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Need a name


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Character is a patriot in the sense of the USAgent, kind of a jerk, but still heroic (debate it elsewhere, I feel USAgent is a heroic character).


Spy type background, a Goverment agency (PRIMUS, CIA, FBI, etc..., have not decided which) has asked him to be part of the hero team to make sure that america's interest are being met. While he is not to activly spy on them he is expected to file reports (He does not have to give SI's or such, but is expected to report what the team has done). To his credit he does not hide that he does this, but it should still create some conflict


Power wise I want him to be a trick ammo hero, my first inclination is an archer, but I am not married to that idea. I am also playing around with an idea of giving him a multi-purpose gun (Think Judge Dredd)


So any suggestions for a name for this character would be nice, it is also important that the name has a certain patriotic Flair.

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Re: Need a name


US Themed Superheroes - Wikipedia



Champions-Earth 1



Champions-Earth 2



Champions-Earth 3



Champions-Earth 4



Champions-Earth 5



San Angelo-Earth









Silver Age Sentinals-Earth



Mutants and Masterminds-Earths



Brave New World-Earth







More later... Cheers




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Re: Need a name


Tyrannis? (As in 'Sic Semper Tyrannis', with an implied double meaning.)


Or, in homage to the founding fathers and revolutionaries, name him after one of them? Revere? Prescott? Freemason? Trueborn (Son of Liberty)? Liberty Boy? Corny, I know, some of them might sound.. but what motivates your patriot? What star's light guides his way, and makes him able to be the jerk he is?

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Re: Need a name


Could give him a bunch of mini-missiles and call him Rocket, as in "rockets' red glare".


Star or Major Star, Captain Star, etc.with trick shuriken.


Minuteman with a trick-ammo firing rifle could be good.


I don't know if I like the name, and first I was against the shuriken, but with the symbolism of the flag it has grown on me...

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Re: Need a name


William Wright or Bill Wright. Oh, wait that's a private identity...


Actually I stole that from a fiction story, can't remember the title, but the character's hero ID was Captain Constitution. The story collection was edited by John Varley. Superheros or some such for the book title.


If he uses a blade he could be George Washington: Carver


Okay that was really dumb. Past my bedtime the sanity censor is off duty.


Freedom Fighter, Liberty's Lance... no he wouldn't use a lance. LAW of Liberty? He might use a Light Anti-tank Weapon. Is there some other bit of ordinance that begins with an L and is contemporary? Alliteration is not really necessary, how about The Champion of the Republic? Longwinded (like me). The Republican. Confusing but could be fun.


Laser has an L.


I think DC had a hero named Uncle Sam that claimed to be THE Uncle Sam.


Too late to really do this query Justice.. wait TJAW Truth, Justice &....



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Re: Need a name


Hmm. Are you looking for his agency codename or the name his public persona has?


I'm guessing his public image is purer than driven snow, The All American , boy next door type who is putting his ass on the line to protect his homeland.


Some names evoke stoic defence and patriotism better than others but some names sound too British in my ears for your puposes: Vanguard, HomeGuard...


I'll give this some thought.

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Re: Need a name


Hmm. Are you looking for his agency codename or the name his public persona has?


I'm guessing his public image is purer than driven snow, The All American , boy next door type who is putting his ass on the line to protect his homeland.


Some names evoke stoic defence and patriotism better than others but some names sound too British in my ears for your puposes: Vanguard, HomeGuard...


I'll give this some thought.


I would figure that his public image would definatly be "cleaner" than the truth, but probably not without some controversy, as I think most patriotic characters would get the backlash of either the opposing party or the goverment is always wrong crowd


I did decide on a gun for him, for probably the worst reason imaginable, I started thinking about points, and realised to get him on budget will be tight, thus the OAF instead of the OIF I would use for most of the other weapons, I know, munchkiny but well you do what you got to do...

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Re: Need a name


We had a Rogue Trooper rip-off in our campaign called Major Magnum who sounds similar to this guy.


Anywhore what about Trooper or Ranger for a military feel?


Ranger is not a bad name at all


I think he is going to have three names


1) his real name

2) his code-name (Used by the agency he works for), I really like Rattlesnake for this one

3) his cover (Super-hero name). Going back and forth on Trooper or Patriot on this one right now...

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Re: Need a name


If he had a Jetpack you could call him Rocket Ranger, if he was 6 inches tall you could call him The Pocket Patriot


I'll get me' coat...



If he is Codename Rattlesnake are ther other Codename [insert North American Snake Here] types?


Perhaps his predecessors went rogue, perhaps they are still in service but much murkier and less scrupulous than the public face - Rattlesnake?


Assasins, spys and what have you.

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Re: Need a name


I want to thank everyone, at this point I think I will be calling his "Hero ID" The Patriot, his SAT code name "Rattlesnake", as for his real name, that I will leave blank for now (this has to do with while I refer to him as a he depending on what player randomly draws him it might be a her

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