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Trial of Redmark and his men.


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There is a court case coming up. Some mercenaries came to sack a town. I need ideas on how to handle this case that the players have brought.


Early Background: The players are survivors of an attack of by mercenaries that destroyed their small town. The players were lead astray tracking down early warnings of danger they discovered. When the return their town is sacked. The only one left is the captain of the guard, and leader of the militia they belonged to... The heroes are sons and daugthers of nobles that have moved north to keep an eye on the north border. They had no clue that their parents were nobles till they returned, and were informed by the captain of the guard. They now must make the journey to the capital city to relay the unfortunate events.


More recent Background: on a side trip, the heroes spot a battered woman is running through the forest. She is stopped by the heroes. They find out that her town is going to be attacked by the same group that had attacked there town. She is wearing only and armored shirt and leather slippers. This is the same armor, that was found on the mercs who destroyed their home town. They have an opportunity to stop this attack, and make amens for what they couldn't do for their own town.


At the end of the battle the heroes and some locals reduce the mercs to a mere 10. The Leader, aka Redmark, is left to defend himself verbally in a trial.


A note: A Mesophian is a northerner, think roman warriors. Conquerers. The Mesophians were occupiers of the heroes lands and during a 1000 year rule. The invaders were finally pushed out about 100 years ago. Some are discovered now and then and put to the sword.




Defenders: Redmark and his 10 surviving mercenaries.

Accusers: Town of Parthersville, the heroes (lothar, jordi, kaiden, akrev, alganth, koras), seasoned npcs (Corbet, Camlo, Telma)


Captain Redmark will be speaking in defense of himself and his men.


Redmark says: "We were lawfully hired by Allius to put down the mesophian threat in Parthersville. We brought men up, did some looking around and approached a farmer where we questioned a farmer and family. The owner attacked rather than chatting. We defended and took a prisoner the family. I sent scouts to the surrounding village. There I lost 3 men, murdered with out provacation. one was tortured, bound, shot in the foot with Koras arrow, and tortured by this Lothar fellow. I defy the accuser to counter me on this issue. The farm was then beset on by Corbet, Camlo, Telma, the accusers, and 3 others. After the parlay phase, I sent out a man to signal combat, and Koras again in a cowardly and unorthodox move, back shot the messenger. I urge you all listening to understand the actions taken. Yes, we understand now the town was not besieged by Mesophians. I offer to rebuild both bridges. None of your townsmen were killed. It is I that suffer great personal loss and dignity, having undertaken this venture. Many mens live were lost here. Let us not continue the mistake by hanging my men..."

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Re: Trial of Redmark and his men.


The questioning begins with Lothar of Greendel (PC).


1. If you (the captain) were only defending yourself from a farmer, why would the girl (daughter? I cannot find my notes) be fleeing in terror? When we caught up with her, she kept asking us not to kill her. Where would she get that idea?


2. If you were only trying to gather information, how could a farmer be such a threat to an armed and armored warrior and his armed retunie, that you are forced to kill him? Could you not subdue him and take him prisoner, like you did with the others?



Redmark maintains a solemn polite and sincere demeanor when being questioned.


Redmark Replies: All good and reasonable questions.


1) Admittedly she was being chased by my men. She struggled, bravely. and regretibly she had to be subdued for lack of a better word before surrendering. We sought to recapture her so the attack would not be spoiled. We had no plans of doing away with her. Perhaps she was upset at an uncertain future. No harm would have come to her.


2) We faced the farmer en Masse. We did indeed subdue him. He panicked and drew his weapon. The farmer and his wife, where not killed and will likely continue to live healthy lives.


Lothar continues with his second round:


3. What did Elias hire you to do to any "supposed mesophian" you found?


4. In what capacity was Elias when he hired you? Was he an agent of some organization? Was he a representitive of the Atir Council? What authority did he wield to hire you to end this "threat"?



Captain Redmark replies with out hesitation, with a voice full of remorse.


3) We were ordered to bring any found and PROVEN mesophian to justice. Part of the action required us to obtain his proof. Unfortunately you by your own mystic means sent his soul spiraling to the other side before we could meet to see his proof.


4) Allius hired me representing himself. He did not represent any authority. Though I suspect he was not alone in this matter, as much of planning goes into this sort of thing not to mention the well as a handsome some of silver.

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Re: Trial of Redmark and his men.


[DM] .... have any of you out there in Hero land have any experience on how this trial should be run? No towns folk were killed. Mercs took 66% casualties. One farmers family was roughed up. ... I set it up, but since the players are demanding justice... i just dont know what to do.

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Re: Trial of Redmark and his men.


Your setting, you decide how trials should go.


Largely though I think that proceedings generally... proceed, according to the dictates of the local authority i.e. whomever's the Big Boss of the area. Perhaps they operate by authority invested in them by a higher power (a god, a king, a ruling council, whatever), or their own might.


Irregardless, the guy who answers the question of "You and what army?" with "THIS one," is most likely going to get his way. Or at least have a heavy influence in it.

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Re: Trial of Redmark and his men.


Fantasy setting?


Middle-ages cultural level?


Most likely course of action: Public burning at the stake in the town square in lieu of a trial.


I wouldn't bother with this level of formalism in the slightest. Heck, if I was the character it would have been after the battle coup de grace all around.



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Re: Trial of Redmark and his men.


If you really want these to survive and come back later you could try:


Perhaps trial by combat, but a PC will definately want a piece of that action.

Perhaps they bribe the local lord or have his daughter kidnapped by allies and he'll release them.

Perhaps they could buy thier way out of trouble.

Find them guilty and sell them into slavery.

Maybe the lord takes the rap and the others are sent down the mines to work.

Find them guilty and hold them for ransom.

Prisoner exchange..



Must stop typing..:help:

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Re: Trial of Redmark and his men.


Depends on the setting. I approve of the whole trial idea - very few societies operate entirely on the basis of "I killed him, what you gonna do about it" and establishing the idea that there is an operative legal system goes along way to bringing the players onto the side of the good guys. Trust me, that'll be good in the long term for the campaign.


I've already had one legal case in my current game where the players got an opponent outlawed and a bounty put on his head - they liked that, especially because they've met several tough bounty-hunters, but it also subtly made the point that if they behave like he did, the same could happen to them....


Some options to consider are:


Decide what the people running the trial think - as you note, the mercenaries got decimated and the town suffered no real harm. They are unlikely to be out for blood unless they really hate mercenaries. At the same time, they probably realise that it could have gone badly - they are unlikely to want these guys around.


One option is to just to string them up as a warning, but there's not much rolepaying in that.


If you have trial by combat or ordeal the captain might demand it, if he thinks he might otherwise be in deep doodoo. Trial by combat is always good for roleplaying - but if you introduce it, be prepared for the players to try to cliam it at some point.


If the mercs can make a case that they only did what they were paid to, they might even be let off. This is likely to piss the players off, so if you choose this option make sure sure you sweeten the pot by the same court awarding them some honours and making it plain that a) they did the right thing capturing the mercs rather than killingthem out of hand and B) levey some sort of penalty, even if it's a promise of service, an oath never to return, or some sort of reckoning with whoever hired them. Another suitable penalty is a big weregild for the people they did kill (at the first village) with a pledge to return at a certain date with the cash, if they don't have enough. That means the players will have to return on that same date to collect.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Trial of Redmark and his men.


Mark you make a lot of good points. I did not think of it something as relevent but I will try to explain it now.


I try to run the game as a "high road" heroic fiction game. I wouldnt call it tolkien-esque heroic fiction, but I do consider it good vs. evil, and flashy at time, with out being to magic excessive. Also, the average folk isnt slogging down a medival london mud covered street. Nor are most of my NPC's toothless poor. I try to paint a decently comfortable world, where grey IS black, and most other things are filmed in technicolor.


Mostly its suppose to be good heroic fiction. The players should have fairly decent morals. Unfortunately the players are acting psychotic. So, im getting a little tiffed off.


Here I set up the perfect opportunity to get revenge on the blighters that are responsible for sacking their homes, and changing their lives for ever. But what I ended up with was the mage telekenetically twisting a bound up prisoner's privates, the Sylvan archer shooting a bound prisoner in the foot to make him talk... after being telek'd... another npc is backshot, the paladin spouting how hed just can't WAIT for the hangings.. uhhh... its like playing in a dnd world....


I need to make it an in game lesson with out being too heavy handed. I've been accused of being heavy handed before :) I'm really just mis understood ...


Well yes, the mercs got decimated. The main aggrevant was fried/fireballed. The farmer/wife were captured. The daughter was beaten. They did save the town from a good sacking... But I am really unsatisified by the way they did things.


It really took all the goodness out of the heroes. The heroes really acted quit... evil. It didnt sit well. So I thought I would do the trial.


I need to explain a bit about the history of the world. I never really thought about the legal aspect of things. I am basing law on a trial by peers. The lands are one united kingdom (for give the pun). This part of the continent is the only place that the gods still watch over. The rest of the world is moving on. This kingdom is all human, split into about 10 clans or tribes, or blood lines.


Each tribe is another aspect of the ancient defending military. that would drive off enemies that intended on settling. There is a sacred trust that the gods passed on which states that Magic would continue to work in the lands as long as no other races moved into the domain. So the reason that there are no city states with in the lands and very little land ownership out side cities is that land is passed by blood, or sold.


So most law is civil. I never pictured the lands as having lords over it, because the tribes live where they always have. Old mrs buckingham has lived in that house 80 years, build by her great great..... great 537 years ago.


There is no king over the empire, its a council of 3 of each tribe/clan, a senior and 2 juniors. There are no recorded earth shaking disputes between tribes, as the tribes act together as one giant living military soul when they need to.


archers, lancers, hvy cav, light cav, medium/light foot, guerilla, sea going... Its cool, its on my web site though not explained that way.


I guess theres a sheriff and a mayor of most towns. I liked the whole ransoming thing because then my beloved world doesnt turn into a dnd game where every one kills haphazardly and loots bodies. It puts a little fortitude in and makes the game more flexible. Makes players more wary of their actions.


Now, nothing better than assaulting a military enemybase. Thats perfectly legal. :)


The truth of the matter is... the mercs really were bad. They did come to snog this town, but they did it because they were hoping to kill mesophians. The big guy redmark, hired the men under false pretenses. Redmark is pretty darned evil. He master minded this assault as well as several others that did not go well. Redmark is actually working for the antagonist.


Im hoping the players do more digging.


So with your suggestion, I will have the mercs warned, and ordered never to return. Redmark I will have to think on what to do with. The honors thing i have to think about because they acted so poorly during the combat. The healer and the highlander/sword dancer were more gentlemanly than the paladin, mage and archer. go figure. Actually, Redmark and his officers acted with more properly than the pc's


I'll re-read this list of postings and really give it some more thought.

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Re: Trial of Redmark and his men.


When I first read the scenario, I thought perhaps it was a frame-up of Redmark, by brigands who agitated the locals against the mercenaries.


Not that the mercenaries had to be innocent, or very innocent. By definition, their profession -- a legitimate one -- is hiring out to kill, pillage, loot, and so forth for anyone with the means to afford their services.


If these mercenaries were hired by 'the current administration', then they'd be 'not guilty' by reason of being the mercenaries of the current administration.


If the administration changed hands to those of their employers in the intervening time, then too they'd be 'not guilty' by reason of being the mercenaries of the new administration.


Wasting good mercenaries by killing them for 'crimes' they committed is pretty expensive. Certainly a small fine and or 'community service' of going out and killing the other side would be consistent.

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Re: Trial of Redmark and his men: resolved


in case you are curious, this is how it panned out. I caved in abit, also, I ignored some of the pleas of the pc's for leancy, as well as their. I'm not proud of my DM'ing because I felt heavy handed... A fault a times.


Written by the Cabadon Player. Read on:


Gamers there: Eric, Mickey, Moshe, Josh


We started at the point where we were escorting the captured prisoners back to the village. After turning them over and getting the initial info, we went to Elius's house and gathered evidence and treasure. We found some ledgers, some money, a valuable sword and other minor stuff. The ledgers pointed to the fact that Elius was sending money to a shady merchant in Kaithersville called Pointacrate. Essentially he was selling lots of stuff to Pointacrate for a significant loss. In addition, his legder showed a 250 sp shipment from the Bank of Kaithersville. The letters pointed to a man named Redipol as the main instigator of the whole attack . It was his urging that pushed the paranoid Elius into believing the local Cabadon and the entire village was Misophians.


Anyways, Alliganshe, Acrev and later Loras interrogated prisoners, including Redmark. Essentially, we learned the following:

They were hired legally, Redmark took the word of 2 "reputable men", Elius and Redipol, as the only evidence to attack the town. His orders were to kill the people in the farms first, then everyone in town. He admitted his men killed the girl's parents. He attempted to blame their inexperience, but did it really matter when they were going to kill anyone anyway.


The trial judges were 3 people, an outside Judge, Judge Stewart from a larger town, the Mayor and the Sheriff. We pleaded our case, quite eloquently if I do say so myself but the judge was strangely lenient. Evidently people where we come from will forgive anything if you say "they are misophian". The wounded soldiers were ransomed back, stripped of their ability to be mercenaries and must serve as guards for the village. Redmark and the unwounded soldiers were sent to Atir to goto Prison. Evidently large mercenary forces have been using the "they are misophian" excuse to destroy 4 other villages, we and the judge are to goto Atir to testify on that issue also.


For some bizarre reason, they tried to prosecute Koras for shooting the prisoner in the foot and shooting the guy doing the Parley before getting back to the line. Although not defending what he did, I tried to explain that he should not be penalized since his actions resulted in the saving of numerous lives and if Koras would be punished, we all should. His first judgement was that we all should serve in the Atir for 1 year. My character was incensed. We convinced the judge to get rid of this and instead refer us to combat ettiquette training in the capitol.


We traveled to Atir and testified on both issues. We have to let Joel know what the characters are going to do during the 5 yr time

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