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I am so, so old...

Scott Heine

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Re: I am so, so old...


Scott, that is so VERY cool.

Enjoy; I know you will.


We don't have any kids of our own, but one of my wife's friends has two boys, who LOVE to play Talisman with me.

We've bought them their own copy for Christmas, and I hope to teach them Champions in a couple more years, when they're old enough.

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Re: I am so, so old...



When did I become so old? I'm going to be GMing for my kids! My teenagers-that-drive kids! Oh my...


Nifty stuff Scott. :)


And I understand the line I quoted. The newest member of our group is a 18 year old kid.... who happens to be the oldest son of the first girl I ever dated way back in High School (we are the same age). Boy did I feel old when I thought of it that way.

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Re: I am so, so old...


Years ago, I taught my friends and older brother to play Champions. Now, I've gotten my friend's daughter and sons to play it. Also, their youngest daughter has already hinted when she's old enough, she'd like to play. Ah, to introduce three generations to Champions... :king:

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Re: I am so, so old...


For a brief while I had my nephews 'turned on' to gaming...One dropped away from the hobby and one now just does it via such things as World Of Warcraft and such (pheh!). And as for my kids.....sigh. I envy you sir.


And your campaign idea sounds quite cool. If you have the chance, please

post some further details/game logs as things progress..




P.S. 43 isn't old....you're just 21 with 22 years experience !! (So says someone with 26 years experience at being 21.)

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Re: I am so, so old...


Nifty! I just bought a copy of Talisman for our family as well. Looking forward to the random mayhem!


Talisman is a hoot; you and your kids should have a blast.


They wanted to play D&D with me, but I don't know it well enough to run it.

I figured they weren't quite ready for Hero yet (the older one is only 10), but Talisman is a good intro.

I figure I can get them into FH by saying, "So how would you like to make up your own Talisman character?"

Either that, or go straight to superheroes; whatever works.

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Re: I am so, so old...


Age is just a state of mind. I just passed 22 for the second time last April. :D


My daughter has mentioned wanting me to run something for her in HERO. She just turned 11. She's skimmed through Sidekick, and seems to have a pretty good grasp of things.


Right now she's into WoW, but I figure that when she wants something with a bit more depth, she'll be back and ready for a real RPG.


She's also played Talisman, and loved it (especially since she whooped up on me something fierce). :(

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Re: I am so, so old...


We're all getting old.


Some of us are just getting old more gracefully than others. I'm very glad you're getting a chance to share the things you love with the people you love. Enjoy it. :-)


Gracefully? Some of use draw the line at the tutu.



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Re: I am so, so old...


Good luck with the next generation, Champions deserves more followers. Given that a youngling like myself (a minority on the hero boards it seems) is stealing your idea for a game ill bet they will enjoy it.


On that note what if an npc character mysteriously retained his memories and acts as a kind of mentor to the new players- of course if it was me running a plot like that he would later turn out to be one of the bad guys from the future and the pc's have been working counter to their true cause. When they find out will they be able to right all the wrongs they have unwittingly done before it is too late?


Aside from that this thread brings new meaning to the term senior member, and now ill run as iam outnumbered :P

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Re: I am so, so old...


I have my hero system books on shelves behind my workspace. my old D&D books from 1979, CoC & others take up the rest of the space.


Anyways, my 12-year-old is impressed because I/we have a larger game library than any of his friends.


I guess the ol' man's good for something. :)

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Re: I am so, so old...


I ran some Hero stuff for Nestor's daughter and her friends. It was a lot of fun, as they didn't know their limits and would ask me "can I do 'X'?" And I'd figure out how to let them do that in Hero.


PS: I'd also love to have you bring your kids to the next Hero Con, Scott!

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Re: I am so, so old...




i must be old when i got as good, if not better, selection of books then the gaming store


my own kids burn me out on playing. it one thing to play once aweek, but when you're talking every night without a chance to put something together


mine have played stawars:saga, champions, DnD, fantasy hero

my daughter ran Harry Potter at RoundCon. its a homebrew based on decipher startrek that is kept alive on the internet. wish I could remember the names of the guys who did it. think on yahoo their group is Coda lives


I still have, a bit battered, the original V&V box with several adventures

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Re: I am so, so old...


Well, I've introduced my son to gaming of all kinds, and at age 15 he comes and plays with our regular group about half the time (i.e., when he's got a character in that particular campaign), and to the cons we attend. Hero was actually one of the last of the systems I use that I introduced him to - I started with d6 Star Wars (and my wife started using RPG concepts in regular play from the beginning - he'd get annoyed when the black knights in the play set tried to make a case that they were the good guys; they were just supposed to fight!). He does a lot more online games (FPS mostly), in large part because of accessibility - he can play any time just by logging in.


So don't feel "old" - feel "accomplished." It's always a good thing to introduce new gamers to good games.

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