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Need help with a power


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Re: Need help with a power


The problem with balancing Suppress Healing (which includes Regeneration) is that the healers aren't where the wound is when the wound is made, so they're not affected, unless there's a Trigger or Sticky on the Suppress.


Well, that's one problem. There's also deciding on the value of the limitation "Only Regeneration of Body Resulting From This Wound".


Also, does it apply to the Regeneration on Bleeding damage?


I'd recommend Transformation, rather than Suppress.


Just Transform the target into a version of themself with less Body.

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Re: Need help with a power


One of my players wants an attack that cannot be healed with regeneration or outside sources (natural healing only).


I was thinking of a suppress vs healing (0 End,continuous) powers linked to the attack.


Any other ideas?



I'm always wary of making a build until I know the SFX of the power. Can you describe how this works and more importantly why this works?

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Re: Need help with a power


If the GM is willing to have the Transformed target automatically change incrementally as (s)he naturally heals, I'd agree with Comic's take. Overall, this is the easiest way to do it.


If not, I suppose you could link the original attack with a BODY Drain, Continuous, Uncontrolled, 0 END, Only to max BODY lost and not naturally healed yet. So the Healing/Regeneration hits, and is then automatically Drained back away a second or two later.

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Re: Need help with a power


You could tack on a Continuous Uncontrolled Delayed Effect Killing Damage Only for counteracting Regeneration or Healing. Or just Suppress Regen.


Yeah, I want to know the sfx too. Is it caustic or is it a cursed wound? Does the wound just keep reopening or continue to seep no matter what the healers do?

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