by the target. That might not be a default if the TK was bought with IPE or was built as part of a Psychic game where TK gets a certain amout of IPE for free.
  3. I'm a little confused by the question. "going to be slammed into a wall" indicates that the target has already been grabbed and is about to be thrown. The answer would be the same for a traditional "Brick" attempting to do the same thing to a target. The Grab can definitely be Blocked but I don't think the Throw can.

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Re: Tk Question


so the evil Jedi attemts to grab the good Jedi with standard tk is this blockable.



one player suggest that one needs missle deflects or something special

(one cannot block somthing that is not thee)



I suggest that it is a mechanic that one would have to just declare block, one would have to percive the attack to leaving the description to the gm or not




Lord Ghee

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Re: Tk Question


TK works like a normal grab, and immobilises two limbs: they do not have to be the arms.


I'm not sure TK can be blocked, although a GM might allow it. If it can not be blocked, it can definitely be missile deflected. Technically it is a ranged attack, so the default position would be block does not work, but the practical useage might mitigate against a strict approach.


Once a target is TK grabbed, I would not allow a block to prevent 'slam' damage any more than I would allow it if it was normal STR grabbed: there is no seperate attack roll, so nothing to go OCV v OCV on.


However, if you grab and slam, maintain the grab (if the GM allows that) and want to slam again next phase, you DO need a seperate attack roll (failure indicating you can not inflict damage that phase, but NOT breaking the grab), and I'd allow a block attepmt (with penalties for being in a grab) to be attempted (if you were allowing blocks to TK - see above).


Although the book says that TK is not reactive, it has that wrong - if it was non reactive, then you WOULD be able to pick yourself up, without any kind of bracing. You can't, but nor can you grab something and be towed (but you can tow something), or pull yourself up to a solid, fixed object. Best not to think of it in terms of physics, just accept the rule. If you want to be able to grab and pull, or be towed, I'd suggest you might like to buy flight, or stretching and have the sfx look a lot like your TK.


Having said that, here is a little thought experiment:


Player: Can I lift a manhole cover with my 40 STR TK?


GM: Sure, so long as it is not nailed down.


Player: It isn't: so I lift it, say a foot off the ground, OK?


GM: Yeah, got that.


Player: What happens if I step on it?


There's the rub: you can easily wear the weight, so does it suddenly plummet to the ground, or does it remain where it is? Neither makes much sense, in context.


If you can lift yourself with a manhole cover, what about your clothes? Your hair?


The answer is that you have to abandon cause and effect and adopt the attitude: them's the rules. They are there for balance reasons, pure and simple. You can't lift yourself, because if you did, it would be a movement power. Buy a movement power, possibly in an EC, and use that to move, but call it a TK hoist and shift.

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Re: Tk Question


There's the rub: you can easily wear the weight, so does it suddenly plummet to the ground, or does it remain where it is? Neither makes much sense, in context.


You know, I can easily lift a manhole cover a foot off the ground with my normal STR too... but I bet you tell me it plummets to the ground the minute I try to stand on it ;)


I believe it was the MSH game that explained that most TK useres can't levitate or fly until they get past the mental block of "lifting stuff with long, invisible hands".

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Re: Tk Question


You know, I can easily lift a manhole cover a foot off the ground with my normal STR too... but I bet you tell me it plummets to the ground the minute I try to stand on it ;)


I believe it was the MSH game that explained that most TK useres can't levitate or fly until they get past the mental block of "lifting stuff with long, invisible hands".



More importantly there is nothing against buying flight defined as TK self lifting, there is a difference between the mechanic and the F/X here

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